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The Vault of the Dead  by Soledad 18 Review(s)
Violin GhostReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/10/2008
This is one of the most interesting stories I've read in a long time -- the plot just draws me in.

I admit that your perception of Faramir differs from mine, but I think yours works excellently for this story. The idea of Legolas' hair changing color with the seasons is an interesting concept as well.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)

Author Reply: Thanks. :)) I was inspired to write something very different, for a change.

I think we all have our own perception of Faramir, and they often differ. But that is not wrong, as long as we can tolerate those differences, right? ;)

The changing hair colour of the Wood-Elves is an idea I've come up with a very long time ago. Since then, I got so attached to it that I'd have a hard time to write them differently. I assumed that Legolas inherited that trait from his mother.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/10/2008
Ah, but he does get to deal with stairs, doesn't he? Alas, Gandalf--you'll do well enough! Heh!

I like the greeting and the descriptions of the hidden enclave. Now, to meet those who remain here.

Author Reply: Makes you wonder whether it was really such a good idea to arrive to Middle-earth in the disguise of old Men, eh? *g*

Meeting with the inhabitants in the next part. I promise.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2008
A most interesting event here! And love your visuals for Faramir, although I suspect I will continue to write him as Dunedain dark hair and grey eyes till the end, but with a deceptively mild expression that hides a will of steel for those rare times when he sets it.

And it's interesting to see these lesser Valar included in the tales.

Well done.

Author Reply: Oh, I used to think of Faramir the same way for *decades* - for a very long time, he was my absolute favourite. Before the movies came. I couldn't even *think* of him for years afterwards. But now that I have my nice, new visuals, I might be able to write more Faramir fic in the future.

I'm glad you still like the story. I came upon the lesser Valar by accident, and I found them too intresting to leave them forgotten.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/8/2008
It's quite the meeting, I must say. And will Faramir be able to properly farewell his brother now? He obviously needs to do so.

Author Reply: You are a sly one, aren't you? ;)
But you'll have to wait and figure out a little later. Not much later, I promise. This is supposed to be a relatively short tale... for me, anyway.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/8/2008
Interesting beginning. Seeing his body in the Elven boat must have been a bit of a shock! Poor Boromir!

Author Reply: And all he wanted was to see his own mirror image - life can really suck sometimes, even if you are dead. *g*

RugiReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/6/2008
Wonderful! Would it be wrong of me to cheer Faramir for his perfectly balanced and honest assessment of his father's character? I always think that Denethor is treated unfairly. And, honestly, I also loved that the elf mentioned something which I always felt about Elwing and her virtual abandonment of her children. Even if she had the highest and noblest of reasons, it is a bit shady to my mind.

I like that you have written a plausible account of how Faramir might feel towards his family's replacement - I like that you managed to show that he can both fully support the king and accept his new position while also feeling some pain over the change. Revolutions are never comfortable even when you support them whole-heartedly.

I also love that you are working with the elvish side of the Steward's sons - you've captured the other-worldly-ness well. And, for all I love Aragorn, I was happy to see other peoples' special/unique heritage addressed. It's interesting and satisfying.

Also there is something really fun about seeing Gandalf suprised. :)

Author Reply: Thank you. :))

These were questions I've wanted to address for a very long time. I never thought that it would happen in this particular story frame - after all, the whole thing was inspired by my trip to France last summer, where I saw these wonderful little towns, practically carved into living rock, and I began to think about how perfect such a dwelling would be for elusive Dark Elves. (Google for Rocamadour and La Roque Gagéac if you want to get an impression.)

Truth be told, I always thought that both Denethor and Boromir got short shrift - in the Books and in people's opinions. And I could never quite accept that mere birth should have more importance than long years of faithful service. Yes, I know that Aragorn has more than done his part for protecting ME, it's just the principle that has always irked me.

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/5/2008
Sorry, I worded it badly - I realise he isn't alive :)

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/5/2008
This looks really "different" - I've never been a fan of Boromir!lives (although I'm sure there are some clever workarounds that convince the reader), but you have dealt with that beautifully :)
Thank you - TT and ROTK from a such a view is an enticing one. Looking forward to more.
Cheers :)

Author Reply: Well, he's not exactly "alive", you know - that trick I pulled in "Seal On My Heart"... or am about to pull anyway.

I hope the rest won't disappoint you very much, as the story picks up the events again *after* the dramatic showdown. Sorry. *blinks sheepishly*

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