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The Last Messenger: A Tale of Númenor  by Fiondil 127 Review(s)
artistic_spriteReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/5/2008
Hi Fiondil! Just want to say keep up the good work and have a happy Chinese New Year!

Author Reply: Thanks Sprite, but I'll have a happier New Year when they stop shooting off fireworks every five minutes. It makes it difficult to concentrate on my writing. *LOL* Hope you're enjoying this tale.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/4/2008
Ah, lovely to see an invocation sung here by the healer, and to see that Elendil bears the Light of Stars within him. As for the healing of all here--it is as they all recognize needful.

Now, to learn what has befallen Fiondil and, hopefully, effect his rescue!

How we come to hate Sauron and his influence!

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. I'm glad you're finding this tale interesting. Laurendil has had several millennia to perfect his healing skills since he went kicking and screamning to Lórien. *grin* We'll probably see more of this in later chapters.

As for Sauron.... words are inadequate for how we feel about him.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/3/2008
The descriptions in this chapter were so vivid. I could picture it all so easily in my tired mind. Love Irmo's visit and Amandil is very commanding as is Elendil. Our elf sure has come along way since we first met him in elf, Interrupted. Wow! Most impressive indeed! I like the use of healing music and the meditative state he achieves so easily now in his healing. Nicely done!

Author Reply: Thanks, Ellie. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Laurendil gets even more impressive as the story progresses. *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/3/2008
So, it appears the family was meant to suffer its own immolation in parody for the temple to Morgoth that Sauron raised. Now, what has happened to your namesake, Fiondil? Sounds as if his sister was right to weep in anxiety.

Author Reply: I hadn't really thought about the connection between what happened to Valandil and Vandiel's family and the temple dedicated to Morgoth, but you're right. It is a sign of things to come. As to what happened to Fiondil... we'll find out soon enough.

CesReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/3/2008
Laurendil has become a favorite of mine, as has his wife.

And Vorondil! All grown up now and married! And children! He's definitely become a dear favorite of mine.

Interesting story so far and I'm eagerly following Laurendil and his mission.

I will get through all your stories eventually - they are so interesting and exciting!


Author Reply: Thanks, Ces. I'm glad you are enjoying this.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2008
Ah, they begin to fall into place as they come to stand against Ar-Pharazon, and Elendil's folk prepare for their return to Middle Earth.

Author Reply: Although that is another 24 years away, the signs are all there and the pieces are moving across the board as they must.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2008
The mission accepted, and bitterness and fear begin to give way. Nice.

Am not able to remain online interminably, but will read this as I can.

Author Reply: Yes, though the mission will turn out to be quite different from what Laurendil thinks it is, but that's par for the course where the Valar are concerned.

I'm glad you're reading this whenever you can do so and look forward to whatever reviews you are able to post.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/29/2008
Hah, the plot thickens. I liked the effect Laurendil had on Vandiel. Meeting an elf is not something she ever expected. I did a double take when your name showed up in the story. So, what is young Fiondil up to? I just hope he also makes it back alive.

Author Reply: I think meeting an elf for the first time, especially when you're not expecting to, would be somewhat traumatic, so fainting is allowed. *grin* The character Fiondil was created several years ago when I first started writing fanfic, though not at that time posting anything. When I started posting on SoA and was looking for a screen-name, Fiondil was my first choice. *grin* As to what the young Man is up to and what his ultimate fate is.... stay tuned, there's more to come.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/28/2008
Oh, what a good read this chapter was! I'm on tenterhooks wondering what happened to Fiondil.

I liked the use of Adûnaic, though it takes some getting used to seeing on the screen after getting used to the italics being generally Quenya or Sindarin. It's intersting how much... harsher, I guess the word is... Adûnaic sounds than the Elvish languages, not at harsh as the dawrvish language (don't ask me to spell its actual name) and definitely not as harsh as the Black Speech. Hmmm. I hadn't really noticed before that the further away the culture is from Aman and the Valar the harsher the language sounds. I wonder if Professor Tolkien consciously intended that or if it was a something that he did subconsciously. Given his religious background and his grounding in history and his interest in music as well as languages I wonder if he might have been considering how the music of man is cacaphony compared to the music of the angels.

Oops! Can you tell I'm hanging around academia again? In any case meldonya, I'm really liking this tale and look forward to it's continuation.

Author Reply: Hi, Edlyn. Well, I have no idea if Tolkien consciously or unconsciously arranged the languages in such a hierarchal order from pure euphony (Valarina and Elvish) to pure cacaphony (Black Speech) but it almost sounds like an interesting subject for a thesis paper, doesn't it? LOL Adûnaic, what little we know of it, is a rather interesting language, especially seeing the influence of Sindarin on it. When you read through the actual vocabulary list of all the known Adûnaic words, you can see where there has been heavy borrowing from Sindarin, which makes sense.

As to what happened to Fiondil.... well, you'll just have to wait and see. Glad you are enjoying the tale. Thanks for reviewing.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/26/2008
This intriguing story has my total interest. I am impationtly waiting for the next chapter. :-) Love, Neilia

Author Reply: Thanks, Neilia. I'm glad you are enjoying the tale so far.

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