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Eucatastrophe: The Return  by Dreamflower 118 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2007
So perfect! And love the reminder of everything poor Pippin has managed to take apart over the years, and especially the mantel clock! You know that has meaning for me! Heh!

Author Reply: *grin* Yes, indeed! Poor Pip--he'll never live some of that down as long as there are older cousins to remind him, LOL!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/9/2007
Now you've got my curiosity piqued with Frodo's gift! I saw the art photos of Merry and Estella's marriage certificate on the challenge site although I didn't get a close look. It seened awesome...since I'm reading the tale here, I'll go check it the knotwork and such. :-)

I am so loving this; I always enjoy the chit-chat between the cousins and other seemingly mundane things at Crickhollow. Your brilliant talent as a writer. :-)

Author Reply: I'm glad the curiousity is piqued! That was the whole idea--I decided to be as sneaky as Bilbo with it! I hope you like the document--I had loads of fun mking it!

*blushes* Thank you; I always think of Crickhollow as a haveen of cozy hobbity domesticity!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/9/2007
I wanted to review earlier but my dial-up connection kept burping on me. Technology!

The description of Frodo's artwork sounds absolutely incredible - how lovely that he managed to get in Rohan, Buckland and the Shire, and even better was that Legolas watched.

Poor Merry - dreaming about getting married in his flimsies! *snert*

Author Reply: Technology gets the blame a lot--I'm sure it's actually gremlins who are responsible for that sort of thing, LOL!

It seems to me that Legolas *would* enjoy watching. I think that he has become fascinated with his mortal friends, and he'd like seeing them put their talents to work. (And at the end of the story there will be a link, so you can see just what the Marriage Lines look like!)

That's just the kind of embarrassing dream that fear of a public spectacle will bring on, LOL!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/9/2007
Everything is working perfectly! I like the Eucatastrophe Universe!

No bad dreams about the quest for Merry, but instead embarassing dreams about his future mother-in-law. That's just great :)

I liked your description of how Frodo illuminated the wedding document. I've never seen how it is done, but I've always admired the results!

And of course I'm really curious to know what exactly Bilbo's and Frodo's wedding gift is! It can easily break, it seems.

Author Reply: I like that universe too!

I thought perhaps the more immediate and imminent threat would be enough to drive off old memories, at least for now!

I enjoy illuminating documents. I did go at first into much more detail, but opted to tone it down some. Gilding is a fun process, and it's amazing how much richness it adds to a border!

You'll see the gift in the upcoming chapter!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/8/2007
One cat at Bag End is enough!” Frodo sighed,

What sage advice from Frodo! I know this first-hand, lol.

I always enjoy how at ease Frodo is with his life in the Shire and with his beloved cousins. His joy is infectious! And there are never enough Frodo and Pippin scenes. Absolutely enjoyed this chapter!

It's been a long day for me, but rest assured I'll be back for more. :-)

Author Reply: Yes, indeed! Wise Frodo!

Frodo has more joy now than he's had in years--no Ring, and all his unresolved sorrows and doubts healed by Elrond and Vilya, and by Gandalf and the voyage to the West and back. He's able to relax and enjoy his cousins and Sam and his life in the Shire.

I do love showing Frodo and Pippin together.

(((hugs)))get some rest, dear!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/8/2007
Ah, the joy of seeing someone you love so starting a joyful marriage! Frodo must be thrilled indeed not to have to miss this. One of many joys the Ring stole from him.

Author Reply: This Frodo will never know nor consider that he would ever be missing the great moments of his loved ones' lives. While sorely wounded and scoured by the Ring, he never recieved that last final blow, delivered on the doorstep of Bag End, just as surely as if Sharkey's knife had found its mark, only slower. With Vilya still at full strength, his voyage with Bilbo, Gandalf and Elrond helped him to overcome and to heal from the Ring's evil.

He still has his memories, but they are not the all-consuming things he once suffered from; he still feels a little bit under the weather on his anniversary dates, but instead of getting worse each time, it gets better. And he *knows* it will get better. And most of all, he does not feel the overwhelming guilt that took its toll in canon.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/7/2007
Frodo’s timing was impeccable – they’re back just in time. Oh, I can see why Estella is so glad, not only because they have to sit for the gifts and she's missing Merry, but after the argument about Sam earlier, and all her mother is putting her through, too.

Very sensible to play the encounter with the ruffians down – I’m not sure some of the others could cope with that just now; they have enough stress already with the wedding.

You know, hosting all these guests for the wedding at the Hall seems to be a logistic nightmare! The meals are probably to manage, but to have all of them there over night ... when I were in Esme's place, I’d probably have a nervous breakdown ;-(

Loved the way you smuggled the kittens in. No doubt, Legolas and Gimli will have to take at least one or two with them!

Author Reply: Yes, he's brought Merry back just in time--for if he were to miss the gift-sitting ritual, I think his betrothed, his future mother-in-law and his own mother would have been well, peeved. LOL!

I'm sure that Frodo and the others would rather not worry the guests. However, I'm also quite sure that Saradoc (and probably Paladin) received the full story behind closed doors.

Esme's been Mistress of the Hall for a long time, and she has Eglantine's help--and don't discount Rosamunda, who, when she is not being overbearing, is also quite capable.

*grin* I do suspect you may be right about the kittens, LOL!

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/7/2007
A lovely, warm chapter full of homely hobbit virtues and rituals--and kittens, too! I enjoyed this very much, and look forward to seeing Crickhollow transformed into a honeymoon cottage, where the purple teapot will no doubt please Pippin!

You are so adept at making the Shire feel like Home!

Author Reply: Thank you. I've always, for some reason, thought of Crickhollow as even more of a haven than Bag End, and I love to show scenes of cozy domesticity there. You know, Pip probably *will* like the purple teapot, come to think of it!

I'm so glad you find my Shire home-like. I've always felt at home there myself, and so this reaction makes me very happy!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/19/2007
Lovely! A good little trip for them to enjoy healed and whole! I like that Estella was so nice to Merry about him going, of course she would have to be understanding if she was marrying Merry! I'm glad Gandalf has come back as well, it will be good for him to be back in Middle-Earth, even if he is only on holiday ;) Well I suppose it would be too much to think they will have a peaceful trip but I will have to leave off for now. Enjoying this immensely!

Author Reply: Yes, a nice chance for them to see how well Frodo's doing.

Estella has several reasons for agreeing: first of all, she really is worried that Rosamunda and Merry might have a blow-up; second, she thinks Merry would fret if Frodo and Pippin went without him; third, she knows it will benefit Merry to observe Frodo's healing for himself.

And, well, I just thought Gandalf should have a chance to enjoy the fruits of his long labor to rid M-e of Sauron. He worked hard, he deserves a vacation!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/14/2007
How wonderful to see Miss Dora's book mentioned! Rosamunda is the sort of nightmare mother of the bride who would cause the happy couple to elope. I was so pleased to see Eglantine put her foot down. Poor Estella - I'm sure she was very relieved to see Merry at last.

I hope we see a full description of the wedding? Oh I do love the Eucatastrophe universe!

Author Reply: Yes, Rosamunda has become completely carried away by her idea of a "perfect wedding"; but Eglantine is the highest ranking female in the Took family, and she knows just how to deal with Rosamunda.

Estella is just happy to see her Merry again!

*grin* With the elements I have for August's Challenge, I think I can just about guarantee you a wedding!

(And I love it too!)

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