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My Sword Trembles - Book Three - 'My Sword' Series  by Agape4Gondor 150 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 40 on 11/2/2008
He is maturing rapidly, Denethor's younger son. Alas that this is the necessity. And the idea of sending Ragnild away could work to either the good or the bad. So far Mithrandir does not appear to have developed the suspicion that Saruman has fallen indeed. He will sound Curunir out? That should be--interesting.

And the time of Faramir's period as esquire approaches.

Author Reply: Hi, Larner!

I am so sorry that Faramir is maturing - darn it all - the lad should have some time being a boy - yet, the time in Dol Amroth was joy-filled.

No - according to the book, and even though this is an AU - I'm trying to follow the book as well as I can - Mithrandir has no idea that Curunir has turned to evil... In fact, I'm not quite sure Curunir has - just bending that way, at this moment in time. But he feels a need to 'control' Gondor and never felt that Denethor would allow that -

foxReviewed Chapter: 39 on 10/26/2008
will u protray fara more stronger & wiser?

Author Reply: Dearest Faramir is just turning eight. It's odd you ask, for I was concerned that I portrayed him too mature in this chapter. Glad you didn't think so.

Give the lad time - once he's with Aragorn, his development will be faster, I think, though he seems to be doing pretty good as Steward for the nonce.

Thanks for reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 39 on 10/26/2008
Has a certain White Wizard who smells wrong managed to make his way to Pelargir and infect others? Sounds as if this might have happened.


Author Reply: If it's not the wizard himself, perhaps it's his minions? Do you really think that Grima was his only tool?

Thanks for continuing to read!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 10/9/2008
I rejoice she recognizes that she was saved from enslavement. She thinks Saruman is bad? He's nothin' compared to the Eye! Fortunate indeed! And if Gandalf is never late and arrives precisely when he means to, he also tends to arrive precisely when he is needed! I suspect Eru has a good deal to do with that....

Author Reply: She definitely is smart enough to know exactly what the Eye wants... but will she stay away? If something else happens to Faramir, now that she has it, will she use it to save him?

'Bout time Gandalf showed up!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 38 on 10/8/2008
Uh-oh; does Mithrandir want Indis to risk her sanity by continuing to use the Sauron-linked Stone, or does he want to know if she is wise enough to leave it alone, or use it very sparingly? Danger all around.

Looking forward to more. I'd like to see some Faramir/Mithrandir scenes; surely they will forge a good relationship in this AU...

Author Reply: I truly don't think Mithrandir condones Indis' actions, buy cannot stop her from using a tool given by the Elves.

Ah - stop listening to my muse - Faramir will be along shortly and, thankfully, Mithrandir is still about. Though he is one to disappear without a word...

TariReviewed Chapter: 38 on 10/8/2008
The thought of Indis falling victim to the power of the Palantir sends chills through me. Thank goodness her strength enabled her to resist it. Mithrandir’s arrival was well timed. Too bad he can’t lock that horrible stone somewhere forever. I, too, wonder if she will use it again. I hope this scary lesson will help her to resist.

Author Reply: You never know, Tari. Sometimes the needs of the many... Perhaps if she felt Faramir were in danger... she very well might have looked, if she'd found it earlier, when Faramir was lost in Ithilien....

TariReviewed Chapter: 37 on 9/19/2008
A clambake. Yummy. Why couldn’t they have had them by the sea?

Faramir seems to be recovering beautifully, although I’m sure he’ll have moments throughout his life when the sadness of his losses returns to haunt him.

You have depicted the relationship between Faramir and Prince Imrahil much as I would have thought it to be. I think the Prince would have been like a second father to him.


Author Reply: Hi, Tari! Thanks for the reply.

I too think that way about Imrahil... He and Denethor were closer in age and they, I hope, were friends... He must have felt a strong sense of duty towards Gondor to have taken on the 'Stewardship' when Denethor passed. At least for the short term... until Faramir was well again.

As for our dear Faramir - there will not be a time when he doesn't feel the loss of his father and his brother.... poor little lad. But he has many who love him and will help him keep the grief in perspective!

Bless you for your faithful responses!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 9/14/2008
Clambakes are undoubtedly held in most areas where clams are easily available! What is easier than digging a firepit in the earth, then filling the coals with shellfish to bake in the covered ashes? In Hawaii, where other foods are enjoyed, they do call it a luau, is all, and cook more than fish and shellfish, of course....

A wonderful way to welcome Faramir. And already Faramir's ability to read hearts is showing itself well.

As for the suspicions of Borondir--I sincerely hope he has full reason to trust his uncle. As long as a certain wizard hasn't come here!

Author Reply: I am afraid, dear Larner, that Borondir will carry suspicion in his heart from now on. It is not an easy thing to have 'lost' his own Steward... I'm afraid the wizard is not out of the picture yet.... *shivers*

As for Faramir - Imrahil is awesome - to give the lad such a joy-filled welcome - with no others about to 'worry' over him or fawn over him - he needs a bit of peace in a 'safe' setting.

When I did a search on the word clambake - all I got was info aboutthe New England ones - DUH! I obviously shouldn't have used that term for you are correct - clambakes by any other name are still clambakes! *giggles*

Bless you and thank you for your comments!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/30/2008
I only hope he indeed went north and west rather than south.

Author Reply: It seems a lapse in judgment that no one watched this nasty one leave... *shivers* But there minds and hearts were besieged....

Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/15/2008
Interesting chapter! Update soon please!
God Bless!


Author Reply: Thanks! Working on the updates... I got laid off at the beginning of this month and could not write 'happy' (if you want to call this happy) stuff...

So I've been writing a really dark thing about Celeborn but it's too violent to put in this family-friendly forum!

If you'd like to read it, - but as I said, it is very dark. The violence is not shown, but the after effects are. It has a mature rating...

Thanks again for always commenting. Most appreciated. BTW - it's almost time for another posting of 10,000 Years... but I'm working on the Battle of Osgiliath with Boromir and Faramir and it requires a lot of research!

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