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The Green Knight and the Master of Esgaroth  by Le Rouret 279 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/5/2008
I absolutely loved this chapter. I always enjoy how you build a story with all the building of the opening then take us for an exciting ride. I am so enjoying Tamin! He is just adorable and I want to hug him! He is so perfect for following Bandobras as Legolas' squire.

Lots of subtle humor and not so subtle humor in this chapter. I really got a kick out of several lines, but especially Tamin's announcement that Aragorn's getting older made it harder for him to get into his ermine robes. LOL!

Can't wait to see more from you. *taps foot and looks expectantly at Le Rouret, then points to computer screen* More, here, now. *grin*


wimseyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/5/2008
I am so delighted to find another Green Knight story. Just the thing to brighten the dark days of the bleak midwinter. I am already entranced and cannot wait to see what you do with this.

Author Reply: Thank you! And, I'll have you know, I received a new copy of Gaudy Night from my daughter for Christmas, because my old copy was so well-loved it had fallen apart. I'm halfway through it now!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/4/2008
Lovely bit of scene-setting! Very informative. And Tamin is panting to take over from Bandobras and Fastred as Legolas's young admirer/aide! Shame Pearl didn't live long enough to see Bandy knighted - although I daresay the whole concept would be a little odd to hobbits, even if she had been living amongst Legolas's elves for a good while.

Author Reply: Well, I took my cues from Merry's becoming a knight of Rohan, and Pippin joining the Tower Guard, for Bandobras' willingness to become a knight of Dol Galenehtar. His loyalties, however, lay more with Legolas than with the Shire; thus I had to "get rid of" Pearl!

Thank you for reviewing!

WantanelfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/2/2008
Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! You made my day Le Rouret. I love all your stories and was so happy to see a new one. This one is as well written as all the others. I love Tamin's worship of Legolas and the part where Legolas "shrugged tolerantly and agreed with Gimli, who said Tamin would learn soon enough and to his chagrin that the son of Thranduil was quite far from perfect." I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! After "Mardil Goes A-Courting," it seem a lot of people are anxious to see Legolas "less than perfect," and getting his commupance for it!

Becky O'CalahanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
I was so excited to see another Green Knight story...I'm looking forward to reading it as it is written this time instead of just lurking after it's finished :)Adorable first chapter. Tamin is loveable anytime, but with Legolas he's just so hero-worshipping that I want him to stay young forever. I'm guessing that won't happen, though.

There's some weird formatting in the middle of the starts over at the begin and another section is repeated at the end. It's still readable but I thought you would want to know. Please write quickly and share more of your wonderful Green Knight universe!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you're reading! I always appreciate reviews.

I have no idea what caused the wonky formatting; I've re-loaded the chapter, and hopefully that'll fix the problem. At least Stories of Arda isn't as bad as LotRFanFiction - their formatting is bizarre, and I'm always having to go back and fix things!

No, Tamin will not stay young forever ... just longer than Fastred anticipates.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
No more Green knight stories!! (*Gasping widly for air as I clutch my chest) You would not be so cruel. They are my favorites so you are going to have to make this one long if it has to last me. I thought this was a belated Christmas gift to us, well I'm glad that your muse would not let you do such a thing. Tamin is wonderful and I love the indignant lark.

Happy New year and a joyous 2008 to you


Author Reply: Eliza, I will write Green Knight stories as long as the plot bunnies tell me to! At the moment they're nibbling away, so have no fear; I'll feed your addiction.

Thanks for reviewing! Happy New Year to you, too!

tnt2b2Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
I was so excited to see another Green Knight story. I love the part about Fastred waiting for Tamin to be bad. It is like my older daughter "waiting" for her younger sister to get her first "B" on a report card.
Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: "Perfect" people are rather frustrating. Can you imagine what Jesus' brothers must've felt? "Mom, I didn't do it, it was Jesus!" "Nice try, James. You know Jesus is perfect." I imagined Fastred would be equally agitated!

Thanks for the review!

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
When I saw the chapter title, Le Rouret, I knew that I would have a huge smile on my face by the end of it.Tamin is such a delightful character, and it's no wonder that his sunny disposition affects those around him.He's adorable.

Fastred is sixteen now? He is almost a man and it's a shame that he no longer feels that Tamin is of equal age.

Little Bandy has grown up! I loved his chat with Legolas about Mistress Pearl;Legolas will always lose those he loves to time but he does not shy away from making mortals part of his 'family'.Tamin lifted Legolas' spirits, and I was glad that he did as Legolas would brood otherwise.

I really enjoyed this first chapter, Le Rouret.Your stories are just wonderful.Can't wait to read more!


Happy New Year!

Author Reply: Thank you, Ali! I'm going to have a hard time keeping this story out of Tamin's sole point of view - he's adorable, isn't he? And yes, I'm going to explore more deeply Legolas' ability (some might say flaw) to allow mortals so close to his heart. Now ... on to the next chapter!

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
I'm half asleep but can't let the opportunity of being the first to review go by! *grin*

Great opening! I was greatly saddened to see Mistress Pearl had left us, and it is both heartening and sad to see Bandobras grow up! But Tamin is just such a wonderful character! I absolutely adore him. His interaction with Legolas is so endearing. He might never fill Bandobras' shoes, but I feel soon he will also have shoes that are hard to fill. *grin*

Patiently waiting for more!


Author Reply: See, I put a note on the chapter listing you as my beta! I forgot last night, because I was editing "A Fleeting Glimpse of Shadow" over at LotRFanFiction. For some stupid reason, when you put in a name or word with an accent or umlaut, it throws in a bunch of weird symbols. And, as I use the names "Éowyn" and "Éomer" a lot, not to mention the whole subplot with Ossë trying to kill Michael, it took a lot of editing. Thank goodness Stories of Arda uses better software.

Thank you so much for betaing! I'll finish up Chapter 2 today or tomorrow and send it to you. If I don't get to talk to you before then, have a happy New Year!

-- Oropher

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