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Mardil Goes A-Courting  by Le Rouret 49 Review(s)
Alison HReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/2/2007
Ah, yes, have Legolas fall in love with Durfinwen, against all his principles and resistance.I would love to see Legolas questioning his own feelings and saucy Durfinwen seems the perfect companion for him.You're just the author to do the idea justice.

You're married to an Italian? Lucky gal!

Update soon.


Author Reply: Yes, I'm married to an Italian ... it cuts both ways, you know. But we're working on Anniversary #17 and I haven't killed him yet, so I suppose we've achieved the right balance.

Dúrfinwen again! Everyone seems to like that one.

ChrisReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/2/2007
Hello Le Rouret,

okay after having read all of your stories as well as the rewies and your answer to those I have to agree with many (all?) of the other readers: your writing style is absolutely fantastic and most I definitely adore your stories.
You manage to let us "live" through the happenings by your detailed descriptions and convey the image of an elven court and all its excentrics.

To this particular story: It is funny to see, how Legolas' carefully made plans somehow fall through and yet not, because elwen was Legolas' choice from the beginning. I can't wait to see, how Mardil will react.

Concerning a story about Legolas falling in love:I agree with Niriel, that it might be very amusing to see Legolas falling head over heels while trying to remember his usual opinion about such "frothy things" - as well as his friends reactions to it (like excessive teasing, perhaps).
I could also see that happening with Dúrfinwen, but it is only a possibility.

Looking forward to more of your work!!!

Author Reply: Thanks for the accolades! I'm blushing in twelve different colors and six separate positions.

I think the juxtaposition of Legolas' feelings and thoughts would make an interesting study. And another vote for Dúrfinwen! She'd certainly make things exciting, wouldn't she?

On to the next chapter!

AmanielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/2/2007
I enjoy your stories immensely! You do such a wonderful job of portraying Legolas! As to a love story regarding him, I'm not sure what I feel about that. I think it would be quite a challenge. You do quite well keeping Legolas' character close to Tolkien's Legolas, but I'm not sure how a love-struck Legolas would play off. I suppose if it were to be done properly, you'd be the one to do it. So, if you do try, then I will definitely have to read it!

Author Reply: You have just described my objections to writing Legomance! I cannot see Legolas as "love-struck," at least not the way Tolkien wrote him. Then again Tolkien didn't write him as a jousting, hard-drinking, party-spurning, Hobbit-loving Elf lord with meddling tendencies, so there you have it.

I'll mark your vote as "abstained." Thanks!

WimseyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/1/2007
Okay, I had promised myself I would stop bugging you, but then I read your author’s reply where you quoted Lord Peter Wimsey and it is official. I love what you read and write. Busman’s Honeymoon and Gaudy Night were two of the best love stories I have ever read, non-withstanding the fact that they are mysteries. I had a crush on Lord Peter for years. His Harlequin in Murder Must Advertise took my breath away, Anyone who reads Dorothy L. Sayers and writes such wonderful fan fiction must be a kindred spirit.

Oh by the way I loved the plot twist in this chapter. Poor Mardil, this will surely kill him.

PregoReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/1/2007
Well, somebody's carefully planned matchmaking backfired a little...though Legolas did want Mardil to wed Elwen at first. I'm looking forward to seeing how he reacts to the unexpected bride! And poor Mardil who's now marrying a maid even younger than he thought.

But why is Deniel marrying someone else? I'm sure Legolas wants that question answered too.

Oh, and as for Legolas falling in love: he deserves a girl that'll snub him a little, I think. He is so confident in his abilities that it should be fun seeing him trying to court a maid who's not that impressed...

Very good chapter, Le Rouret!


Author Reply: Another vote for Legomance! The "snub" aspect is a new one though; I'll have to ruminate on that concept for a while. He was so sought-after in "My Dear Bandobras" that I suppose a good dose of humility would be efficacious!

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/1/2007
Ok, I left my long review over at OSA, forgetting that you don't get alerts on reviews over there. So be sure to check it out. And I reiterate...I want to see Legolas fall head over heels and eat his opinion on love. Besides, after all the poor elf has gone thru, he needs a female to love him and care for him and give him those kids he wants so much. I vote Durfinwen. The two of them would make quite a pair. And I can just see Andunie's response! Or lack thereof. *grin*

Oh...excellent chapter btw. I loved Meivel in this. Poor elf. You write all your characters so very well. Thank you for sharing your talent!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/30/2007
Legolas wants someone's leg broken????? He is an unusually ruthless matchmaker!

The description of the dry, drought-filled land is ... enough to make me feel stiflingly hot - even here on this cool, damp spring day.

And Durfinwen - Legolas is so clearly gripped by the ins and outs of silken finery! - seems to have an undercover role as a catalyst for lovers. Still - she seems to enjoy putting cats among pigeons!

Author Reply: Well, he only wants it broken "a little" ... that argues a tad more restraint on his part, doesn't it?

I'm having a terrible time not running with Durfinwen's character. I find I'm liking her and her saucy dialog a lot more than I'd anticipated!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/26/2007
Le Rouret,
First let me tell you that I haven't read your stories before. I started with this one and like it too much that I went I read the other ones over the weekend. I really enjoyed and loved it, they are great.
Please, keep writing; I can't wait to see what it is going to happen with Legolas' plans. Hopefully, he will find his match too, but I guess that I'm hoping too much, after what happened with the Infant. But when reading this character, Dúrfinwen, seems so right for him, she is so beautiful, bright, loyal and witty; besides, I will like to see a romantic Legolas for a chance.

Author Reply: Well, Fantasia, I don't usually write "romantic" Legolas ... I try to stay away from that aspect of his character. I agree that he and Durfinwen get along well, but I envision that more as two good friends than anything else.

Thank you for reading all my fics! I am immeasurably flattered.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/26/2007
Another great chapter, Le Rouret.Legolas' head is filled with plans of one sort or another but has he anticipated the unexpected? Something is bound to go wrong somewhere---and I can't wait to find out if Legolas' plans are successful or not!

I've read all your stories, Le Rouret, but I think I'll go back and refresh my memory on Legolas' love life, such as it was.

Update soon!

Author Reply: Actually poor Legolas' "love life" has rather warped his views on love and marriage. Though I admit to a certain appeal in a rather bull-headed and practical view of love-making (probably why I married an Italian) it would be nice to see what kind of woman would rattle him!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/22/2007
It's really rather amusing to have Aranath promoting the cause of true love! She is, on the surface, exactly the sort of Lady you would expect to judge and choose partners by pedigree and property - while the beautiful elf would be expected to think more about partners being 'meant for each other'.

Legolas is the most amusing matchmaker. Nearly as entertaining to think of him that way as to see him as Middle-earth's midwife of choice.

Author Reply: Thanks, as always, for your review! I thought it would be funny to have the woman promoting "romance" to be all prickles and stings - it made for a more interesting contrast.

Even though Gildor told Frodo that Elves do not like to give advice to Mortals, I always thought Legolas would take more of an interest in the lives of the folk around him. After all, his father's people were such good friends with the people of Dale, and Legolas had many Mortal friends. And Tolkien's Legolas was so kind-hearted and merry; I postulated he would wish to have all his friends happy, and be relatively clueless about how his interference would be seen!

Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm having fun writing it. I can only handle so much High Drama, in my personal life as well as my fanfic!

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