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Eucatastrophe: The Return  by Dreamflower 118 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/13/2007
You found a nice way to have all of them working together to distract Merry from his nervousness.

Oh, I hadn’t thought of it before, but in this universe, with the Troubles not being what they were in Canon, Folco hadn’t to be killed! I am truly glad to see him here and to know Freddy has not to mourn so much for his beloved friend. And of course, I am pleased Frodo was there to take care of having Pippin as a witness, too.

The clock was quite an impressive wedding gift for Merry and Estella! I can imagine Merry’s face *grin*
The tablecloth sounds pretty impressive. You know, I believe if it was mine, I’d never dare to have it on the table while eating, out of fear to spoil it!

Author Reply: Yes, I decided that without all the extra Men that Saruman sent into the Shire, Lotho would not have been quite so daring in his actions, so that the episode with Folco didn't happen.

Pippin just *had* to be a witness, too, even if he *did* have to have his father attest his signature!

Well, as much as hobbits care about food, I don't think they'd be as hesitant to use it for what it was meant for. But I'm sure it was saved for special occasions, and not everyday family meals!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/13/2007
I just love to see the hobbits with Gandalf! That is always great interaction! I especially like Gandalf and Pippin's relationship and that you described it as an old game: Gandalf being stern while Pippin questions him is a perfect description. This little bit makes reference to something you wrote more recently "Why, I shall be of age, and I can certainly eat as much of my own birthday cake as I wish, with no one to gainsay me!”"

It was also quite nice that Gildor was to be found in Rivendell! And to learn that he had met Bilbo so long ago, was an excellent story!

I was glad you included Merry speaking to Glorfindel about the prophesy. That was quite a feat afterall and that Glorfindel should meet the very hobbit of who he prophesied, I did like Pippin's assessment on the Witch-King being a fool, very amusing.

It is great to see Legolas and Gimli here as well! I'm very excited to see them all together again, of course we are still missing a few of the Fellowship but this will still be nice :) Thank you for the fun and I look forward to catching up more.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you are still enjoying the story! I've had a lot of fun with it so far!!

Well, GW took that and made a story from it--perhaps that's what you remember. She said it was inspired by that remark.

As soon as I saw the quotation, I thought of Bilbo! It made so much sense to me that Elves might have used that blessing for him.

And I've been wanting to have Merry and Glorfindel talk about that prophesy for a long time!

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/12/2007
EEEEeeeee, wedding planning! Oh, and the gifts were just lovely, just lovely!

I liked this. A lot. :)

Author Reply: *grin* So glad to give you a squee! Weddings *are* fun to plan, aren't they? Especially when you don't *actually* have to do any of the work involved, LOL!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/12/2007
This is going to be some wedding! Gandalf and everyone. Too bad the King and Queen couldn't come themselves but at least they'll have a witness. And it's adorable that Pippin's signature will be on the wedding documents. :) Frodo's being a good best hobbit also but what would you expect?

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, Gandalf and almost everyone!

While it *is* AU, I thought it would be a little *too* AU for Arwen and Aragorn to make the journey north quite so soon!

I couldn't *not* have Pippin sign it--and he got to sign Sam's after all, once Merry found the loophole!

Frodo's been looking forward to standing with Merry at his wedding for years. He's going to make the most of it!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/12/2007
Wow!!! We get to see Gandalf, too! LOL, I'm getting as nervous as Merry with all this excitement. I'm *really* looking forward to the wedding! :-)

Author Reply: Well, of course! He couldn't still be in Middle-earth and not make the weddings of his friends, after all!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/12/2007
Hooray! Sam's ommon sense, these marvelous gifts, and Gandalf arriving! Wonderful!

Author Reply: Yay! I'm glad you are enjoying it!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/11/2007
I love seeing Frodo happy! Yes, he should have known better than to ask an Elf for advice. :) But I think the gilt will look nice too and I envy Legolas being there to watch it all. Wish I could have been there myself. And it's interesting that he knows Rosie is pregnant again. Cute that he had trouble surrendering Elanor and even cuter that Gimli wanted to hold her. Ah, love!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/10/2007
I like Mellor and Eradan! Such good men Elessar keeps in store these days ;) I really like the way you described Frodo protecting Merry and Pippin and Sam from the Ring's pull and I had never thought about that before and here you make it sound so natural and very fitting.

I liked that you wrote Merry as the strategist still! He is a wonder and always has had a plan. I like how you are writing their relationship all around. To have Frodo and a happy and untouched by Shadow has been a really treat! I hope to get back to more later! Thank you for such a grand story!

Author Reply: Yes, Mellor and Eradan made their first appearance in "A New Reckoning", and then again in "An Unexpected Guest". Trust Elessar to have the best!

It has always seemed to me that Frodo would have needed *something* to anchor him, and give him a reason to fight the pull of the Morgul-knife, and protecting his loved ones from the Ring seemed like exactly the sort of motivation he would need.

Merry's always had a plan, LOL! From the first time he saw Bilbo with the Ring to the Battle of Bywater, he had a plan!

I'm so glad you are enjoying this AU!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2007
Matters are going very well! I only hope it continues, for Rosamunda will not be impressed if some disaster comes between her and the wedding of the century.

I agree with Legolas that watching an expert at work is fascinating.

Author Reply: By all means we must keep Rosamunda placated! LOL!

I was of two minds about having him watch, but it just seemed to me like something he'd enjoy, on two levels--seeing his friend healed and able to enjoy such an activity once more, and then the interest in watching how he did it. I'm sure that he found mortal art very interesting and *different* from Elven. And I decided that in at least one respect, Frodo was like me, in not minding someone watch him work--as long as they are quiet, it never bothers me.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2007
Well, I should probably feel sorry for Merry, but still, the nightmare was rather funny. But what can one expect, particularly with Rosamunda as mother of the bride?

I’m sure Frodo made the contract a piece of art – or maybe I should say you made it, as I’ve seen your pictures at the Challenge site. It was truly beautiful done! I would never be able to do anything like that.

Need I to tell you how much I enjoy it to know Frodo was there and able to write the contract at all? There’s something to say for happy AU’s! Though I suspect he needs a guard on the clock, to keep it safe from Pippin *grin*

Can’t wait for the wedding!

Author Reply: It was rather funny, wasn't it? But that's just the sort of embarrassing dream that I think would follow such circumstances, LOL!

Yes, I will be putting a link here, at the end as well. I have to say, I sort of think Frodo would have done a better job than I did, actually. And you might be surprised--if you learn the techniques of *how* to do something, you can learn to come up with some pretty nice results! At least, that's what I have always insisted to my own calligraphy students!

I too am pleased to give Frodo this chance. For the completion of his overarching theme of sacrifice, JRRT had to let Frodo lose at least his life in the Shire. But we don't--we can just concentrate on making the hobbits happy! *grin*

The wedding will be coming very soon!

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