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Allee's Odds and Ends by Allee | 27 Review(s) |
Vicki_Turner | Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/19/2007 |
This made me chuckle... Good job! ~ Vicki Author Reply: Thanks, Vicki! Glad it brought a laugh. I seem to alternate between writing something serious and something lighthearted. I guess it keeps me somewhat balanced. Allee | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/18/2007 |
Snookums? Snugglebear! She was that sweet to him and this is the thanks she gets - no wonder Arwen's a bit peeved. -snork!- Author Reply: LOL. Yes, no more Snookums or Snugglebear for Elessar! At least not for awhile . . . . As I've told several readers, I never dreamed that I'd write Snookums or Snugglebear into a fic, but I sure had fun doing so. Thanks for reading and sharing your comments! Allee | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/18/2007 |
Face it, Legolas, it was a bad idea! Heh! The weed and the vegetable enjoying the flowers together! Author Reply: Yes, I think you're right, Larner. Legolas really needs to rethink his approach the next time. Allee | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/18/2007 |
SNUGGLEBEAR???!!! I can appreciate her sentiments; but the thought of calling the High King of the West "Snugglebear" just seems so--so--middle class! You have me giggling on this one. Author Reply: LOL. I never thought I'd write snugglebear into a fic! Agreed: so middle class--that's what made it so fun to throw it in there (along with "snookums," of course). I have never before written a pardoy (let alone a parody of one of my own vignettes); I have to admit, writing it was enjoyable. Weird, but enjoyable. Allee | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/18/2007 |
This was most enjoyable and made me smile. I love nature like Legolas but see no more point in gardening than Gimi,so have a lovely weed garden ! Author Reply: Thanks, Linda. I'm more of a patio garden sort of person myself. That's about as far as my nature-loving side goes. Legolas would have a fit with me! Allee | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/17/2007 |
Just hilarious !In my version of Arwen giving birth, she told Ioreth she planned to kill him !I could not stop smiling at this. May I suggest you post the chapter headings on top of each chapter? Author Reply: Thanks,Linda. This vignette is *so* different from anything that I would normally write, but I had fun doing it. Thank you for the suggestion on the chapter headings; layout issues are not my forte, so I appreciate those helpful tips! I'm off to post those headings now . . . Allee | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/15/2007 |
Very nice - I like how the two stories meld and compliment each other - though reading the first was not necessary to enjoy the second! Very nice indeed! Author Reply: Thank you, Agape. I'm glad you enjoyed this it. This vignette actually inspired an interesting (and humorous) conversation in one of the Yahoo groups to which I belong. Would Aragorn really have kept out of the birthing chamber? Who knows? Personally, I think yes, but I seemed to be outnumbered there. In any case, a parody of this vignette is running around in my head and may very well get written before too long. Allee | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/13/2007 |
He certainly needed the time to grieve--for Halbarad, for Theoden, for those he'd known for most of the past sixty years and those he'd come to know only in the past few days. And it's good he's taking time to let that grief have its due. One quibble--a coronation is when the king receives his crown--to be wearing it OUT to receive it is not quite--right. Maybe you could make it his coronation feast? Author Reply: Thanks Larner. I certainly think that Aragorn had plenty of losses to grieve, both recent losses and not so recent losses. Eek! Major logical glitch with the crown thing! I really want this scene to take place before his coronation, so I think we'll just remove the crown from his royal head for now. A million thank yous for pointing that out to me; I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me. Allee | |
RS | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/12/2007 |
This was really a momentous event and you've captured it. The unsurety of it all....poor Aragorn. I know I've said this before and I am going to say it again...Beautiful! I am truly enjoying your vignettes. Please keep it up. More Please! RS Author Reply: I can't imagine what it must have been like for Aragorn to be confronted with the reality that he was actually, officially about the become king. I'm glad you're enjoying these vignettes. Vignettes are my absolute favorite thing to write, although I'm a little bogged down in short stories in progress at the moment. But there will always be more vignettes (including the Tales of the Innkeeper vignettes; I've not forgotten the innkeeper--he's just on hiatus). Allee | |
RS | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/12/2007 |
BEAUTIFUL! Author Reply: THANKS! ;) Allee | |