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Testaments of the Past  by Dreamflower 113 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2006
This is so fun and so wonderfully creative. :) Poor Daisy!

Author Reply: *grin* Yes, poor dear, to have to suffer through Folco's "Foot-in-mouth" disease! That whole little flashback was Gryffinjack's idea and execution, and I thought it adorable!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2006
This is sad and beautiful all rolled together. Well done!

Author Reply: It is sad, as everything to do with Frodo's leaving is, but I'm glad you think it's beautiful as well. Thank you!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2006
I know exactly what other reviewers mean about feeling as though we've spent all morning with Sam, Merry and Pippin - and how delightful is that?

Loved the attention to detail and the reminders of other stories, and the reciept and documents are amazing. Thank you both!

Author Reply: Well, *I* think it would be delightful to spend all morning with the lads, myself, LOL!

Yes, we thought it would be so neat to see the contents in *full* so to speak--all the minutiae there and so forth.

And documents are not the only things they will find...

KittyReviewed Chapter: 141 on 6/20/2006
You've gone through a lot of trouble to flesh out all these documents - I'm very impressed! And you even did them in calligraphy, too. Wonderful done, my dear!

Author Reply: Just *wait* till you see what *else* is in the box!!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2006
I seem to remember most of these letters from earlier ficlets, and they are as funny as they were then :)

Well, what they found wasn't that bad altogether. They must've had a lot of fun to tease each other with their childhood misdeeds afterwards. Not to mention the dancing smallclothes. Great idea! *rofl*

And the recipe box was a great find! Though I am a bit surprised about the mess Pippin and Merry made in the kitchen. One should think hobbits wouldn't waste so much food ;)

Author Reply: Yes, many of them *are* from earlier stories, mixed in with some new things. Actually, two of my "earlier stories" came from *this* story: "Marching Orders" and "Dear Frodo" were written because I had *way* too many letters for us to include in *this* story!

The recipe box was fun. My Pippin and Merry usually get into a flour fight when they bake, they just do, but they always clean up after themselves--and they don't waste *too* much--it doesn't take but a little flour to make a *big* mess.

And you will discover just what a find the recipe box is, once you see the Notes!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2006
Loved the names of the kittens! Well, Elanor is a hobbit, so she had to name them after something to eat, I suppose.

Oh. I see why Sam thought these letters and whatever more may be in the box are family business. How touching of Frodo to keep them! And I can imagine how difficult it is for Merry and Pippin to go through these documents. No wonder Merry was upset when he learned that Primula had something like forebodings about hers and Drogo's early death. It brought home too much of the sorrow and despair of Frodo's leaving, first from Buckland, then at Amon Hen and, the worst, the Grey Havens. Was very glad Estella was there to comfort Merry, and she may be right about the strongbox. Hopefully they don't find more of such sad reminders, but a bit more joyful.

Author Reply: Well, Pippin liked to name his pets after food too. It just seemed a hobbity sort of thing to me...LOL!

Yes, these are things that Frodo kept all his life; he couldn't take them with him, yet he couldn't quite bear to throw them away either.

They will be finding all sorts of reminders, both joyful and sad, but hopefully they will come away with a better understanding of Frodo and of one another when they are finished.

Don't forget to check out the Author's Notes, and all the links in them. Much of what is only hinted at in the story is shown in full in the Notes!

KittyReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/20/2006
“Dear Mr. Merry and Mr.Pippin--
I see Sam is still practising not to call them "Mister" *grin*

I wonder what he has found? Off to read the next chapter.

Author Reply: Yes, nearly 20 years of saying "Mr." is hard to overcome, but he's trying!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 141 on 6/20/2006
Storm got overwith last night, but then I had to be coherent for work this morning...

This is cool! All these lovely "receipts"! LOL, I have fun learning those old words. And I remember seeing the actual legal documents on your LJ--but I'm near sighted, so reading the actual words "up close" is great. Does um...does Jackie have a legal background?? :-P Writing all those detailed articles had to have taken some time to develop, even if there was a sample nearby. All I can say is, fantastic work, ladies! I'll come back again soon to see what you've updated. :-)


Author Reply: LOL! I do understand the need for coherency!

Yes, Jackie is an attorney in RL, so of course she has a unique perspective on things. Getting the actual documents and items together to go into the box did take us a lot of time before we ever began to post.

The *next* chapter is going to have some *really* cool notes!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/19/2006, I feel as if I've just spent all morning with the lads! I rather like that feeling. :-)

"You'll have to move faster than that, Sam, if you want to keep Pippin out of a larder..."

LOL! There were some really funny quips in here--and I remembered some of those letters from previous tales! :-)

Whenever Merry speaks about how he felt when Frodo went to live with Bilbo, leaving him behind...I always get teary-eyed. And I did tonight. :-P

Going through that strongbox is going to take some time--and I'm looking forward to it all.


Author Reply: We tried to create that feeling, making sure not to leave out any meals--let's see--first breakfast, check, second breakfas, check, elevenses, check--luncheon--yep.

And we are trying to combine some flashbacks to older stories with some new revelations!

Merry's sadness at "losing" Frodo when he was so young always tugs at my heartstrings as well--lots of my tales reflect that.

It is taking longer than Jackie and I thought--there are some neat things in there; don't forget to peek at the Author's Notes, for you'll miss some of the best stuff, if you don't!

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/19/2006
This is a fascinating story, I'm so glad to see it updated! I loved seeing their memories, so many familiar from stories I've read! :)

Author Reply: Yes, we are trying to mingle flashbacks to other stories in with some altogether new material.

Don't forget to peek at the Author's Notes. You really should get a look at the wonderful legal documents Jackie created, as well as a couple of other neat surprises...

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