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Old Scores  by Baggins Babe 92 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/15/2006
Aha--the Voice has spoken in Frodo's heart, and Frodo had hearkened to it! I'd SO hoped for that!

Author Reply: I think Frodo has learned to listen to the Voice and act upon it. he is a sensible hobbit after all.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/15/2006
Sweet Valar! Sam must feel devastated! Hope that Frodo's foresight had him put on the mithril that morning, or that the special something for the meal is hidden there!

Author Reply: I think Sam must be horrified. To see a knife aimed at his friend's heart would be the worst thing he could imagine.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
BB!! How could you have done that to us, to Aragorn, to Sam!?! I'm actually sitting here breathing hard over the shock *I* had reading that. Thanks be to the Valar for warning Frodo to put on the mithril shirt. I don't think Aragorn's the only needing a drink right now though. I hope the rest of the chapters won't be as hard on us as this one was. Yi yi yi!!!

Will Merry need any help w/Sandyman do you think? ;o)

Looking forward to the next installment!!

Author Reply: *peers over parapet* Am I forgiven? As Bugs Bunny says, 'Ain't I a stinker?'
That was evil of me I know, but I'm blaming this really vicious plot bunny. Still, at least I didn't leave everyone dangling off that cliff for a month!

No, I doubt Merry will need any help, although Pip will probably offer! :-))
Ted is in more trouble than he realises, especially as Aragorn saw it all.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
Do you know you're an evil tease?? After this cliffie I had expected the worst (as you surely know!), at least a badly injured Frodo and a long recovery. But of course, this is much better! :D

Nasty shock for Sandyman to assumedly kill Frodo and then being knocked out by his very alive victim :)
Well, I had thought if maybe Frodo could wear the mithril shirt, but then, I couldn't for the life of me think of any reason *why* he should wear it on a normal day in the perfectly peaceful Shire. Many thanks to the mysterious voice - I hope you'll tell us who it was who saved Frodo's life. Maybe Gandalf? I am *so* glad he and Sam weren't more seriously injured! Though it is bad enough already, particularly for Frodo.

"Perhaps..........'twould be better if we moved away, Mister Baggins. Trouble seems to follow us wherever we go and we've caused so much bother..........." Ivy was allowed to proceed no further as Frodo held up a hand. That was what I had feared, and I am very glad about Frodo's reaction to this. It would not be fair if Ted destroyed the life of his family a second time! Poor Ivy, I hope someone looks after her - maybe May? She will need someone now, I am sure.

But in one thing I disagree with Frodo. It won't do to simply send Ted back to Bree and banish him from the Shire. This banishment wouldn't be much of a punishment, and he would only hurt someone other in Bree in the end, of this I am sure. Somehow I don't think Merry and Pippin and their fathers would agree to let him get away with this attack so easily. And I suppose Aragorn has something to say about this, too, as he witnessed the whole incident in the palantír. Poor guy, to stand there watching and being absolutely helpless to do anything must've been so hard! No wonder he needed a brandy.

No strenuous activity for the next few days - that means no gardening, Master Sam *grin* How sensible of Porto to point this out - I am sure Sam would never think of gardening of strenuous work. Porto knows him ;)

Thank you for the fast update! It was quite uncomfortable to dangle from the cliff ;)

Author Reply: What a wonderful review - a chapter in itself!
I have to say I did enjoy Frodo socking Ted on the jaw! Ted certainly wouldn't have been expecting that!

I'm sure May and Rose will keep an eye on Ivy and steer her away from any silly ideas of leaving. Ted should not be allowed to destroy their lives yet again and I'm sure Frodo and Sam won't allow it.

Frodo is too merciful sometimes, plus he probably isn't thinking very clearly. Perhaps he can be persuaded by others that sending Ted to Bree will solve nothing. As you say, Aragorn may want a say in this matter as he was a witness. Poor Man, having to watch helplessly from so far away - he certainly deserved that brandy!

I doubt Sam would think of gardening as strenuous, so Porto had to be emphatic about it. He's known Sam all his life so he knows what our favourite gardener is like.

Glad you're not dangling any more!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
Glad to see you posted the next chapter so soon! I don't know if I could have held onto that cliff for much longer! :D

Also glad to see Frodo was wearing his mithril shirt ... I was wondering if you were going to do that. LOL!

Loved those little medical details and the children's pestering of the doctor!

Oh, sneaky Rosie, slipping a draught into Frodo and Sam's tea. She's right though, that's the only way they would rest. Her and the kids are going to have a handful making sure those two follow Porto's orders.

Frodo groaned. "I'm dreading what Merry will say. You know what he's like when anything threatens those he loves. We'll have to stop him skewering Ted with his sword and dragging the body round the Shire tied to Stybba's tail, or whatever they do with miscreants in Rohan."

LOL! I find that description to be very amusing, especially considering that is most likely what Merry would love to do to Ted. Certainly Paladin and Saradoc are NOT going to be pleased when they learn of what occurred.

Can't wait for more, Baggins Babe!

Author Reply: i took pity on everyone!

Yes, that mithril shirt certainly comes in useful.

Rose is very sneaky, isn't she? I'm sure that was the only way she could get the two of them to rest.

The future for Ted Sandyman does look rather turbulent, to say the least. Merry will be furious and the Thain and Master will be very unhappy. The next chapters will be interesting, I'm sure.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
*whoosh* I'm wondering--perhaps Olorin had been over watching his old friend, or maybe you've another explanation--but I am ever so glad for that mithril shirt.

OOooh! Do we get to watch when Merry and Pippin find out! I love Merry in a temper, when someone's tried to hurt his family! And Pip won't be far behind I'm guessing--not the way he reacted to Frodo being called a "cock-a-whoop". Sandyman's in a world of trouble--and really, banishing him back to Bree won't solve it. He'll just bring his sorry ways there.

Fact: He *should* be sent to Gondor for justice! And Aragorn/Elessar was an eyewitness...

Author Reply: Perhaps Frodo can be persuaded that sending Ted back to Bree will solve nothing. He may just have been trying to reassure the Sandymans - and I suppose he can be forgiven for not thinking too clearly at the time! :-))

You will certainly see Merry in a temper, and even sweet Pip is none too happy about events. I always loved that reaction of his in the book - you can tell our impish little Took has matured.

Aragorn *was* a witness, and will no doubt want a say in Ted's future - and he's lucky he still has one!

finafyrReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
Wheeeew.. I was hoping that somehow he was wearing the shirt. I love your stories and really want to know how this is going to play out.. I like the Sandyman family lots.. except for that drunken lout. I do not think he has any redeaming qualities. I want to see Merry and Pippins reaction. I really want to know if there is going to be anymore from Aragorn.

It is time that the Sandyman family finds out that they are really and truly home with neighbors that care about them.

I love your universe.. I like that you have Frodo there and well .. (for the most part (smile)) and happy. As far as I am concerned you can keep writing forever.

Now I am looking foreword to the next chapter.

Author Reply: *blushes* Thank you so much for your kind words, and I am thrilled that you enjoy your visits to my universe.

The Sandyman family (except the idiot) are very sweet and have taken on a life of their own. I think they will be surprised and touched by the response from the people of Hobbiton and Bywater. Ted has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and Merry and Pippin are going to be far from pleased when they find out.

I am sure that Aragorn will want some say in this, having witnessed the event. We shall see.........

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
BB, you rascal!! *hugs you lots and lots* Whew!

"Besides, we want you here. We are neighbours and we will see this thing through together, as neighbours should."

"Will you stay with me for a little while. I need to know you're here and safe."

Sam smiled and lay down on top of the quilt and Frodo pillowed his head on his brother's sturdy shoulder. Sam rested one hand on Frodo's chest, over the heart he feared had been stopped forever, and whispered a prayer of thanks to whoever had given his beloved friend that warning.

This is filled with such love and grace and "all's well as ends better", thank goodness.


Author Reply: I hope I'm now forgiven? I know I was a rotten stinker to write the cliff-hanger and frighten you, but you know I couldn't kill Frodo off! I've worked too hard to give him his life back.

There will be a bit of Frodo-comfort in the next chapter, which I know you will enjoy. I don't imagine you'll protest about that! :-))

Glad you're happy. *hugs back*

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
My god! If I only had some brandy ;-)

That was wonderfully written!
Whoever gave Frodo that warning, my thanks to him as well!!!

Now I'm curious to see Merry's reaction. Rohan methods? There's a lot of trouble awaiting Ted Sandyman.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry to be such a rotten tease though!

Merry's reaction will not bode well for Ted, I'm sure.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2006
Ooh! Of course.... how could we all forget the shirt.... you crafty, devious, cliffie-loving, heart-stopping fiend!!! *GGGGrin* I'm with Aragorn 'I need a drink' and I don't mean hot sweet tea! Now we are all going to spend the next interval wondering about that 'voice'! I am glad that the Sandyman's are learning about truly good neighbours. And thank you for updating quickly.

Author Reply: *grin* Yes, how could you all forget the shirt? Ain't I a stinker? That was rather cruel of me but I wanted to see if I could do a proper cliff-hanger. Do you think I managed it?

Yes, this may be an important turning-pont for the Sandymans. There are interesting times ahead.

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