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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 14 Review(s)
EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/21/2008
Every time I read this chapter I enjoy more the moment when Aragorn first glimpses Minas Tirith. It is such a vivid description that it makes made me feel as if I were there with him.

And I think your portrait of Aragorn's uncertainty, expectancy and excitement is spot on.

The duel is a most exciting scene, and had me on tenterhooks because I was afraid Aragorn would follow his head and let Denethor win. And yes, I loved seeing him for once forgetting what his head told him, and doing what his heart commanded.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Estelcontar. I'm sure that first glimpse of the city must have been a magical and moving moment for him and, yes, I really couldn't let him lose to Denethor!

I'm glad you thought this felt right.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/21/2008
Oh, there went Aragorn, totally kicking arse! ^^ Pity Denethor did not like him from the beginning... if Denethor wasn't so arrogant, they could have been good friends, I think.

It will be interesting to see where Ecthelion puts him at the start, and, of course, how quickly he climbs up in his ranks.

Wonderful chapter, as usual. I enjoy reading these quite a bit.

Author Reply: Yes, it was a great shame that Denethor's pride prevented him from appreciating Aragorn's qualities. As you say, they should have been friends.

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Laire. It's always fun to see Aragorn doing a bit of arse kicking!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/21/2008
I've been following these for some time now and I thought I should let you know how much I've been enjoying them!

I like how you just dwell on certain key events that we know happened, but we don't know much about, and once you've made one point you move ahead and make another and let the reader do all of the filling in.

For this chapter in particular--I like that the tension between Denethor and Thorongil starts nice and early, even before the duel. It works particularly well for the style of this series.

Looking forward to more!


Author Reply: I'm thrilled you've been enjoying this story and thank you so much for letting me know.

Many of these chapters were written as isolated stories years ago and before I had any idea of cobbling them together as a series, so yes, they do tend to be self- contained and designed to raise specific points. You are quite right, a long drawn out descent into rivalry between these two wouldn't work here.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/21/2008
I loved the first glimpse of Minas Tirith. From the angle you show, it's odd to think of Aragorn sitting on the throne there one day. And the guy is treading a really tricky line, as you show.

Also, this is trivial but in this line

the north wind rolling off the river suggesting snow

I love the use of the verb "rolling."

Author Reply: Thanks so much daw, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, and the 'rolling'!
I'm sure Aragorn hated the deception that surrounded his many disguises but this must have been particularly difficult to maintain in Gondor. Seeing the throne must have been a very odd experience for him too!

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