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The Tenant from Staddle  by Larner 345 Review(s)
Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/31/2010
I love this chapter...Petunia is my favorite of your hobbits and this helps me to think that one day I too will be recognized as the pretty, grown up one in my family. (but with 3 older sisters that might take a while.)
On a side note, I went to Amish Country with my family yesterday and I am now drinking the ginger beer I got there! (It's a bit spicy but I like it, I see now why Ricki always wants to have some!)

Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/22/2009
So, I guess sibling rivelry lasts forever. I wonder if my sisters and I will still have our stupid arguments in ten years.
When's Teregion going to start his training? Does he have any younger sisters? Or are his sisters all older? Does he have any brothers? Is he related to Aragorn closely?
Sorry, I've been extreamly inquisitive lately; reading and comparing books with their movie conterparts. The most recent book is Les Miserables. We watched the movie in French class and my teacher kept raving about how good the book was, so I decided to read it!
Anyway, I will close up this, my long review, for I must go to bed.
God Bless!


P.S. Have you ever read Les Miserables?

Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/15/2009
All the rangers are so nice!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/23/2009
Some people never learn,alas.I hope they get the justice they deserve!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 1/20/2009
Oh, the wish to clip Bartolo one round the lug'ole is growing steadily!

Author Reply: He is a stubborn cuss, I'll admit. Very literally minded, and not good at thinking outside the box. He can be a pain, but I'm finding myself feeling rather sorry for him at this point. He has a good family, though. I really like Pet and Persivo.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/17/2009
You are evil! You finally update Tenant, and now leave us trembling with fear for Boboli's family. I just hope when work decides to spit me out next time Halladan & Co have already dealt with the issue. ;)

Author Reply: Sorry about that, Soledad. And how long it will take to write the next chapter I can't say as yet. Heh!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/15/2009
Yes! I despaired of ever seeing another update of this story. And now we're seeing Angrapain again. Slimey character (and I'm being polite *grin*). I love it that a whole contingent of Rangers led by Halladan are there. He's one of my favorite of your OCs, btw, and I always love to see him in action, either as a Ranger or as Steward for the Northern Realm. I look forward to another chapter soon.

Author Reply: It's taking time, but wanted to sort of coordinate the latests chapters from Tenant and Rings, so this one has been delayed--plus holidays and trying to weed out all the plot bunnies and nuzguls that are infesting the place! I can't tell what some of them want me to do yet, and it's getting more and more difficult to tell the young nuzguls from the adolescent plotbunnies, I'm finding--either that, or they're continuing to pass those ear headbands about!

Am so glad you like Halladan--I, do, too, of course. And the next chapter will come when it will, I suspect. As long as I don't go almost a year again between updates! Gaack!

Thanks so very much, Fiondil.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/15/2009
Sorry, Larner, haven’t been much at home over the last days and getting behind in reviewing more and more.

To see the name Angrapain here was a little surprise. So that one is trying to get away? He didn’t learn his lesson well, I fear – still thinking himself above the law and more clever than the Rangers? Well, he will get a nasty surprise then. And he should remember Aragorn’s sentence: If you are seen anywhere but in her presence, you will be hung summarily. So I think we know what’s to follow for him in the end.

And he chose the perfect companions. Bill Ferny! Somehow that pleased me very much, as that means that guy will get his final comeuppance, too, I guess. Oh, and Bill broke his leg when he kicked him? Very good :D
And I see that one has no idea who Strider is. I hope you will give him his clue! *grin*

Hm – Angrapain still insists that being close friends and loving each other implies more? *shakes head* Some people obviously can’t see further than their own very limited sight of the world.

Now I only hope these three thugs don’t hurt Holdfast – and I was rubbing my hands in glee when Boboli returned with Halladan and the others and they realised so fast that something was wrong. Maybe they saw tracks of the shackles? Can’t wait to see how they take care of the situation – and certainly look forward to Angrapain seeing Halladan again, who knows him very well!

Author Reply: I've been pressed for time between work and everything else myself! Who am I to judge?

Yes, Angrapain is going to probably face the very fate I'm certain he thought would never come his way. And it was fun to work Ferny into this, although I rather like some of the fates others have imagined for him, too!

As for what will happen to Holdfast--that we will be learning soon, I hope! Thanks so very much!

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/14/2009
Eeek! Obviously it's time for Sam to throw another apple - or worse - at Bill Ferny!

Author Reply: Oh, I do think you might well have the right of it, Cookiefleck! Heh!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/14/2009
Angrapain hasn’t learned a thing, has he? Halladan is certain to have gotten a report from Aragorn on him and the terms of his punishment (and if he hasn’t, I am certain Alvric knows more than a bit). And the company he is keeping now isn’t more likely to see much mercy from a judge either.
I _do_ hope Holdfast comes out of this more or less intact. Well, whether or not he _does_, rescue is already on the way. :-)
And I expect both Angrapain and his newfound “friends” to find out just _who_ those ragged-looking Rangers, and the even more suspicious Strider, are.

Do you think your muse is likely to heed any prodding toward _Stirring Rings_? I know there is likely to be quite a few chapters before you get that far, but I am interested in finding out what will happen with Maglor, and I won’t find _that_ out before those intervening chapters are written…
Not that I mind her Dol Amroth distraction, though ;-)

Author Reply: If you remember, Halladan was there when Angrapain received his judgment from Aragorn, so he knows what's what with the fool. And you're certainly right about the company he's keeping as well, and how all of them will have quite the lesson about those raggedy Rangers.

Will be working on Stirring Rings again next, I think. But the plot bunnies and nuzguls are multiplying around here so! Heh!

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