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Not Gonna Happens  by Larner 235 Review(s)
Teresa GreenfalconReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/6/2016
This was FANTASTIC, Larner! I always look forward to your updates, and hope we eventually get to have that tea together I missed a while back! You now have me wanting to watch Call the Midwife finally - but I have to get a PAL-playing viewer! (I have them in PAL format)

Tracey Claybon, in Bellevue (AKA Teresa Greenfalcon)

Author Reply: Thanks so, Tracey! I may make my way your direction perhaps next week on Tuesday or Wednesday, if you wish to meet after your done for the day with your new job. Congratulations!

I have all five seasons in DVD format, so get to watch them pretty much whenever I wish, although I don't get to see them as they're aired on PBS as I don't have television reception here.

And it was fun to put two of the characters I love most possessed of a sweet tooth together in this story.

Thanks so much!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/6/2016
So delightful! Shiremom absolutely adores "Midwife", so I'll print this out for her to read. Pippin will ponder this mystery all his life, no doubt.

Author Reply: I can't think of two individuals more likely to such mischief than Sister Monica Joan and a young Peregrin Took, really. Let me know how Shiremom likes it! Glad it gave you a giggle!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/27/2016
Never did I think I'd ever see a LOTR NCIS Crossover, but...WOW!! Love it and you've got Gibbs voice pitch perfect here too. Adore MeGee and would have loved to have seen his face when he saw the rifle and hat...Hee hee hee!!

This is just wonderful and I'm so happy you took up the challenge.

Author Reply: Oh, but when faced with such a challenge, what else might I have come up with? Heh!

I do hope things are going better at home. God bless you and all those you love.

quodamatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/26/2016
I just came across this: how wonderful! Death and Namo: match made in an eccentric little corner of literary paradise. I'm suddenly thinking I'd love to see Elrond meet Vetinari... :)

Author Reply: And what do you think Elrond would think of Leonardo de Quirm? Heh! Or Glorfindel meeting Ghengis Cohen and his Silver Horde? Much less Aragorn meeting Captain Carrot. I so have loved Pratchett's work over the years!

Glad you enjoyed this. It was fun to write!

ElwenReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/23/2016
Love it, love it, love it.

I think my favourite bit was the description of the rabbit but I love it all. Two of my favourite universes combined in one tale.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I couldn't help but think, well, if there's a rabbit hole there MUST be at least one bunny around somewhere! Heh! Thanks for letting me know!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/8/2016
I have watched very little of the Abbey but my parents are big fans and so I know of this lady and liked her best. That would indeed be disturbing images to see for a lady like that!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Oh, but I love Downton Abbey, so I had to find some way to pay tribute. And you love the Dowager Lady, too? So hope it amuses! Thanks so, Antane.

Eirinn LeighReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/1/2016
The ending reminds me of Sam Alexander's (kid Nova) introduction to superheros in the Marvel Comics. Wakes up in a hospital, has a conversation with aliens and falls asleep thinking it was a dream... only a space helmet - the source of his subsequent powers - is shown lying under the bed.

a bit silly but not, as a whole, too horrifying an addition to the fandom!

Author Reply: Oh, it does sound like a good premise for the series of comic books, then. I'll have to check it out.

Most of the fics in this collection are a bit silly, but I hope they're also fun to read.


AndreaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 2/28/2016
That was very funny!

I don't know Mr. Gibbs, but I think he was the perfect man for the job.

Author Reply: Leroy Jethro Gibbs is the lead in the action mystery series NCIS. He was a sniper while enlisted in the Marines, and is now the leader of a group of investigators working in the Naval Criminal Investigative Services. One of my favorite series, in spite of having exceedingly limited access to television nowadays. Heh!

Yes, the perfect man for the job indeed! Glad it gave you a laugh.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 18 on 2/19/2016
Looks I am the only one who is clueless about who Gibbs is but still a cute story. Semper fi!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Oh, you mean you don't watch NCIS? Too bad, really! There's good reason it was voted last year the most popular drama internationally. A show I love to watch, I find. Gibbs was a sniper in the Marines before he joined the Naval Criminal Investigative Services, so it seemed he fit the bill here somehow. A friend challenged me to figure out how to do such a crossover, and this was what came out!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 2/17/2016
Oh, that's hilarious! I've only seen a couple of episodes of NCIS, but it really fit nicely into your framework.

Poor Bandobras! Imagine if he should someday find out he cant take credit for his most famous deed.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you didn't mind me "borrowing" your Ranger and his horse as I did. But having seen what I did with "Downton Abbey" Linda challenged me to find a way to involve someone from NCIS in my next venture into mixing worlds.

And I'm certain Gandalf, Aragorn, Landroval, and Sam have no intention of telling anyone, so I doubt Bandobras will be robbed of his fame.

Thanks so, Dreamflower!

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