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Unnatural Appetites?  by Larner 22 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/30/2008
This was really well-handled. You diffused the serious content with some really well-placed humor. I just loved Aragorn's surprise at hearing Frodo banging around in the kitchen--and Pippin! Oh, Pippin was delightful in this--I loved his trepidation at facing Frodo in a temper. A troll is one thing, but not an angry Baggins!! LOL! I also loved his fury when he heard what had made Frodo angry--good thing that the slanderer was nowhere in his vicinity at the time.

I also liked him "forgetting" that Strider was not a hobbit--something I think he and Merry tended to do about their "Big" friends from time to time.

I also loved that both Frodo's and Aragorn's "first crushes" were mainly motivated by food, *grin* Maybe Pippin's not far wrong and Aragorn *is* part hobbit!

Aragorn's ruse in getting his and Frodo's conversation overheard by those particular Men was clever, though I thought it realistic to have Frodo angry about it at the end--even if it was done with the intention of setting someone straight, he would not enjoy having an audience for such a private conversation. But he'll get over his temper, eventually, and realize it was for the best.

I'd enjoy seeing the slanderer realize that somehow his gossip had displeased the new King. Loss of business would probably teach him to curb his malicious tongue. Perhaps an eventual follow-up is in order, so we can see him get his come-uppance.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you feel I handled the situation correctly. I am honored!

This would only work with a fair amount of humor, I thought. And Pippin is sufficiently familiar with what Frodo could do if truly riled to know when it's best to stay away, but would be right there immediately if he realized Frodo has good reason to be upset, and particularly if he feels Frodo's honor has been impugned.

The Hobbits have become so close to Aragorn now--of course he'll be seen as a disguised Hobbit at times by them, I think! That was particularly satisfying to contemplate, actually. And face it--little boys do tend to think a good deal with their stomachs!

Am so glad you, too, felt it realistic for Frodo to be angry--for so private a person as he is to have his love-life laid open to a boor like the one in the gold cloak must have been excruciatingly painful, I'd think.

And the slanderer has had to face the truth, and realize his indiscretions are known to the King. Not a good situation to be in. He must be waiting for the other shoe to fall....

Thank you so for the feedback!

ClaudiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/30/2008

Oh, brava, brava!!!! *claps delightedly*

What a brilliant king King Elessar is to come up with that idea to diffuse those er...rumours!!! :)) (which of course in a long ago AU in another universe would not just be rumours, haha!)

This was very delightful and it also brought to mind your other fic (the one that I started earlier this summer and need to get back to) about Narcissa and Frodo!

Thank you so much for writing this for me!!!

Author Reply: You are most welcome! Heh! I find myself with a level of compassion for poor Frodo, though, having his deepest emotions laid out for strangers to see. I hope he didn't fling the next bowl he broke across the kitchen! Heh!

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