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Between Green Door and Gold Ring  by Larner 129 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/12/2009
What a wonderful gift to give - new life! And that gift from Primula, Frodo and Bilbo will indeed come in handy. Love most that Sam is not old for snuggling - thank God he never outgrew that! What a sweet thing for him to say, that he's better now that his mum is with him.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, a wonderful gift to share, and especially when that new life is conceived in an environment of mutual love and trust with the support of family and friends to see to it that new life is always supported. The Gaffer and Bell gave the Shire so many wonderful and capable children, all of whom enriched it, I am certain.

Sam was three when Marigold was born, according to the family trees, so it's a joy to think he'd be talking and wanting to be seen a proper lad, but still was glad when Mummy was there to see to his owies! Heh!

And Nerdanel's tools find a new keeper....

Thank you so, Antane!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/12/2009
Oh, what a lovely gift for Bell, for her last little flower for the Gaffer!
More please,

Author Reply: Am so glad you like it, Lynda! Thank you so!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/12/2009
"It’s a treasure as ye’d give her--a treasure fer one as is more’n a treasure fer me!”

There's so much love in this story. What a delight.

Author Reply: Well, I had to write a sequel of sorts for both "Dancing the New Year In" and "The Craft of the Elven Smith," after all. Yes, I'm certain that there was a good deal of love there in Number 3, Bagshot Row.

Thanks so, Shirebound.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/12/2009
I love this! I've always imagined Primula as gifted with a needle and well-known for her knitting, embroidery, etc. The idea that her workbox could go to Bell seems like a wonderful one! How delightful!

(And of course, Bilbo had to say it wasn't a birthday gift because it was after lunch, but we know, don't we? *grin*)

Author Reply: I, too, have thought that way as well, as you know, Dreamflower. And as I'd written part of this into "The Craft of the Elven Smith," I just had to do a sequel of sorts and tell how it was some of those wonderful things had come into the keeping of the Gamgees, with a crochet hook wrought by Nerdanel ending up crafting the shawl Merry commissioned from Marigold for his mother Esmeralda and perhaps the dragonfly blanket used by Frodo and later by Elanor as infants and toddlers.

Although technically it's just lunchtime, as Halfast is just preparing it in the kitchen as she and Bilbo speak! Heh!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/5/2009
I love these - esp. Drogo's reaction in the first, Bilbo's dream of fireworks and turning over the Arkenstone, but I am most intrigued with what Elrond would have said about Frodo's heart - perhaps you could do more with that? :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: The turning over the Arkenstone to Bard was what made me love Bilbo. Here is this fussy little guy who is hired to serve as a professional burglar, and he's doing his best to stop a needless battle! He had more integrity than even he'd dreamed about! Now, that is someone with class!

And maybe I'll do something about Elrond commenting on how to deal with heart murmurs one day--but I keep being attacked by such virulent plotbunnies any more! Do I have room for yet another? Heh!

I'll think on it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/4/2009
Rather fitting chapter title, Larner. Oh yes, the wisdom Bilbo brought with him back from his adventure was quite different from the one he had when he left. He learned so much while he was away in the wide world. He left Shire-wise and returned World-wise, so to speak - can't find a better way to express it.
And you managed to show this wisdom very well in these short pieces.

Author Reply: Glad you think so, Kitty! Yes, Bilbo's wisdom is changing to become that he teaches to Frodo, helping his heir to develop the great wisdom he will one day display! Thanks so!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/4/2009
Wonderful use of a drabble series to show the progression of time--and experience-- on Bilbo.

I love the beginning of it, with it's hobbity echoes of hobbit "Manners" and protocol, and the way in which Bilbo ceases to be dependable in a predictable way and gradually becomes more dependable in other ways.

And the end is both stark and hopeful. Indeed, It never quite had the hold It thought It did on the Bagginses...

Gandalf's own wisdom shines here as well...

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad I was able to convey that, and particularly the last one both concern and hope, as I'd intended! As for Gandalf's wisdom--well, that goes without saying!

Thanks so very much, Dreamflower!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/3/2009
A perceptive look at how Bilbo matured into greatness.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you find it so, Linda. Thank you!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/3/2009
Gandalf was humbled. Bilbo saw to the heart of the situation--there should be no such quarrel here, for were Thorin and the other Dwarves not caught in the spell of the dragon sickness they’d recognize the validity of the Men’s claim.

I like seeing this 'overview' of Bilbo's growth and inner nature.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you do, Shirebound! Thank you!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/27/2009
Awww so sweet! *grins*

Author Reply: Am so very glad you think so, my Lady!

And I ask your prayers for my friend Elizabeth, who has been found to have brain tumors and is going through difficulties as a result.

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