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A Little Nudge Out of the Door  by Jocelyn 56 Review(s)
mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/28/2004
From chapter 3: *He is intriguing even by elf standards, this Legolas. His coming of age may mean a great deal for Middle Earth.*
Yup, you said it Gandalf, wise, wily wizard!

"Legolas was actually the youngest of the participants in the Gathering Trial, a fact that had made his victory all the more sweet to his people."

Actually, this fits in with my view - that of the "great and the good", Legolas is the youngest. I think that for many years before the events of 3019, the elves would have stopped increasing their families - many left ME, and they would not produce elfings who (possibly) would still be enamoured with ME and be reluctant to leave ... if that makes sense. I do think that wood elves stayed, so they may have had elflings.

Thranduil is *really* reluctant about the marriage thing for Legolas. It is sweet (I'm assuming it is because he sees him as the last link to his Queen, and so is keeping him close).

I like the lightness of the story so far, but sense a darker strand, and reading about the "doings" of elves is always a treat.
Thank you.

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/28/2004
Phew, very tense. The elf that was unseated was a favourite, so either he will get Legolas back or there will be a draw or repercussions or something. C won't mind losing to him - he obviously has before :)

I like the wagering and general rambunctiousness of the elves (even if I secretly think this is a wood-elf rather than Sindar or Noldor "thing" - still nice to see Galadriel having a good time!)

Thank you.

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/28/2004
I was only going to leave a review at the end, but I won't make it through in one go, and I'll forget the details!

I really like the idea of the Gathering, and how you've coloured it in so well.
Also, the way in which you describe Legolas as different, not just from his friends, but even from his siblings, and the other elves around him - that there is a palpable "otherness" there. His fea, destiny .....?

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 1/25/2004
I am totally blown away by this fic. It's amazing. The fight between Legolas and Thranduil was so moving. "You don't realize what you've got until you've lost it." Or almost lost it, in this case. I really liked the meeting of Aragorn and Legolas. And the party at the end was great. Perhaps you'd consider writing a sequel to this? Please do!!! Cheers!

rgbjReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 1/3/2004
So Araagorn is forced to put up with Legolas on a quest again. I think they both will survive.
As far as Arwen's choice of mortality, it is my understanding that only the Peredhil have that choice set before them. Any other elf that bound themselves to a human might die of a broken heart when the human died but the elf would go to the Hall of Waiting and wait to be reborn to the Undying Lands. Having said that I know that your writings are fanon not canon and I could be wrong anyway. Arwen though of course will die and be a great loss to her fellow elves.
The world will change again and we know how Legolas reacts to change. Not all change is bad or disorienting though. This change will be wonderful. And I think this change will set Legolas free from his past. He will finally put a lot of demons behind him and be his own elf.
The apple motif again and the black pearl on Gimli's finger now. Tathar again in Legolas' thoughts. Probably never very far from his thoughts. Tathar did say the Legolas was destined for greatness and his friends remind Legolas that Tathar was seldom wrong. He did talk the prince into joining the Great Gathering and he scored the highest score ever. I just wish Tathar were alive to see how right he was about his dearest friend. SOB! And Legolas misses him still. He will right up to the time they meet again in the Undying Lands. But his friends have given him good advice about change, seeing the world change for the better and finding new friends. All these things will come to pass as well as many others. He will still have to wait to marry until he goes over sea though. At least the good professor gave us that impression.
You even gave us famous last words at the end. "I will never know so great a friendship again."

So all good things do come to an end. Do you think you would ever be interested in writing more about the friends and their early adventures. I want to read more of Tathar and Legolas. You portrayed their friendship in such an ideal way that I want more.
I will admit that when I first found this story on Henneth Anun and saw the word count I really couldn't see myself sitting still for long enough to read it. But I was wrong. I was mesmerized and completely caught up in your efforts. You get an A+ for such a fabulous adventure if you still like to be rated. Thank you for sharing this lovely story with us.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/3/2004
Now we come to the end of the beginning.
I thought the teasing of Galithil and waking up all the orcs on the plains was funny. Those elves they love to have a good time.
The meeting of Legolas and Gimli. Those elves are all the same, stuck up snobs. Gimli will eventually sing a different tune. Gloin has the big black pearl set in mithril. Oh Tathar. Wouldn't you have been proud of Legolas now.
You did such a good job of putting movieverse and bookverse together for the Council of Elrond. Getting Legolas' point of view and adding flesh to the bones of the book. If Tolkien had written as deeply as you do we would have had six books. I drool at that thought.
Ah so Arwen is in deep trouble with Glorfindel for taking Asfaloth. I am glad you came up with a good reasonable explanation for that little detour in the movie.
So now Gimli has the pearl ring and his father is pleased as punch that his son is heading off to Mordor. OK. And his father was right, Gimli's loyalty was indeed superlative.
I enjoyed how Elrond set Legolas up once he finally saw the light of the elves in him. And then, how funny, Legolas falls off the roof. He was so overcome. At that point Elrond knows he has made the right choice. Legolas really has very little self worth doesn't he? He puts everyone else ahead of himself. Like Gandalf says 'he likes to be overlooked'. This very trait may be why the ring seems to have no power over him. Unlike many elves in the past who have fallen victim to the desire for power. Cough *Galadriel* cough.
I thought your phrase by Elrond 'this may be the purpose for which he was born' was very interesting. Earlier in the story you had someone say he was born to save the life of the Queen. After losing three children she was in danger of fading. Then his father was so wrapped up in him he almost lost him for himself and for middle earth. Maybe the Valar did have a purpose for him.
Again. This may have been my most enjoyable chapter. I enjoy it so much when a writer weaves their story into the works of the good professor. I enjoy AU also but to take and expand on canon in a very believable way is pure joy to read.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 28 on 1/2/2004
I like Sili and the conversation the young elven novice warriors had was so cute. I liked the phrase mass 'bruising of the ego'.
Galilith has an he elf friend. That doesn't sound too much like boyfriend. Cand had it right. Court-ed. I am so glad that she and Faron have found happiness.
OOH That cracked head must have hurt.
Oh No Orcs. Oh wait I already knew that. Silly me.
So we have one lost Gollum, one concussed heiress apparent, one dead novice, and one kidnapped novice. Unfortunately the buck does stop with Legolas. Gollum was his responsibility. I did wonder at using only novices but today we were watching CNN Presents and watched Jack Ruby shoot Oswald all over again and these things happen. People don't always think of the unexpected happening. Legolas was just trying to be nice to Gollum because of his experiences in the dungeons. Gollum really wouldn't have been bothered by dark places. He had been in one for centuries.
AS far as how important this was. The life of everyone in middle earth will be impacted. He is right about that.
I thought it was sad that Sili is still affected by what she saw take place between the king and the prince when she was young. The king put her in her place as a novice. Do all of the king's children take after him in their stubborn attitude or is she just a tad spoiled?
OK He failed in his duty and wants to grieve in private. But Sili wants to grieve with him. These were her friends and compatriots and she feels some responsibility also. She probably has some survivor's guilt.
So here the prince goes to Imladris to ask Elrond for help and escort Galilith to Faron. Thranduil's premonition is a good one. He may never see his son again. Of course we know he will and his son will be a hero but will never see himself that way, ever. I sure wish he would lighten up on himself. But now his father has thoroughly confused him.
Galadriel and that d*mn mirror poking her nose in everyone's business. She is right about the powerful love of a father for his son. Thranduil is nothing if not powerful.
And thank you for the remark about Arwen. I am not a purist but I had to draw the line at some of the things in the movie.
And you are correct. The good don't always win. In LOTR they won but at such a huge cost to themselves. You truly can't predict the way things will be. We don't have that d*mn mirror.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 27 on 12/29/2003
Now we have the tale of Aragorn caching Gollum and taking him to Mirkwood. The way you tell it makes perfect sense to me. Nice to catch up with Orthelian again and let Aragorn get some sleep.
Oh the Ranger was caught off his guard. He shouldn't make such a habit of that. Long time no see for a human, not for an elf.
The Ring. Time for scary music.
All the she-elves squeeing over Aragorn. Those Rangers. They are just to sexy for their bodies.
Thranduil hasn't changed a great deal has he. I am sure Legolas has had to be the one to bend because the king is rather inflexible. He still doesn't want to have much to do with men. He also hates to see his son's poor choice of friends.
Oh yes lovely Silivren. I like the mention of Nimrodel. Perhaps Legolas agrees and that is why he memorized the Lay of Nimrodel.
Thranduil is still in those lousy caves. Why?
Oh bad news. The novices are to guard Gollum, including Silivren. I hope she survives.
We are on the last few laps here with your very enjoyable tale.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 26 on 12/29/2003
He wanted to sleep like an elf. If you were an elf and woke up with your eyes closed I bet it would be claustrophobic.
Legolas was the most trying patient the Crown Princess had ever cared for. Well yes I think the whole House of Oropher would be that way. They seem to have a will of iron. You would have to be strong to survive Mirkwood.
I can really understand his need to be left in peace. When I'm sick I hate people around me. I don't even want them asking me how I feel. The idea that someone would be at my bedside 24/7 would drive me nuts.
I like the fact the they can spell the door. That was a nice touch.
So Berensul was always willful but Legolas has never been this way before so it is a shock.
Thranduil finally cut the umbilical cord. Caused him a lot of emotional pain to admit this finally. His youngest has now been allowed to be an adult and given his right to make his own mistakes, choices and decisions. Now the rest of his family have to make that change also. The baby probably always has a tough time. Old habits die hard.
Another touching father/son redemption scene. Thranduil is so very restrained in his dealings. He cannot bear to be seen or thought of as weak and that is a weakness in itself. It causes him to be in situations that are dangerous for himself and others. Very foolish although I am sure he doesn't see it that.
Different minds similar temperments leads to Sili getting her pony anyway. The kings second thoughts were very revealing. Maybe his youngest will have a profound effect on him as time slowly wears away his shell.
Poor dwarves. At least the nasty ones went to Moria to get wiped out. Some nice ones went too though.
Getting close to the end of this story. Sigh.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/29/2003
This was a exciting chapter and very angst filled.
First I liked the Denethor quote. I really missed some of the interaction between Denethor, Faramir, Gandalf and Pippin in the movie. I hope we get some more in the EE.
I hated it when he stopped breathing. But of course he then could come back for his father. His loving presence was a shield for the nightmares.
Thranduil proved his heart was not frozen. He will not leave his son. Legolas' ravings were I am sure very enlightening for his family. I don't think his family ever really got to the core of what is fundamentally Legolas. He will not be able to hide his thoughts and feeling when he is so far gone.
Elrond to the rescue. And he could enlighten Thranduil that Legolas came home of his own volition and would have been better off if he had not.
Elrond learned a lot about Legolas' will power. When Legolas set his heart on a thing nothing would turn him aside. Like father like son.
You wrote a lovely forgiveness scene. Very touching and loving.
Silivren was so sweet to her Uncle Leg'las.
It was good for him to be home. Now maybe his family will unconditionally love him and let him be who he was meant to be.

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