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Four of a Kind  by Grey Wonderer 98 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
The thought of young Frodo in his Highday best to give his best impression on the road is absolutely adorable. And with a mind to go to the Misty Mountains, no less! I loved your description of Frodo using various traits of his Baggins, Brandybuck, and Took roots.

What a wonderful tale -- and told most excellently, I might add! Right off the bat I had Frodo's voice in my head and the whole beautiful scene in my mind's eye in vivid detail. *Very* well done, my friend! :-)

It's hotter than blazes in this room, so I'll wait to cool down and savour the flavour for Merry's tale. :-)

Author Reply: I am so glad you enjoyed my take on Frodo at age nine. I haven't written young Frodo too often because I am usually in Merry and Pippin land. LOL I do think he must have been a very clever, very intelligent young child with a great imagination. Probably why Bilbo loved him so much!
Do not give yourself heat stroke reading these. Save them for the winter months if need be. LOL

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
Loved it, right in character as most of us imagine him at that age. I can never get enough "Sam," so please continue to write him!

Author Reply: Wow, thank you so much. I am always nervous about writing Sam and whenever anyone thinks that I've done a good job with him it really makes my day. Thank you so much and I will try my best to write more things with Sam. Lately he has been on my mind.

GoldenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
Just love that scene! Especially when Merry says: You don’t have to worry and you don’t have to tell anyone or try to stop me or anything.”
Of course no one would get suspicious that he is doing something forbidden with that comment. ;)

Oh and I as well would love to read the letter that Merry send to Frodo. Maybe you should write it out! :D

Author Reply: Yes, Merry gave himself away with that line didn't he? LOL
I might just have to write that letter at some point in time. I don't know if I can do it justice but I might give it a try! Thank you for the lovely review!

GoldenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
What a beautiful story! Love every bit of it!

Author Reply: Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed this one. : )

GoldenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
Very nice! Sam really was a good child wasn´t he? So caring and responsible already at that young age.

Author Reply: Something about Sam just makes me think that he was always responsible. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
Oh, I cracked up so much on this one. So this is where my version of Pippin got into the habit of stealing a pony and riding to Buckland or Hobbiton at odd times from! Oh, and love the idea of Merry instructing Frodo on childbirth!

Dear, dear Merry!

And I love Lanti lying for Merry. An aunt in a million!

Author Reply: I hadn't thought of that but it would fit. Pippin would naturally hear this story and then follow Merry's example and steal a pony if he needed one. LOL This connects very well. I have this whole thing being blamed on Frodo in the beginning by Eglantine's friend, Lavender who says something about Merry following in Frodo's footsteps so I guess Pippin came by it honestly.

Merry is the determined sort and I just know that he didn't take Frodo leaving without some sort of a fight and as to his new knowledge on childbirth, any lad would want to share that with the cousin who had taught him everything else he knew, wouldn't he? : )

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you got a laugh out of this one.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2007
I am quite surprised that Frodo, or at least Bilbo, whould know that the most unlikely portion of the tale is the most likely to be true! *G*

And I loved the advice on how to deal with Frodo and look after him. That stands Merry in very good stead years later.

Author Reply: Yes, Frodo and Bilbo did miss out a bit on this one didn't they? LOL I guess Eglantine had them both fooled and that would be very rare indeed.

I do think that Merry got the best end of the deal with the advice and someone to help him put the pony back in the barn. Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/26/2007
Oh, I'm grinning all over my face, GW! This is my favorite one yet!

I love the interaction between Eglantine and Merry--she's going to do much better with her lad than she thinks she will. (And isn't she going to be surprised when it's *not* a lass, LOL!)

This story was just full of little gems:

“I’m going to go and get Frodo,” Merry said with determination. “Bilbo has had him long enough and I’m getting him back. No one else will go and get him and so I have to do it.”

Yes, indeed. If Merry thinks it needs doing, then he's the one who'll do it--even if he is only eight!

Merry grinned. “He sends me lots of things. He mailed me a box of rocks this week. He said so in his last letter. I should be getting it soon.”


“I collect them and Frodo knows the kind I like so he says that he’s found me a whole bunch of them and that he mailed them,” Merry said brightly.

Eglantine felt sorry for the poor post hobbit that would have to carry a box of rocks out to Brandy Hall but she said, “That’s a very nice thing for him to do.”

*snerk* Poor post-hobbit, yessirree!

“But it is still a long way and you will be gone for a while. I’m certain that you will have to talk Bilbo into letting you bring Frodo home with you and that might take several days,” Eglantine said. “Bilbo is quite the talker. He’s part Took you know.”

Merry nodded. “I am too but you can’t tell it.”

Eglantine smiled and wondered how many Brandybucks would be adventurous enough to get on a pony at eight and ride to Hobbiton. Merry was more Took than he let on she suspected.

And if any non-Took could recognize Tookishness, it would have to be Eglantine!

Later that week Frodo get a very long, very entertaining letter from Merry all about stealing a plow pony from the barn and about how much trouble it is to have a baby. Frodo wasn’t certain why Merry was so interested in babies and he didn't believe that Merry had jumped several fences and ridden across the Brandywine Bridge on the pony but the letter was very entertaining all the same. He was also skeptical when Merry wrote about Eglantine Took having lied for him in his efforts to cover up the adventure. This didn't sound at all like the very prim Eglantine Banks Took that Frodo knew and he was certain that Merry was making that protion of his tale up. He and Bilbo particularly enjoyed the part of the letter that contained Merry's views on childbirth.

I certainly would love to read *that* letter! LOL!

I loved this so much!

Author Reply: I just love to write Merry for some reason. Even though Pip will always be my favorite hobbit I tend to have fun with Merry. LOL I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I had this vision of Merry at eight up on a pony that was too big for him and I just couldn't get it out of my head. I suspect that by following Frodo around Merry did lots of things too quickly but I am guessing that he also did them well.

I don't write Eglantine often but I did think she might be in need of experience in dealing with a lad before hers came along and I also needed someone to try and reason with Merry rather than pulling him off the pony and taking him home. LOL

Gotta have a dialogue you know.

I suspect that Frodo and Bilbo enjoyed the letter repeatedly.

Thank you for the lovely review. It is always nice to know what parts of the story someone enjoyed! Tomorrow it will be Pippin's turn to leave home.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/26/2007
I wish you had been my mom - or, well - at least I wish my mom had been like the hobbit moms you write. (I've the feeling you are a good deal like them)

These are so charming!! I can hardly wait to read Pippin's :-)

MEWD, GW!!!!!

Author Reply: I've never raised a little lass. Were you a good child? LOL
Unlike Eglantine I only know about raising a boy child but I'd have been willing to give it a try. Thank you for the lovely compliment by the way. I do hope I am a good mom. It's been my favorite job.

Pippin's is completed and ready to post. It will go up sometime tomorrow whenever I get home from work. LOL I do hope you like it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/26/2007
You don’t have to worry and you don’t have to tell anyone or try to stop me or anything.”

*giggles* I just can't get enough of these, GW. Merry is so dear, and Eglantine is SO patient. Much more patient than I am! I love reading about our "special cousins".

Author Reply: Thank you. Merry was determined to get his special cousin back from Bilbo and I wouldn't want to try to talk a determined Merry out of anything. LOL

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