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Night On A Bare Mountain  by Jay of Lasgalen 17 Review(s)
BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
Yay! Elrohir is saved!

Wow, that was intense, Jay. I would say that Morel deserves some extra oats in his feed trough when they get back to Rivendell.

Hopefully Glorfindel and the rescue party are not far behind Elladan, and Morel will alert them to their location.

Loved the twin interaction in this chapter. Elladan's gentle treatment of his twin's injuries was very sweet without going over the top. You do a really good job of portraying their brotherly relationship in your stories.

I'm so glad that Elrohir's back is only badly bruised. I think Elladan had a moment of panic there when he saw the bruises.

Loved the closing scene as Elrohir realized Elladan was with him and fell back to sleep. He is going to be unpleasantly surprised when he finds out he is not in Rivendell yet.

Great chapter as usual. I will be looking forward to the next one.

Author Reply: I've added a paragraph to show Elladan thanking Morel and settling him!

Glorfindel is on his way, but isn't there yet - there's bad weather brewing.

Writing the relationship and interaction between the twins is the part of my stories I like best. They're very close, and after spending all their lives together they know and understand each other extremely well.

Elrohir's waking moments at the end were very hazy. He knew he was no longer on the mountainside, and that Elladan was with him - and after that, just guessed. Things will be clearer when he next wakes.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
Elrohir is a very very very lucky Elf. Elladan's rescue of him was a foolish, touch-and-go thing, but fortunately, it worked out well for everyone. It must be nice to be an Elf treating another Elf. What your blankets and herbs don't touch, you can magic away. In fact, if one has to be sick or injured, it would be nice to have an Elf around anyway, even if you aren't in a cave on a mountain.

Author Reply: There was a lot of daring and risk in Elladan's rescue, but he asks what else he could do? He couldn't climb that cliff unaided, and had to get Elrohir to shelter.

I don't think all elves had healing powers, but the twins are the sons of Elrond. They inherited and learned some of his skills - and we know they were healers, because after the battle of Pelennor Fields, Aragorn sent for them to help heal the wounded.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
Why, Jay, what would EVER make us think you enjoy torturing the twins??? LOL Seriously, this little story has kept me on the edge of my chair ever since Elrohir went over that cliff. I am so glad Elladan heeded that surprising communication from his brother and went on ahead to find him. Now they are all snug and cozy in that cave and, assurances from the author aside, I'm having a hard time relaxing and thinking the danger is past and all they have to do now is wait for Glorindel and the others to show up. *sighs and bites fingernails* Hey Glorfindel! Hurry know how quickly this author can change things! *gulps and eyes the surrounding mountains*

Wonderful, Jay, really wonderful!

Linda :-)

Author Reply: I don't torture them - I just like a little angst and hurt/comfort. You've had the angst and hurt, now comes the comfort!

Poor Elladan could hardly believe what he heard, but he *knew* it was Elrohir. It was just as well they could communicate in that way, or Elladan would never have found him. Now they just have to wait for Glorfindel to arrive ...

Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
I'm so glad Elladan has been able to get Elrohir into the cave and look at his wounds. But a cave in the Misty Mountains may not the safest place to be when you're wounded and/or tired I'm afraid. Glorfindel had better get there fast, because something tells me they are unfortunatly not completely safe yet.
Don't let us wait to long for the rest of this Jay.

Author Reply: *Sigh* People seem to think I enjoy torturing the twins ...

Elladan isn't going to risk his brother's safety by not checking the cave carefully. Don't worry, there are no trolls or orcs lurking in the shadows (though I wish I *had* thought of that ...)

CesReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
Morel is a hero! Tired as he was, he found that extra to help Elladan aid Elrohir!

Elrohir is awake, which should be a good sign. Let's hope help arrives soon and before those wolves start tracking our twins!

Author Reply: Poor Morel. He gave everything he could, but is now a very tired horse. Fortunately it will be a few days before Elrohir can move far, so Morel will have that time to rest. And don't forget, Glorfindel is also on his way!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
I am almost sorry I started this - since it is a WIP - but I'll hold on and try to be patient till you continue.

Excellent tale!

Author Reply: I usually try to finish WIPs fairly quickly (though I have got a little stuck on 'Beyond The Dimrill Gate'). The next chapter of this is partly done, and it won't be much longer before the story is finished.

You know, the cliffhangers I write just don't work if you read the whole story in one go!!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2007
Given how cold it is here today, I was very relieved when Elladan got Elrohir into the cave, started the fire, and dug out the furs. However, I'm not entirely sanguine about this cave. Caves in the Misty Mountains are notoriously treacherous places. You surely don't have more nasty stuff planned, do you, Jay?

Author Reply: Nasty stuff?? Me?? *Looks innocent*

Do you really think Elladan wouldn't have checked the cave out carefully? He wouldn't risk his brother like that. Don't worry - this cave, this time, is quite secure.

The weather's very mild here now, but it still made me shiver to write this. I don't like the cold!

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