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Vows  by French Pony 45 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/15/2007
Man, Feanor has a lot to answer for.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/12/2007
It is really sad to see this horrific event so close on the heels of happiness and wedded bliss. I really like how you showed their reaction to something not being right with the light and details like Maedhros offering to help Feanor choose his clothes and Feanor's reaction.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/12/2007
Part of me hopes that Calime will be left pregnant. She - and her parents and Nerdanel - could do with being left with a bit of hope to help them survive all the ages of Arda.

But Feanor! That elf deserves some intensive psychotherapy. Or a kicking.

Aman teeters on the edge of disaster - and he's just about to push them all over the edge.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/11/2007
I was laughing at Feanor fretting about NErdanel's impedning arrival and the state their house was in... Itmade me laugh and shiver as well, as I remembered the state I left my own house in when I left the other day!

The married males tradition was very fitting, and the ceremony -and the finery- was lovely. YOu have a great talent for depicting those scenes! And I suppose that MAglor cannot complain at the surprise! :-)

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/9/2007
WAiting at the airport I have finally found time to catch up with my reading..

I do love your faily interactions. And weddings seem to be part of your area of expertise! I loved the kitchen scene, but also the conversation with Seratur. and how you manage to make these elves like common mortales, engaged in family politics and so mundane tasks as writing wedding invitations.... And I did love the fact that Calime makes MAglor see that there is sense of pride elsewhere, beyond the royal family!

Now for the second chapter!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2007
What a moment for the poisoning of the Trees, much less the thefts of the Silmarils! Alas, and Finwe dead?

The beginning of the long end for the children of Feanor!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2007
A dramatic moment in more ways than one. I don't think I've ever seen it shown in another fanfic. Good job, FP.

Feanor seems to be coming apart even before this happens.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/6/2007
I absolutely burst out laughing at Feanor's frenzy at the impending arrival of relatives. Perhaps I should be ashamed to say that his reaction is exactly what my mother does when visited by certain relatives, and it is exactly what I do when my mother comes to my houde, so seeing Feanor do it just cracked me up! Equally great is Feanor's reaction to the care of his house in Tirion! She is gutsy to tell him!

And of course the one expense for the wedding was a great band! What else is one to expect given the groom (and the author). ;-)

Something about the vow naming Manwe as witness here is quite sad--a very different vow than the one Maglor will soon make, that will undoubtedly tear this one apart.

And the end! Hehehe! Great! Hot blooded First Age elves indeed!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/6/2007
I finally had time to sit down and read this! The sons of Feanor! Like your story about Eol/Maeglin, this promises to be another story that shows us a different side of characters that we know as dark or cursed. I love the idea of seeing Maglor's wedding and seeing him in relationships like the one you showed with his betrothed's father as his tutor. It is so nice to see, and yet, of course, so tragic because we know his ultimate fate. I laughed at Seretur's reaction to Maglor being inspired by his daughter. That was great! And so was Feanor's reaction to the suggestion that he wear the Silmarils. Sad for Maglor to see him so ensnared already.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/6/2007
Well! It seems as if Maglor's foray into married life started well. There wasn't even a punch up at the wedding. And he managed to keep the show to the things that mattered most to him and his bride, which is pretty good going when you've got a whole load of big egos around.

Shame the harmony couldn't last.

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