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At Hope's Edge  by Cairistiona 13 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/10/2009
Oh, how horrible--but how likely it would be! But is she still alive in there? A horrible reality they lived with, of course.

Thank you.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner ... horrible is a good description of it. Losing the town was bad, and somehow losing the child as well seems worse. Or that's how I imagine it feeling to Aragorn. Thanks for the review!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/10/2009
Heart-rending and very, very real. It is a tribute to your skills as a writer that the chapter worked for me; I, like Aragorn, thought that they could save the child - it did not make him any less heroic that they could not, only showed his and the Rangers' courage and fortitude. What a great, though tragic, reminder, that Aragorn is, for all his greatness, a man and not a god, and cannot save everyone.

But this is going to haunt Aragorn and his men, I fear. Bad enough that the orcs slaughtered everyone else, but that they couldn't save the only survivor must be an extra grief that the Rangers don't need at this time.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Raksha! I think you've hit the nail on the head: Aragorn isn't a god, after all, and not all-powerful. I'm glad the chapter worked for you, and thank you for your kind words.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/10/2009
I was holding my breath for most of the chapter—

And then it happened.

:( Poor Aragorn. He must be feeling quite badly about this.

Excellent writing, as usual.


Author Reply: Thanks, Cal! Glad I made you hold your breath. ;) And yes, unfortunately, it did not have the outcome they wanted. More sorrows for our Rangers.

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