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Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil  by Larner 17 Review(s)
ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
Aw! that was great,it reminded me of some of the silly things I did at that age,I am glad my parents had patience!LOL They have plenty of white hair!

Author Reply: I was the tamest of the four of us, but I still drove Mom crazy at times. I was the most anxious of us, and would work myself into states if Mom was late.

Glad you found yourself relating. Thanks!

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
I'm glad Halgil was there and took them in hand before some dishonest person saw how much money they were carrying and tried to take it from them! Having a guard following you around would be so tiresome even as an adult, I can't imagine what it would be like if you were a young person.

Melian is definitely her father's daughter, though... clever disguises and plan! I'm sure that Aragorn did enjoy the rest of the day with his daughter since he'd evidently been feeling shut out of her life lately. Ah, teen-agers. *grin*

Very enjoyable read.

Author Reply: Yes, Halgil may well have saved the two of them from facing a pickpocket or something worse. And the two girls are certainly of an age to find having to be tailed constantly annoying in the extreme.

And of course Melian has inherited the sense of blending in both Rangers and Elves have practiced for years, a trait she must have sensed her father approved of. And to find he can enjoy himself in his daughter's presence from time to time must have been reassuring to Aragorn.

Yes, teenagers indeed! Remember when the daughter turned sixteen--found her a plaque that read, "I'm sixteen now: ask me anything while I still know it all!" and placed it on her birthday cake. She was not amused.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
That was a delightful story. I can imagine Halgil's shock. *giggle*

Author Reply: Poor young guard--caught distinctly off guard by his royal princess and king both wandering around with Lord Samwise's daughter, all incognito! Glad you enjoyed it!

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
Oh, this was such fun! I so enjoyed meeting the girls and following them through their lovely day together—and seeing their dads again, too. My, but Sam was splendid! Frodo would have been very proud.

My daughter and I taught a class in LOTR to a terrific little group of 4th and 5th graders a few years ago; they're all in middle school now and clamoring for a "LOTR Reunion". It has occurred to that some good gap and after-fiction might be fun to share with them. This story would be something they would really enjoy; I'll definitely recommend it!

Author Reply: Oh, that sounds like such a good plan! Let me know how it goes!

This was written in response to a challenge to write a story in which Aragorn and Arwen find themselves dealing with their teenage daughter; and during the year Sam, Rosie, and Elanor stayed in Minas Anor with Aragorn and Arwen seemed a good time to place it. And of course Frodo would be proud of both of them, I'd think.

So glad you enjoyed it.

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
Teehee.....Elanor is a cutie pie....knows how to jew somebody down even if she is small! Yes, Melian must get tired of being guarded all the time...but it comes with royalty. Heheh @ Halgil, almost arresting the King's daughter!

Author Reply: Elanor is in her early twenties, much the same age as Frodo when he went to live with Bilbo. And, being her mother's daughter, she understands the art of haggling, I'm certain. As most would believe her a small child, finding out she not only was carrying some cash but was an experienced bargainer must have been a distinct shock.

And had he actually arrested Melian, I'm certain that Aragorn would not have held it against him--except he is relying strictly on "gut instinct" to identify the two girls as possibly having stolen from their parents. That Aragorn would possibly have looked askance at, I think.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
Great "adventure" for the girls and their fathers too. What an age. Sam has been around lots of kids, but I'll bet Aragorn has some learning to do.

Author Reply: And it's likely that as Chieftain of the Rangers Aragorn has more experience with adolescents than Arwen does. But I agree--Aragorn undoubtedly has much to learn about fathering one of the creatures.

Thanks for the response.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2007
It was only as the four of them turned to disappear into the depths of the market that the true identities of the two fathers, and therefore their daughters, sank into Halgil’s consciousness. His legs suddenly gone weak, he sank onto the bench the girls had quitted as he pulled a kerchief out of his sleeve to wipe his brow.

Poor thing! But what a lovely outing for the girls.

Author Reply: Yes, now and then Aragorn enjoys a day of being just a private citizen and a dad, even if it's a dad of an adolescent girl. And he probably takes a perverse pleasure in disconcerting unsuspecting citizens.

Poor Halgil--only doing his job, of course; but the two girls do deserve a day of relaxation, I think.

Author Reply: Yes, now and then Aragorn enjoys a day of being just a private citizen and a dad, even if it's a dad of an adolescent girl. And he probably takes a perverse pleasure in disconcerting unsuspecting citizens.

Poor Halgil--only doing his job, of course; but the two girls do deserve a day of relaxation, I think.

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