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Beyond The Dimrill Gate  by Jay of Lasgalen 16 Review(s)
BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/4/2006
I've been reading this since the beginning, but have not yet reviewed.

I loved the idea that Elladan can lend Elrohir strength to heal himself. You are so good at highlighting their special bond.

The meeting with the dwarves is interesting. I thought Elladan might throttle that one dwarf for his comment about Elrohir. Luckily, the leader seems to be a nice guy.

It will be interesting so see how the dwarves react to finding out that E & E are Galadriel's grandsons.

Great job!

Author Reply: You've been procastinating! I never, never mind late reviews :)

I think that as twins - especially elven twins - Elladan and Elrohir share a close bond. They know each other's feelings and emotions, and just 'know' one another so well after 3000 years together. It also makes them very protective - the dwarf was lucky!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/4/2006
Hi there! I don't remember whether or not I reviewed your last chapter, but here I am. Meeting the Dwarves was an unexpected, but welcome, twist. I like the sort of wary acquaintanceship that they all settle on, prompted by mention of Elrond. The Dwarves seem pretty levelheaded, but boy howdy are they going to regret not checking out that red glow a little further.

I also like the idea that the Man in the Moon song originated in Imladris. The twins taught it to Aragorn, who taught it to Bilbo, who taught it to Frodo! Of course! And then Aragorn must have been surprised to hear it again in Bree all those years later.

Author Reply: I'm glad you like the dwarves! I know it was some time after this story is set that Balin came to Moria - but it made sense for an advance party to look first. It also seemed clear that dwarves were fairly frequent visitors to Imladris, so they'd know Elrond.

I was trying to think of ways in which Estel might have tried to keep himself awake - and singing songs was obvious. The Man in the Moon song seems the sort of thing the twins would teach a child!

BTW, happy birthday :)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/4/2006
I can't imagine the shock of running into a friendly person in Moria, after what they had just been through there. I am sure the dwarves were stunned by Elladan speaking their language, too. The dwarf learned an important lesson about not assuming anything, I'm sure.

A dragon seems reasonable. Does make you wonder what other creatures might live in the deeps of Moria. The critter outside of Moria in Hollin was frightening enough.

Estel is getting some important lessons as well.

Author Reply: I'm not entirely sure that all the dwarves are friendly, but at least they're on the same side. Imladris was a refuge - Thorin and his companions stopped off there (twice), Gimli and Gloin sought advice there, so I think dwarves were frequent visitors. It makes sense for Elladan and Elrohir to know their language.

I keep telling myself I can't let E3 know about the Balrog; so they've read all the clues and come up with a logical, but quite wrong, answer. They're not the sort to give up and go away empty-handed with no solution at all.

Estel is growing on me as I write. He's growing up fast - he was full of confidence at being able to stay awake the whole time, but found he couldn't - and he realised that, and woke Elladan to take over. It was far more sensible than trying to keep going, and failing.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/4/2006
Great! I was hoping some dwarves would show up. You haven't written much about dwarves. I have been wondering how you would portray them.

I love the way you weave bits of previous stories into your new ones, but here, the glimpses of the past remind me that Elladan and Elrohir share so much history that Estel can never really know. There's a certain sadness in that.

I see that two of your stories -- High Flight and With Friends Like These -- made the Mithril Awards finals. Congratulations!

Author Reply: Well, this is Moria, and Balin's been thinking about setting up a new colony there - so I've stayed with canon and sent his nephew to investigate. He's a fairly elf-friendly dwarf fortunately.

You're right about Elladan and Elrohir's shared history. After three thousand years together, there's nothing they don't know about each other. Estel, even though they call him 'brother', can never be part of that - but he loves hearing the tales.

I see that two of your stories -- High Flight and With Friends Like These -- made the Mithril Awards finals. They did? That's great! I haven't been contacted yet. :>)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/3/2006
Lots of little moments here, Jay, as the viewpoint changes and the company arrives. I like the way Estel decides to do the sensible thing and wake Elladan. And the link to Dwalin is cool.

I'm interested in the notion that Smaug was the last of the dragons. Someone else told me that too and cited the Encyclopedia of Arda as their source. Do you know of a place in Tolkien where that's stated? Because I couldn't find it.

Author Reply: I was going to let Estel keep watch all night, but decided that it would prove his maturity and responsibility more if he admitted he was too tired, and woke Elladan. It also hatched that interesting plot bunny about Elladan's first patrol!

I don't know if Smaug was the last dragon actually - I just assumed he was. Both elves and dwarves find it plausible that there's another one lurking in Moria, so perhaps there are more.

E3 have looked at all the facts, weighed up the evidence, listened to other opinions, and have drawn quite the wrong conclusion! I didn't think they'd be satisfied unless they had an answer, though.


rikkiReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/3/2006
Hmmm, let's hope that the dwarves are willing to provide directions out of this mountain before the orcs find the elves again. Though it probably felt good to get back at the dwarves and declare one's grandmother as the witch the dwarves were just complaining about, I am not sure how they are going to take Elledan's news. It seems that the dwarves are more in the know about what is in Moria and not sharing the knowledge. They are certainly pretty calm about orcs and trolls running about the place and with the past history of elves and dwarves I don't think the twins and Estel should be too relaxed about depending on them for help.

I am enjoying your descriptions of the cave, the vaulted ceiling in the main hall and the jewels on the columns. It makes the whole thing seem rather majestic. I have been in the caves in Kentucky and they are pretty impressive without the dwarven carvings. However, I think that by now I would be about ready to climb out the chimney flue to escape the darkness. All that weight of stone above one's head is overpowering sometimes.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: I rather look forward to seeing the dwarves' expressions over Elladan's revelation! It probably wasn't the best way to announce it, but Elladan is weary and worried, and still hasn't forgotten Nain's comment about Elrohir. Orcs, trolls and dragons are a common enemy though, and once the orcs reappear (and they will!) they'll work together.

The descriptions of the caverns are based on a mix of what Tolkien told us, and Moria in the films, though E3 are in a different part.


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