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A Centenary of Special Significance  by Baggins Babe 97 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/9/2007
I like Aragorn's ritual and Freddy seeing the misty folk. I really like that Aragorn wanted to honor the fallen on his special day and that he was making sure the soldiers would be able to celebrate as well.

"His only regret about the day was that Frodo, Sam and Rose were not there to share it with him but he was hoping to sneak away to the White Tower during the afternoon to look into the Master-Stone and see them enjoying the celebrations in the Shire."

I guess my only question is wouldn't he miss Merry and especially Pippin, his own knight, as well? You've hardly mentioned them at all, it just seems a little strange to me.

Author Reply: Oh there will be much mention of Merry and Pippin in the next chapter, and naturally Aragorn would like to have them there too. He has not forgotten tham and neither have I.

I'm sure Aragorn would wish to honour the fallen and remember those who paid the ultimate price in the struggle.

Glad you're enjoying.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 8 on 9/9/2007

"And it works, I see. No-one like hobbits for keeping anyone cheerful, and no better hobbit than a Took."

I like that ;-)

Author Reply: Naturally. We all need a cheery little Took in our lives.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/9/2007
No, they never grow up . . . LOL!

Author Reply: Not even Kings of Gondor! One hundred he may be but he's still a little boy at heart.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/9/2007
All right, Hobbit cooking!!!!!

I love the twins and Glorfindel and how they are with the hobbits. On with the journey.

Author Reply: Had to get Glorfindel in there somewhere, and the Twins would hae to come too.

With hobbits in the party at least they'll eat well. The young Rangers must be very grateful if they've been....erm....'enjoying' Elrohir's cooking!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/9/2007
Well, he was a Ranger, after all; and love the informality he shares with Anrion.

Glad they follow Shire gifting traditions here--how wonderful!

And to know his son and brother are desiring his peace of mind, having this confirmed by small Hobbit lads and kings, will aid Erithain a good deal, or so I'd think.

Author Reply: The healing power of hobbits strikes again! Erithain now has the chance to heal and enjoy his life in the knowledge that son and brother would wish that.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/9/2007
Wonderful chapter! I found myself sharing in the sunrise, the commotion of breakfast and the memorial was very touching. Freddie is adorable!


Author Reply: Delighted to see you're still enjoying the adventure. Freddy is adorable, isn't he? :-) Larner called it the 'blessed tyranny of small hobbits' and I think that sums it up.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/9/2007
The difference between Denethor and Aragorn has to be truly unbelievable at times. I can imagine very well that the Guards would gladly die for Aragorn, who shows his appreciation for them and their job so openly and respects them so much. Denethor would never have gone out to watch the dawn and certainly not to simply have a nice bit of small talk with a mere guard, even if it is a Captain. Or gifting the guards with ale ... Not to mention how humble Aragorn is, and how openly thankful for all the help he got to get his Kingdoms and wife.

Love the idea that they saw Erithain’s brother and son, and particularly that Erithain saw them and finally found a bit of peace after all the grief. And little Freddy is so adorable! I always want to cuddle him.

Author Reply: The Citadel Guard must notice the contrast between Denethor and Aragorn. Can't imagine Denethor enjoying a birthday whiskey with his Captain of the Guard and nattering while watching the sunrise.

By all means, cuddle Freddy - I'm sure he won't mind!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/8/2007
"I come here to watch the dawn because this to me is a miracle. I remember the Dawnless Day and the oppressive suffocating cloud of evil which hung over Sauron's land, and to see the sun rising above the Ephel Duath is the greatest sign that life has truly changed. And I also remind myself that everything I have - my kingdoms, my beloved wife and children, the safety of the Free Peoples - is due to two small hobbits who walked from their lush green land into that barren wasteland, willing to give their lives for Middle-earth. That is humbling indeed, and kings should remain humble."

Beautiful, my dear, and very much in character!

Author Reply: Delighted that you enjoyed it and feel it is in character. I'm sure Aragorn was always grateful to those who helped him to the throne.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/8/2007
What a beautiful sunrise! I felt I was standing there watching it myself.

"And I also remind myself that everything I have - my kingdoms, my beloved wife and children, the safety of the Free Peoples - is due to two small hobbits who walked from their lush green land into that barren wasteland, willing to give their lives for Middle-earth. That is humbling indeed, and kings should remain humble."

He now knew his loved ones were happy and it would be a rejection of all they had fought for to go on wallowing in misery. He would learn from the hobbits and embrace life again

How absolutely lovely. What a blessing hobbits are, to all who have eyes to see.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed the sunrise. And hobbits are definitely a blessing! Larner calls it the blessed tyranny of small hobbits!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/28/2007
This was the adventure of a lifetime.

How wonderful! I wished I could change places with Blossom and explore Minas Tirith! Or get riding lessons by Eomer ;-)

But the best of all is: Sauron is defeated! The evil has gone. Frodo lives happily in Middle Earth and hobbit ladies can travel from the Shire to Gondor without fear.

I love the Reunion Universe! And I'm looking forward to a grand Birthday Party!

Author Reply: Wouldn't it be lovely to explore Minas Anor? And Mordor is no longer a name to chill the blood, simply a place. I love the thought of hobbit ladies travelling Middle-earth in peace!

Now for that party...........

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