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With Hope and Without Hope  by docmon 129 Review(s)
NalediReviewed Chapter: 19 on 9/17/2008
I am so relieved that Legolas is friends with Gimli again. I really admire him for making that admission to Gimli about not going back to look for his friends when Treebeard rescued him. At last I can believe he's on the mend.

All the way through this tale, you've highlighted the hobbits' resilience and courage, and I liked the fact that it was their example, rather than Gandalf's words, that helped Legolas to make up his mind.

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas, and all the rest, are on the mend, as the story returns to canon. It has been returning for the last couple of chapters, but here we have arrived nearly at the merging point.
You make such a good point, Naledi. Legolas's answer had to be as it was, because the story had been about their struggle, and not so much their triumph over it. Gandalf gave it his best, but he was not there at those crucial times. Even a wizard can miss the mark on occasion. ;-)
Thank you for all your reviews!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 9/17/2008
The company is together at last! Very emotional Legolas apologizes to Gimli. It seems that l, everything is going back to following the books. I will miss this fic when you finish, we are having less and less good fics around.
I love your Legolas, and I want to point that I was always a Faramir fans (Faramir books, of course)
Love the description of them n the terrace, and Gandalf, doing his wizard meddling and Merry comments, Orc-size hole indeed.
As usual I'm reading this at work and can’t review it properly and I have no time at home, so thanks for this wonderful story and I'll be wanting for updates and new stories as well.

Thansk, Fantasia

Author Reply: Thank you, Fantasia! Yes, this chapter was very emotional. I tried to not let it get overboard. ;-) But there was business that had to be attended to.
I always aimed to bring the story back to canon, and at first, I actually thought it would come back earlier. It soon was clear it had to run all the way to Edoras.
Thank you for your compliments, Fantasia, and for all your reviews!

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 19 on 9/17/2008
I'm sad to see this story nearing an end, but I am so happy all set itself right. That makes me happy, very happy.

These last few chapters have been magnificent. Of course, one must wonder what will happen with the orcs coming to Rohan, and, of course, how Saruman will bail himself out. I cannot remember if Grima is still loose or not, but it would work.

Now... someone has to ask this question... what are you planning for your next story(ies)? What can we expect, and when can we expect it? You certainly have a knack at characterization and plots, so there must be more! :)

Author Reply: I'm so glad you're happy, AL. I don't doubt you'd have the Staff Elf after me if you weren't. :-D
Well, all loose ends won't be wrapped up so neatly. I have to leave something for the reader to wonder about. Of course, that's also known as a nuzgul, and I freely release any and all nuzgul that may escape from this story. [beg] If you feel nibbling around the ankles, well, you know what it is...
I do have something in the works, but it will be quite a while before that sees the light of day. It's still in the early stages. Sorry I can't give more!
Thanks for all your reviews!

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/8/2008
Some of my favorite moments in various stories are those moments when people reunite, catch each other up to speed, and prepare for whatever comes next. It's a time to gather momentum, redirect, and allow for some much needed healing/venting. And I think you handle that perfectly here. Aragorn gets a chance to really talk about what's happened. He hasn't even shared much of this with Gandalf, so it's good to see him get it out in the open. I really do like the response from Elladan and Elrohir: equal parts exasperation and concern. The concern really comes out toward the end of Aragorn's tale as they realize just how serious Aragorn's predicament was, and you get a good balance going between the attitude of older brothers/mentors and the attitude of concern/vengeance/here-we-go-again. Halbarad was also a nice addition to the mix, and he plays exactly as I would expect another Ranger to play. He's a quiet presence, but you never quite forget that he's around. And Pippin definitely shined by the end of the chapter. It was good to see him stand up for what he knew and make an impact on the war council. Awesome chapter!

Author Reply: Yes, I needed to write this reunion as much for myself as for the characters! And it is the first time Aragorn's said this much about their experience. It doesn't go smoothly for him, unfortunately ;-). If only the big brothers hadn't been there at that point! Glad you like my Halbarad. It's not like we have much to go on for his character, after all!
Thanks for everything!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/8/2008
You know, I was thinking Who else is coming to Rohan? Are they having a party over there? Seems that all Middle-Earth people have decided to visit Rohan, it is getting crowded there.. I wasn't expecting the twins and Halbarad, Oh well, you are always unpredictable.

Love Pippn defending Strider. Worry about Legolas not being strong enough to go with them to Gondor, I supposed that the twins can help, they are healers too. Eomer reaction to Aragorn is different; I don't see how they will be as brother, if they don't fight together in Rohan. I guess that Pippin will go with Gandalf to Gondor because Denethor saw him. I'm not coherent, but I'm work pretend that I'm working and reviewing this chapter.

Love your story, keep posting,


Author Reply: Oh, the gathering is over. ;-) But I had to add the twins and Halbarad! In canon, they find Aragorn on the plains. But in my story, they would miss them, as the Three Hunters were not in that convenient spot where they met. It was a logical guess, I thought, that the Grey Company might go to Edoras next. Just keeping close to canon!
Yes, Pippin was fun to write there. And it's all about what I bring back to canon, and what I leave as AU at the close of this, isn't it? [beg]
Thank you so much for your review!

NalediReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/8/2008
I really liked the way Pippin stood up for himself and insisted that he be heard. Even Gandalf needs to remember not to underestimate the hobbits!

I can't help worrying that Legolas either won't be well enough to go with Aragorn on the Paths of the Dead, or he won't have made his peace with Gimli by that time. That could have serious consequences.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, you cannot keep a good hobbit down! Gandalf should have at least learned that. And the underestimating thing. That's bound to get him in trouble.
As for the future of the elf or the dwarf, it's all a question of what aspects of the story I bring back to canon, and which I leave as AU, isn't it?

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/8/2008
Wow, what you have done with canon astounds me--in a good way, of course. I never dreamed you would send Halbarad and the Grey Company, but hey, you've rearranged so much, why not! LOL And since Halbarad is one of my favorites, you can imagine I was smiling just as wide as Strider when he walked onto the scene. And Elladan and Elrohir as well ... I don't know if you'll go into the scene where they finally hear the full story from Aragorn, but I would love to see that. And Pippin's providing the intelligence they need ... but somehow the very fact that they don't know the size of the contingent from Mordor is very worrisome. I'm really looking forward to what happens next!

Author Reply: Well, the Grey Company was already on its way! In canon, they met up with Aragorn on the plains. But with events as they happened in this story, they missed them, assuming I had not changed the actions of the Dunedain. So I surmised that if they had not found Aragorn, they might have gone on to Edoras to ask if it was known where he was. It was all my attempt to keep "riding alongside" to canon, given the events I had created.
Glad you liked Pippin's role in intelligence gathering. He really insisted on being part of that scene ;-)
Thanks for writing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/7/2008
The AU becomes even more fascinating as we face these new dynamics--Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all much depleted and having lost some trust in their own integrities and strengths; a contingent from Mordor heading for Rohan while the main army prepares to strike Gondor; Pippin in the ascendant; orders of events turned about. Now, what does this awareness of Pippin that Denethor holds preface?

Interesting indeed.

Author Reply: Thanks for writing, Larner! You're right - Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli have lost some of their trust in themselves. Each of them will have their own way of regaining that trust. While the story approaches canon in these chapters, there will naturally be portions that remain different and that's one of them.
Glad you've found this so interesting!

IthilienReviewed Chapter: 17 on 9/3/2008
I WOLFED this chapter down, much like Legolas did with his food. And then when I finished, I went back and re-read it, this time with more care. Needless to say, I LOVED this chapter! Loved it!

First, Legolas's healing under Eowyn's care... that was exactly what I was hoping for. I especially loved how you wrote the attention given to tending his broken hand. There was no break in the narrative though there was definitely a break in the elf's consciousness. I found this extremely clever as this is how I have experienced faints myself. There's no pause in thinking, just a pause in an understanding of where one is or how one got there. VERY nicely written!

Aragorn's healing was also well done, and I was so glad Gandalf was able to clear the cobwebs. More so, I was happy to see this reunion as our Fellowship comes together again for real. And then when Legolas gets together with all at the end of this chapter I was thrilled. I had to laugh when it was said not once but twice that Legolas' appetite was rivaling a hobbits. How funny! And the return of their weapons truly moved me.

But I was, I think, as crushed as Gimli was when Legolas did not respond to the dwarf's apology. I think I understand his reaction and could completely sympathize, but still I ached for the dwarf. And the elf too. This is going to be a tricky bit of healing. The way I see it, the elf suffered pretty horribly... not just physically but also mentally. Very much mentally. The only thing he had to hold to while he was imprisoned was his knowledge that Gimli suffered as he did. There was some solace in that knowledge. But to learn that his companion left him and that he DID suffer alone, justified or not... well, it hurts. It hurts to think he was left alone to torments unspeakable. And also, in some way the elf must be feeling guilt that goes to a deeper level than can be seen on the surface. The narrative said that his eyes showed his wounds. Oh, such pain!

As much as I was rooting to see the elf's wounds tended, his mental healing is going to be harder to attain. I think this is going to come down to Legolas and Gimli hashing this out. There may be some tears involved and even more pain, but somehow they have to deal with this. I have a lump in my throat even thinking about how or what must be said. But I am also VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing it happen. More soon, please. A most EXCELLENT chapter, Docmon!

Author Reply: What a terrific review, Ithilien! And you read it twice! Wow. Can't thank you enough.
I'm glad you got everything you wanted out of the healing scene. And I'm thrilled to see I did that break in consciousness appropriately, seeing as I have not fainted. So, taking it from someone who has experience, I'll say I did it right!
I wanted to create some closure for most ;-) of the characters, and Aragorn needed that last bit of healing. They had to receive their weapons - as warriors, I felt this would be important to them. And how could I leave Anduril and Galadriel's bow on the fields of Rohan!
You have a great understanding of what Legolas and Gimli are going thru right now. Legolas is just now learning he was left behind - he hasn't had the time Aragorn has had to accept and move on. No matter who you are or what you've been thru, it's going to hurt. He needs time. And as you so astutely note, his guilt over his own betrayal, as he sees it, fuels his inability to forgive, as he feels he shouldn't be forgiven. Geez, it sounds so dramatic when I describe it here! But elves do have a tendency towards the dramatic, don't they? I blame it on elves!
Thank you for all your reviews, Ithilien. They are always appreciated!

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 9/3/2008
One of the things I appreciate most about this chapter is that it pays attention to both physical injuries as well as emotional injuries. The Fellowship's experience is not one that can be shrugged away or easily dismissed. There is still healing left to be done, and you pay attention to that, which is great! And some healing kinds of healing is going will be more easily accomplished than others. Pippin, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, in particular, showcase this really well. Aragorn's had time to process Pippin's slip in Orthanc, and it's something he's more or less dealt with. An apology from the responsible party is enough. Pippin, on the other hand, is still feeling all the weight and all the burdens that resulted from his decision, and voicing that apology is absolutely critical. Aragorn's forgiveness can now start the healing process. But by contrast, Gimli is still feeling the betrayal of leaving Legolas in Orthanc, and learning about this now, Legolas isn't able to grant forgiveness because for him, wounds are just too fresh. Love this attention to detail!

And of course it was great fun to have the Fellowship back together again (well, minus Frodo, Sam, and Boromir). Wonderful reunion with both relief and tension. I love your characterizations of not only the Fellowship but also Theoden, who is definitely a king. Superb interactions all around.

Author Reply: Thank you, Thundera! I do like to pay attention to the emotional ramifications as well as the physical in the aftermath of a crisis. There are always both.
You have the Aragorn and Pippin situation worked out perfectly. Aragorn's basically moved on, but Pippin's still hanging on to his guilt. And you've got Legolas and Gimli figured too, because Legolas hasn't had that time to process events. He's also still feeling the weight of his own guilt, which he hasn't shared with them. Unconsciously he feels Gimli shouldn't forgive him, and so he's unable to forgive Gimli.
This story would never have been half as good as it is without your help, TT, so kudos to you! Thanks for the review!

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