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The Wars of the Valar  by Fiondil 559 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 56 on 2/3/2009

Melkor capturing and corrupting the Elves has always been heartbreaking to me. I do a bit of crying when I read the Silmarillion.

The amount of detail you put into your stories always amazes. I’m hoping something will rub off on me.

Author Reply: Melkor certainly had much to answer for. That part of the Silmarillion was always one of the hardest for me to read, too.

As for details... they make or break a story in my opinion and as a friend of mine always says, "Research, research, research", which to me is the key to everything when writing Tolkien. If you don't take the time to read and re-read his works and as much of the Histories as is relevant, you're bound to mess things up and then a story that might have been rather good turns out to be not so good.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 56 on 2/2/2009
Have bookmarked this for future reference.

Thank you, Fiondil.

Author Reply: You're welcome, Larner. I hope you find this timeline useful.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 2/2/2009
And so we all add to the population of Arda, do we not? Thanks for this.

Author Reply: You're welcome, Larner. I will continue to add to this list whenever I create a new OC Maia character (as I did for a to-be-posted chapter of "Elf, Interrupted"). Even if they do not make an appearance in this story, they are there in the background and I wish to acknowledge their existence.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 55 on 2/2/2009
And the doom is chosen and spoken. Tulkas this time had the right of it. There was good and bad in the results, as there is ever with what Melkor has wrought.

As for Melkor being bound to a replica of his own throne--too appropriate, and unfortunately the irony is lost on him. And the only torture he will know will be left to his own imagination, which is torture enough. Alas for what he MIGHT have been!

And at last this one has come to its end.

Thank you, Fiondil.

Author Reply: You're most welcome, Larner. It has been quite a ride, hasn't it? *grin*

And, as you say, there was both good and bad in the decision made here. One can only imagine what Arda might have been like had Melkor not rebelled. Yet, the Marring will lead to the Remaking, and all that was evil will only give greater beauty to all that is good.

Thanks for all your insightful comments, Larner. I've appreciated them very much.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 55 on 2/1/2009
It may not be nice, but still, I found it satisfying when Námo spit at Melkor. He's losing his fear, and that's good.

Well, the Valar wished only the best for the children, and aside from the rebellion of the Noldor and all that, it was right to invite the Elves to Valinor, I think. What would have become of them in later ages under the dominion of Men, after all, if they could not have sailed?

But really, Fiondil - if I'd not know how the story continues, I'd consider the end to this story another nasty cliffhanger equal to EI 1!

I will miss this story, Fiondil. It was very interesting, and I already complained to friends that the Silmarillion would be much easier to read if it had been written in the same way as 'The Wars of the Valar' - the Valar and Maiar have more of a personality, and I love the humour in it. Thank you, I enjoyed it very much!

Author Reply: I always knew that this particular tale would end as it did with Námo (and Atar) having the last word. *grin* And, of course, I am assuming my readers will know how the 'rest of the story' goes from this point forward.

I'm glad you enjoyed this tale, Kitty. Perhaps people reading this who have had problems with reading the Silmarillion before will now go back and read it with a new perspective of the Valar.

Thanks for all your reviews and encouragement. I really appreciated them.

lyncarol333Reviewed Chapter: 55 on 1/31/2009
Thanks so much for such an entertaining tale. I have always loved your Valar, and this fic has made me love them even more.

Now i can't help but wonder what you will come up with next.

Thanks again for a wonderful read.


Author Reply: Hi Lyn. You're most welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed this tale. As for what I come up with next.... on the Muse knows. *grin*

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 55 on 1/31/2009
Well, if Melkor wanted a throne to stay upon, he's surely got one for all his heart's content. Albeit knowing what we know and I having some very personal and strong issues with our future Morgoth 'smile' , I'm still happy that Namo has had enough strength and heart to wish in his Song for Melkor to find redemption. And this taking into account what he and Vaire suffered in Melkor's hands and his gift of foresight. But thus is Eru's nature and this would be the best proof that the Valar are fullfiling His wishes, in my opinion.

As for the Valar's decision to summon the Firstborn to live with them in Valinor...we all know what happened after this. But we didn't know what might have happened if the Elves were left to dwell in the place of their awakening. Maybe the things would have been worse. And surely the things could have been worse, with Sauron, Gothmog, Ungoliant and possibly others around. Maybe their decision meant in fact the doom of they all, but I would like to point out that this doom could have been even worse and all that happened has been fitting Iluvatar's plans.

I think also that Valinor was deemed from the beginning to be the Firstborn's home and the sea longing felt by a Moriquendo as well is for me a very strong proof. Eventually, Middle-Earth would become a place only for the Secondborn and I believe Eru knew from the beginning that these Children could be quite possessive regarding their place of dwelling. "wry grin". Always the last lines from LOTR made me very, very sad. It was like, as the Firstborn, especially the Eldar , sailed one by one, the world left behind would remain without Music and Light.

Well, an excellent story, one of a kind in LOTR fandom, and, I bet, a very strength-draining one, judging on the amount of research that had to be done in order to obtain such a wonderful outcome, know, those Valar have had to fight at least one War more. Yes, I'm shameless, forgive me. I know and I'll wait for it as much as it is necessary.

All my blessings to you, Sitara

Author Reply: Hi Sitara. We'll never know what might have happened if the Valar had left the Elves where they were rather than bringing them to Aman. Perhaps things would have been worse for them all, perhaps better. Perhaps if the Elves had remained in Middle-earth, when the Secondborn came around, they would have had better teachers and even if eventually they took possession of Middle-earth while the Elves departed for Valinor, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. Who knows? None of that happened and so we are left with what is, not what might have been.

I'm glad you enjoyed this story, Sitara. Yes, it is rather unique and it was very draining (but in a good way *grin*) and I'm looking forward to other writing projects. As to what they may be... only time and the Muse will tell.

Thanks for all your reviews and insightful comments. I appreciated them very much.

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 55 on 1/30/2009
Due to the ice storm that hit my area a couple days ago, this was the first time I was able to get online. I may lose power again, especially once things start melting.

"It was a Song of binding and restraining; of secrets revealed and justice upheld, yet woven into it was the possibility of repentance and release." Echoes of the _Lay of Leithian_.

*snickers* Yes, "homey" the throne may be, but it probably didn't help Melkor's rehabilitation, given it was a reminder of everything he had lost.

*blinks* Kudos to Námo for keeping his temper that long.

I agree with Ulmo and Yavanna! Leave the Quendi alone. That, of course, does not mean I don't understand why the Valar acted as they did. But a part of me wonders what would have happened if the Valar had left well enough alone. Furthermore, if they truly cared so much about the Eruhíni, why did they ignore the ones who didn't/couldn't come to Valinor? Ah, Tolkien, sometimes you give me headaches.

"I have begun to collect the tears of the fëar who have come to my brother’s Halls, for I deem that when Atháraphelun’s Time comes to a close, those tears will be needed." Interesting hint of your ideas for the Dagor Dagorath.

"We will deal with that when the situation warrants it." But, from what I can remember, you didn't.

"Manwë had a feeling deep inside him that perhaps they were in the wrong, but he was genuinely concerned for the safety and well-being of the Children and looked forward to having them here with them." Should have listened to your instincts...

"Already, in the back of his mind, he was anticipating the joy of teaching these bright inquisitive beings all that he knew of Eä and of Atar." Pride was the Valar's downfall, in this particular instance. They couldn't imagine anything else, even though there were options.

"Let us bring the Children home." To your home, not theirs.

"So it is doomed." And so it begins: the Sundering, the division of the Noldor, the Kinslayings, the Curse of the Noldor, and the battles that kept Morgoth in check and set the path for the destruction of Sauron millennia later. But I cannot deny that quote sent shivers up my spine. It is the perfect ending line for this story.

Author Reply: I'm sure, looking back, Manwë and the other Valar who wanted to have the Quendi with them instead of leaving them in Middle-earth where Atar put them had cause for regrets. I found it interesting that while the Valar consulted Atar about what to do with Melkor, they did not consult him about the Children. In that, I think, they fell into error and all else flowed from that. Still, I know that Atar was willing to 'play along' as it were, drawing straight with crooked lines, allowing all his Children the freedom to mess up (or not).

I'm glad you think the final line is the perfect ending line for the story. Shivers up the spine is just the effect I want from my readers. *grin*

Thanks ever so much for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Indy. You don't know how much I've appreciated getting reviews from you. They always made my day.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 55 on 1/30/2009
I liked this chapter. It was nice to read about the Valar debating about inviting the elves to dwell in Valinor. And I thought it was sweet that Namo was so kind in not judging Vaire's decision.

[i]Before Oromë could respond, Námo slowly rose and all gazed upon him with wonder, for he appeared to them in a foreboding light, his amaranthine eyes dark with something none of them could put name to and in the words that he then spoke there was the echo of Another’s Voice:

"So it is doomed." [/i]

I love these lines the best. They stand out clearly.

Author Reply: Hi, Alquawendë. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, especially the last paragraph. And I'm assuming you've enjoyed the story as a whole. *grin* Now that it's completed, I'm looking forward to writing other stories that have been sitting on the back-burner for a while patiently (or not so patiently) waiting their turn. Thanks for your reviews. I much appreciated them.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 55 on 1/30/2009
Whaaat? Is the story finished already?
Hmmm … I suppose all stories must end sometime. At least it means that I can start at the beginning and read all the way to the end now, instead of just to the end of the latest chapter (which can sometimes be quite frustrating. No more waiting on tenterhooks to see what happens next for _this_ story.)

There was of course a bit of final fun. I certainly liked "Never let it be said that I would deprive anyone, even Melkor, of a few homey features to their cell." *grins*
And then, on a more foreboding tone, "So it is doomed." (We know about some of that, don’t we?)

So now you can start on something new. What will it be about? How Irmo and Námo got to be such inveterate gamblers? Why Glorfindel and Thranduil are _always_ quarreling with each other? (I loved Aragorn’s little quip in Tâd Edhel a Firion of whether Glorfindel knew that Thranduil _wasn’t_ an balrog…) How Glorfindel and Elrond got to be friends? Thranduil learning of Legolas' new best friend? Perhaps the stories behind some of Vairë’s more … interesting …tapestries? (if Vairë will let you have a peek in her private gallery, that is.) Glorfindel and Echtelion making pranks in Gondolin? Or what happened to that first fëa to arrive in Mandos? The story of the first reborn Elf? Or maybe you will tell about the journey of the Elves to Aman? Perhaps you will take on one of the more neglected characters like Círdan, Fingolfin or Fingon? (Yes, I know that Fingon is very popular among slash writers, and I have grumbled to you about that before. And the main reason I do not care for slash is that that _other_ sort of action often takes the place of the story actually moving forward, or attempts to distract from bad writing and bad plotting – at least in the stories I have read. (And those, btw, are not problems in _your_ stories.))

You certainly won’t lack things to write about. It shall be interesting to see what your muse comes up with next.

Author Reply: Finished already? I've been writing this story for the last year and a half! *lol* But as you say, all stories must end sometime and I always knew, even as I was writing the first chapters, that this tale would end here since the Valar will not go to war again until the very end of Arda at the Dagor Dagorath and that's a whole separate story right there. None of the Valar participated in the War of Wrath, even though the Maiar did, so that doesn't count.

Your list of possible stories for me to write is rather amusing. I would *love* to get a peek at Vairë's private gallery, and hope some day she will deign to show me some of the more interesting tapestries. I like the idea of taking on some of the more neglected characters and you may see some of them in the future, though not necessarily in expected ways. We'll see what the Muse has to say about it.

Thanks for all your reviews, Sunny, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to let me know how much you enjoyed the chapters and the story as a whole.

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