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Eilian and the Lembas Maiden's Kiss  by daw the minstrel 20 Review(s)
meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
That was a sweet scene between Ithilden and Eilian. Ithilden really rose to the occasion, even after Eilian got cheeky with him "I am not under your command here, Ithilden. You can tell Adar and Naneth, or you can leave me alone." LOL. Ithilden is very effective at demonstrating discipline here by refraining from giving Eilian the same treatment Alfirin did! A wonderful and heartwarming story, Daw. Happy Birthday, Karen.

Author Reply: What must it have been like to have siblings so much older than yourself? Actually, I suppose until recently humans experienced something like it. The people who lived across the street from us in Detroit had 12 children. The first six were out of the house, married, etc by the time we moved there, so the youngest ones knew them only as adults. Still, to Eilian, Ithilden is not yet his commander. He's been a novice a short time compared to how long they've been brothers.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Ya know, Ithilden comes across as a bit stiff, and maybe he is, but he's a good brother too. I remember a scene from another story of yours where Legolas was in some sort of trouble and as Ithilden left the dining room, he patted Legolas on the shoulder. I think you said something in the text (or maybe a review response) about no matter the difference in age, they were still brothers. I've always like that. I like this moment between Ithilden and Eilian.

Eilian wants to please, I think, he just can't quite control the little hamster that keeps running him when he should stop. Fortunately for him, and for everyone else, Celuwen will be a steadying influence. He had to work hard for her, and in the end, it was worth it.

Wonderful story. The ending was sweet. Eilian promised Ithilden he could trust him, but I think Eilian also learned something about trust that goes beyond just saying the words. He also learned not to trifle with maidens. Good lesson there.

Thank you so much for this story. It's been an absolute delight. I appreciate the time, effort and thought that went into it. I feel very fortunate to have such a good (and talented) friend.


Author Reply: I remember that scene with Legolas! But I have no idea which story it was in. Ithilden came through here, bless him.

I laughed at the hamster reference. That's about right. And one hopes Eilian will be a little more cautious about girls sticking together. It happens.

Glad you liked it, Karen.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Oh Ithilden, you are being so sweet that I can't help but love you more. It's good to see Eilian appreciating his brother - they are usually so busy butting heads that they forget each other's good parts.

Author Reply: This is an unusual moment for Ithilden, I think, at least until he has Sinnarn. But he must have been amused by little Eilian on occasion--when he wasn't filled with a desire to smack him.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
I think I like Ithilden more here than in any of your other stories, Daw. He seems less pompous and strict, more ... 'human', for want of a better word. More approachable.

Eilian's memory of them both having to wait for honey cakes was delightful!

Author Reply: Thanks, Jay. I don't think I'd ever pictured Ithilden with little Eilian before, although Bodkin has. She kind of inspired me. And even the scene between adult Ithilden and adolescent Eilian was a departure. I don't often write scenes that show them close. This was fun.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
I really expected the worst when Ithilden caught Eilian sneaking in and images of Eilian being grounded for the next few ages (or whatever Elvish equivalent punishment) immediately came to mind. Surprisingly, Eilian got off rather lightly, but then I guess it's because Ithilden didn't get the whole story from this brother. Eilian must be heaving a huge sigh of relief. I know I certainly did on Eilian's behalf.

I really liked that glimpse of Ithilden and Eilian of years ago when Ithilden was swinging Eilian by the feet. I don't think we've ever seen Ithilden being so playful with Eilian, which is not surprising given their age gap and that Ithilden has always been a rather serious elf.

Thanks so much for such a delightful little tale, Daw!

Author Reply: The last part of this story grew out of a passing reference in "When Shadow Touches Home." Gelmir says Eilian has won only one argument with Ithilden, when they were kids and stayed out all night and Eilian talked Ithilden into not telling. So that's how this had to turn out. :-)

Being playful doesn't come naturally to Ithilden, although since he was a kid once himself, he must have played. It's just hard to picture it.

Glad you liked it, Manderly.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Every now and then, Ithilden shows that he's not completely beyond hope as a big brother. It's certainly not a role that comes naturally to him, if someone like Lómilad has to remind him to talk to Eilian as a brother rather than as a troop commander, but he can certainly be taught. It's entirely possible that Eilian needs three adults watching him, because he's definitely a rambunctious boy's boy, but he doesn't need three parents. The moments when Ithilden realizes this and acts accordingly are rare and precious indeed.

Author Reply: That's a really good point about Ithilden, FP. He has a hard time letting go of his authority. I think it's moments like this though that show he'll be able to be a good father to Sinnarn some day.

I hope you're able to get home for Thanksgiving, or at least get somewhere someone will feed you good food.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
I love the little memory Eilian had about Ithilden and the waiting. To me, Ithilden can come across sometimes as... a bit removed, responsible troop commander- son of a king. So its really nice and sweet to see him act as a big brother. I can remember you writing one between him and Legolas as a small child- I believe when Legolas cuts his finger on his fathers letter opener and Ithilden bandages it for him- but I don't believe there has been one between him and Eilian, so that was very well done and thank you for that.

Author Reply: Thanks, Sofia. I've seldom shown these two as loving brothers. You're right about that. It's hard for me to remember that when Eilian was little, the Watchful Peace was in effect. I think that must have affected his upbringing, and when Sauron came back, the restrictions that popped up must have made him about crazy.

k_lara7Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Obviously, Eilian's brother was the obvious one to talk to him. This experience brought them closer and helps Eilian later in understanding Legolas. Wonder if Thranduil ever finds out. It was a nice touch to show how concerned Ithilden is for his mother.

Author Reply: I think of this as one of the things Thranduil doesn't know about. At least, the sons think he doesn't know. It's always hard to tell what Thranduil knows. I mentioned this moment in another story (I think "When Shadow Touches Home") in which Gelmir talks about the only argument with Ithilden that Eilian has ever won. He says they were out all night and Eilian talked Ithilden into not telling on them. Of course, Gelmir doesn't know the whole story, but then Ithilden doesn't either!

Glad you liked it, K_lara.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Oh, I liked this very much Daw! Eilian truly was an exasperating youngster, I can see all the cockiness of youth in his relationship with his elder brother, whom, no matter how older is, at home Eilian will always regard as a brohter, thus an equal!

It was sweet of Ithilden to remark that it was actually in that position of brother that he wanted to talk to him. Eilian's recollections are hilarious, above all his doubt as for the true reason why Ithilden must have been holding his hand after the incident! ;-) And all is over and he is happy again, excited about the festival and thinking of new adventures, with a lesson learnt that will be soon lost in that path of caution he seems unable to find, LOL!

A delightful tale, I really missed these characters!

Author Reply: Thanks, Perelleth. I think as Eilian got older, he may have seen Ithilden more of the time as his commanding officer, although there would always be this layer of brother underneath. But at the time of this story, he hasn't been a real warrior, only a novice, and he's seen Ithilden mostly as a member of his family. And that's the way Ithilden has seen him too. I've seldom written a loving moment between them like this and I enjoyed doing it.

But man, you are so right. Eilian must have been exasperating.

websteransReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Let me be the first to say: Great story. Your portrayal of adolescence may be the most true and powerful in the LoTR community. The picture of Eilian here ties in well with the ones we've already seen later in his life.

Author Reply: Thanks, Websterans. I was thinking today about how Eilian has developed over the course of my stories. He's the most mixed character I've ever created, basically good but truly flawed and able to hurt others. And I don't think I could have created him like that in just one story written straight through. He had to grow and come alive over time. I seriously wish I could do that well in shorter order.

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