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The Farewell in Gondor  by Larner 58 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/9/2008
Have to agree with you, Larner - people quarreling about the ownership of Bag End is a story I don't want to read for once, even if I am one of these who always want more stories than you can write.

It was an interesting 'what if'-story, and I think you are more or less correct in your assumptions how Frodo staying in Gondor would have changed the end of the story.

Thank you so much for this story!

Author Reply: Thanks so much for reading it and giving feedback, Kitty. That you feel that things would have gone similarly is reassuring, I find. Now, to keep working on my OTHER stories!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/8/2008
What a beautiful ending! I love the way you linked the trees.

Author Reply: Thanks so much, Linda! Yes, I think that those trees would have served ever as a link of sorts between those who loved one another and were separated by such distances.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/8/2008
Just beautiful.A very moving account of Frodo's departure.How typical of Aragorn to come himself!

Author Reply: Am so glad you think so, Linda. And in this case I believe Aragorn would have wished to see to it himself that Frodo's wishes were carried out. Thanks so much for the feedback.

ClaudiaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2008
What a beautiful story this was! So healing and gentle!

Author Reply: Thank you, Claudia. And a joyous March to you!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2008
Ah, Larner, that was just perfect - the friends sensing each other and communicating by way of these trees! That counts more or less as happy end ;-)

Author Reply: Yes, in this case definitely a happy ending! And it is an easing to both sides, I think, to be aware that there is healing for those from whom each is separated.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/5/2008
Beautiful epilogue!

Once again you used the trees as a connection between the Shire, Gondor and Tol Eressea.

That was a very special moment that was granted all of them. And it made all of them happy, I'm quite sure, even little Elanor who never had the chance before to communicate with her uncle Frodo.

Last but not least I loved it that Bilbo called Frodo his "star-kissed lad"!

Author Reply: Thank you, Andrea; and I do think Frodo ought to be able to somehow aware of Sam and so "meet" little Elanor. And am so glad that you appreciate Bilbo thinking of Frodo in this way!

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/5/2008
Sweet ending and an interesting AU idea. Thanks!

Author Reply: Thank you, Cookiefleck. These AUs do seem to be more frequent lately!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/5/2008
Aww, gulped this one down in haste this morning, not the way I would have preferred to read it, but young hobbits are due up at any moment and there will be no reading once they've bounced into the kitchen and the day's pandemonium begins.

Very nicely done, as always, and the connection with the trees unique but somehow believable in the magic that is JRRT's world. It was lovely to see sorrow and loss turned to joy.

Looking forward to seeing you! Have found a lovely place to take tea, would you have time, do you think?

Author Reply: Thank you, Lindelea. Yes, the pain is eased by the reassurance the others are able to be happy. And as these are the descendants of Laurelin and Telperion, wouldn't there be some awareness between them? It is so fitting with their beginnings.

Do they have hot chocolate? Maybe on Maundy Thursday, then, if that's all right with you. Of course, I've not had my leave confirmed by my boss as yet....

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/5/2008
Oh this chapter is wonderful, great idea to connect the trees!


Author Reply: These are Elven trees, after all, and perhaps more sentient than their more common cousins. Am so glad that you appreciate it. Thank you, Idril.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/5/2008
Ah! Larner this is just the perfect epilogue! I'm so glad you decided to use the White Tree in this way again--and how wonderful for the others to know and see that Frodo is truly healed!

I really love the fact that all of your AUs seem to come together in the end, no matter how it is that Frodo leaves Middle-earth, they are all able to know that communion through the trees!

Author Reply: I do believe fully that "All things work to the good" as much as possible no matter what the initial choices, as long as we "let go and let God." And I do believe that there would be the need for reassurance on both sides of the Sea that the others prosper. Am so glad that you approve of the epilogue--and certainly it was due to you it was written.

Thank you!

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