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Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe  by shirebound 274 Review(s)
CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008
YAY!!! What a lovely ending!

“But sir,” Sam was protesting, “that takes all the sourness out!”

“Exactly,” Frodo said firmly.

I'm with Frodo here! lol!

Frodo is still Frodo? I hope so, too!

Thanks so much for all of this!


Author Reply: Thank you very much. And I'm with Sam -- the more lemons the better!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008
Ah, such a wonderful conclusion! And Frodo has managed to find a use for lemons after all! Good. It will ease Sam's mind so, and I agree that Frodo would wish anything for Sam at that point.

Thanks so for this story, Shirebound.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, I'm so pleased you like the conclusion. Somehow I think Frodo would already be thinking ahead to Sam's homecoming, and what would make him the happiest.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008
Ah, I'm both happy and sad... happy that the story came to such a satisfying conclusion and sad that it has indeed come to an end. I loved the descriptions of Aragorn transforming into a king before the Hobbits' very eyes. And the bit about his keeping that image of the four Hobbits in his memory forever. Lovely stuff, all that. And the discussions of the merits of lemons make me hungry for something lemony.

Very good story! Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

Author Reply: Thank *you* for reading! It's a strange feeling to end a story, definitely both happy and sad. I'm so glad you enjoyed the ending.

CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008
That was such a lovely journey, Janet. Thank you for giving me a light heart, too. *hugs*


Author Reply: Thank you, Mona! I defintely wanted to end the story in a light, hobbity way. *hugs you back*

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008
Bravo!! A marvelous ending :-)

I love the use of the hobbit's old beds and that they were going to keep using the stacked beds. I love Sam wanting lemons so much that he's talking about building a greenhouse for them. I love Merry still micro-managing and I love Frodo wanting to just be Frodo.

MEWD, m'dear friend!

Author Reply: Thank you, Pearl. I wrote and re-wrote the ending several times until it felt "right". Maybe the Lady's elven dust will work their magic on the Shire's crop of lemon trees. :)

lbiloverReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2008
You've come up with such marvelous explanations for how Aragorn is able to call Sam and Frodo back, and for the athelas. I love how Frodo and Aragorn both quietly help each other, and it was very satisfying to see them have that talk at last and Frodo's mind be eased.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you. It took me ever so long to work out these explanations in a way that satisfied me (and would satisfy Frodo!). Like in "Quarantined", I wanted to write a story where there was mutual healing and a way for these two very special people to bond even stronger than before. I'm so glad you liked this.

GrumpyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/5/2008
Lemmon drops, lemmon pudding, and my personal favorite; lemmon cheesecake. How can Frodo not like these things. I am glad that Frodo feels better, and that the twins are going to stick arround.

Author Reply: Mmmm, lemons! :)

Tolkien doesn't tell us what happens to the twins, but I believe they would have remained in the South for as long as Aragorn and Arwen needed them.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/31/2008
Such a poignant discussion between our King and his beloved subject. This is the Aragorn we all love. Wonderful as ever, Shirebound.

Silly Frodo - what's wrong with lemons? I love them. I hope Sam builds a conservatory and grows loads of them!

Author Reply: King Elessar will certainly turn out to have been worth the thousand-year wait. What a special person.

I think Frodo is silly, too! Lemons are wonderful. :)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/30/2008
What a beautiful,poetic chapter! I just loved this.Aragorn as gentle,caring enlightened Healer,wonderful and why I love him so much!

Author Reply: Thank you, Linda. He's very special indeed.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/29/2008
A very poignant, interesting, and uplifting chat between two humble heroes. Well done!

Author Reply: Thank you. "Humble heroes" is a wonderful way to express these two special people.

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