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Allee's Odds and Ends  by Allee 27 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/11/2007
Yes, one cry that is awaited eagerly by every expectant parent.

Well done, and wonderful reference to the other work.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. Although I'm generally a big fan of silence, this situation is one in which a cry is most definitely appreciated!


rsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/11/2007
Oh My Gosh! This is hilarious. I wish I could see this whole scene fold out in front of me. Beautiful!


Author Reply: Thanks! I originally posted this vignette separately, but I decided I'd better behave myself and collect my super-short stuff as a series (I have quite a few shorter vignettes to be posted but I haven't gotten very far yet, have I?!). Writing this one was an entertaining way to spend a few minutes and a very welcome change from the heavier stuff I usually write. Glad you enjoyed it!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/11/2007
Aha! Moved here, is it? Still funny.

Author Reply: LOL--Yes, I decided I should be "legal" and start collecting some of my super-short stuff in one place (but, alas, I am so far behind on posting!). Glad it's still humorous! Thanks, Larner.


Lady BluejayReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/10/2007
Gruesome but good! LBJ

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm not usually a gruesome writer, but this one sure was. But I always throw in that hopeful ending.


NessaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/10/2007
I love this one. I enjoyed the last one too. Looks like they could become chapters to a longer story.

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it (and the previous one). When I wrote the first one, Green No Longer, I had absolutely no intention of writing a sequel . . . but here it is nonetheless. So although I don't forsee their becoming chapters in a longer story, who knows?


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/10/2007
Wow - what a fantastic piece of writing Allee. Glad it finishes on a hopeful note.

Author Reply: Thanks so much. I tend to finish everything on a hopeful note, no matter how dismal the piece may be overall. It's not intentional, believe it or not; I guess I'm just a sucker for hopeful endings!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/10/2007
The small signs of hope are needed, and Aragorn is the healing King as well as the defending and victorious King.

Author Reply: Sometimes, the small signs of hope are all that are to be had, and I certainly think that Aragorn must have been on the lookout for them. Given the circumstances, it would have been too easy to succumb to despair without a willingness to seek out those little signs of hope and life. And the healing King is one of my favorite aspects of Aragorn.


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