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Second Mum  by Larner 15 Review(s)
ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/20/2007
Hehe, Aunt Dora is cute...and the description of the violets and the overheard conversation is very lovely. Good of Frodo to work on Maggot's farm as recompense. And nice that Dirna got upstaged by a mere kid, a real kick out of that!

Frodo and Bilbo will be very happy together, of course.....


Author Reply: Dear Aunt Dora, with her reams of advice sent to all and sundry; and I found I had to write her much as Dreamflower has.

I can't imagine Frodo doing things by halves very often, not even reforming! Heh!

And I think Dirna needed to be upstaged by someone, and Sam just seemed like the proper one to do so, all without meaning to, of course!

Yes, the two scholars together poring over books and rejoicing in the glory of the Shire.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/20/2007
Can’t be easy for Esme to let Frodo go, after thinking of him as her son for years. But I am glad she understands.

Esme overheard an interesting conversation. Maggot, Radagast and Tom Bombadil together there is a surprise. Another enjoyable part was the bit about the rhododendrons *grin* Well, that’s our Sam.

And it is a joy to see Frodo so happy and carefree. Glad to see now even Gilda has realised Bilbo was right and did even apologise to Frodo.

Author Reply: Sometimes we must let go if we are to see what we love bloom fully, and Esme is realizing this is true.

Bombadil clearly knew Farmer Maggot, and characterized him as very wise. So, it only made sense that the two of them met on occasion and passed news to one another; and as I'd written Radagast into "The Ties of Family" I had to see if he'd stuck around a time, and it turned out he had.... Heh!

Who better to put Dirna in her place than an kid whose only thought is to show off the flowers he's grown. Yes, OUR Sam.

And of course even Gilda realizes this was the right and proper decision for Frodo, and I think she's realistic and humble enough to apologize.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/20/2007
Frodo really is a fine kid. I love that he spent so much time helping out on the farms that he scrumped from -- that's just like him, really, and just like the sort of things he'll do later on in life, with far less recognition. He really seems to have found his place with Bilbo (pneumonia scare aside), and is really blossoming there in Hobbiton.

Author Reply: I hope the overblown conscience I've pictured in Frodo from a young age doesn't offend too many folks, but I certainly have imagined him so for quite some time. That it would move him to seek to try to do something to make up for his raidings just made sense to me, and I wrote of Sara speaking of the worn hoe to Ruvemir in "The King's Commission" and how doing so had moved him then.

The pneumonia I'd described in "For Eyes to See as Can," and Fenton's death was described in "The Acceptable Sacrifice." The first crisis of the new regime in Hobbiton survived, and the time Bilbo is assured that Frodo indeed has outgrown the heart murmur he showed earlier in his childhood. Not terribly unusual occurances in the life of a maturing individual--for me it was a very serious allergic reaction and later a nasty, nasty case of strep throat that nearly sent me to the hospital.

Yes, Frodo is blossoming, a much desired response to the move.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/20/2007
Such a wonderful chapter, showing the adjustments that needed to be made, now that Frodo has become Bilbo's responsibility.

But I have to say, I just *loved* Aunt Dora in this, most especially her letter to the Brandybucks--that really made me grin. I think her parts were my favorites in this chapter.

And Sam winning the prize for the rhododendrons was such a hoot!

Of course, it's also continuing to be very interesting to watch all the peices of "your" Shire fitting into their places on Frodo's timeline. And I got quite a kick out of Merry's observation of his aunt "getting fatter" LOL! So we have a Pippin soon to look forward to.

Author Reply: Well, of course, your "Dora Baggins's Book of Manners" gave us the pattern for how Dora writes, and thus for much of how she thinks and probably talks at times as well. Am glad this letter gave you a grin and pleased you so.

I found I had to find some way of giving Dirna a bit of perspective on her own place within the Shire, and particularly the realization that there is a young gardener in the making who will one day dominate the floral scene throughout the Shire. And for Frodo to unwittingly deliver the death blow to Dirna's attempt to establish herself as THE gardener of the Shire just seemed like too good an opportunity to miss.

For a small child to appreciate the reality of pregnancy is not always easy; and as they are often so blunt in their observations it just fit that Merry probably made such a statement. I found I wanted someone to overhear one of the conversations from "O Merry Mine," and Sara on his way back from the privy seemed just the right one to do so.

Glad this chapter gave you a grin.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/20/2007
What a lovely chapter. I was especially delighted with the conversation Esme overheard, and that you gave us the experience of Frodo's leaving Buckland from the point of view of those who knew him best. I'm so happy he's finally happy.

Author Reply: Tolkien clearly indicated Maggot and Bombadil were acquainted, and so I figured that they must meet to talk on occasion, probably when Maggot was on the Buckland side of the river to do business. And if Radagast might have been visiting the Eldest during one of his infrequent visits west of the mountains, might he not also take advantage of the chance to meet a second wizard?

Those who loved Frodo in Brandy Hall must have regretted him leaving, but must also have realized that in this case it was for the best. And I think they would have rejoiced to see Frodo's basic cheerful nature restored, and to see him fully happy once more.

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