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Interrupted Journeys: Part 5 Journeys in Mirkwood  by elliska 69 Review(s)
troubleReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/16/2009
What a nasty place to end. :-) I hope they're men and not orcs, hmm dwarves maybe? Anyway I've read all your little Legolas stories and figured it was about time I told you I liked them. Job done I shall creep back into the ether. :-)

Author Reply: Wow! This just makes my day! I'm glad you are enjoying these stories and I hope you continue to. Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them so much.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/16/2009
Oh. No.


You're giving me nightmares, elliska!

- Barbara, scowling at mean author

Author Reply: Hehehe! Spiders and orcs and men, oh my! The trouble with getting older in Mirkwood is that there is just so much trouble to find. :-)

Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them!

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/15/2009
Maggots to dead flesh--eeewwww! I guess that summed things up, er, nicely. ;)

Well, not that this new fiasco is the best thing that could have happened, but maybe it will help Dolwon and Danennion straighten themselves out a bit. And, oooh, I'm so proud of our little elfings!

However, I am worried about Maidhien. Two theories. Either she has encountered some strange men or *gasp* orcs! Either way I don't have a good feeling. Oh well. Thranduil is on his way. I have faith in him.

Waiting on the edge of my seat, trying to ignore that really annoying Real Life that keeps popping up in my peripheral vision! :)

Author Reply: Hehe! Yeah, that was nasty, wasn't it? Sorry, I couldn't resist.

The elflings did well, didn't they? When they get a chance to calm down, I think they'll be really proud of themselves. Of course, they've got to deal with the trouble Maidhien is in first. One of your guesses is right, but I'll leave folks wondering on that. (It's funny, because I've never been a big cliffy writer before this story, but this one just lends itself to cliffhangers so well).

Thranduil is awesome! I love Thranduil in action. :-)

trying to ignore that really annoying Real Life that keeps popping up in my peripheral vision! :)

Boy do I know what you mean! Good luck with that!

And thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/15/2009
Legolas and his cousins are brave and loyal to go after Maidhien. Turned out deer weren't the only things to be hunted on this little excursion!

Sounds like the Nazgul are at Dol Guldur? This image--They swarm to it like maggots to dead flesh." --is very effective.

And who has Maidhien stumbled on?

Author Reply: They were brave, weren't they? Those spiders are just so disgusting. They're going to have to be brave once again, given what Maidhien has found (which I will leave secret until next week). :-)

Sounds like the Nazgul are at Dol Guldur? Yeap, it's T.A. 1975. Time for them to make an appearance. Poor Thranduil. Talk about going from bad to worse. At least they go quickly to Mordor.

They swarm to it like maggots to dead flesh. -- Yeah, that's really gross, isn't it? But I did kind of think it was appropriate given the topic. Thanks!

And thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them so much. :-)

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/13/2009
Oh no! First chapter and already they are in deep trouble! :) Love it! The story that is. ;)

I was really terrible and though I read all of the previous Interrupted Journeys (loving them, of course) I never left you a review. Yes. I here and now apologize and tell you that they were wicked cool. :) I am going to try to get in the habit of reviewing the stories I like. So, sorry again!

I love your elflings!

Author Reply: Oh what a fun surprise to see a review from someone new! This made my day when I saw it. Thanks so much for letting me know you are enjoying these stories (but don't feel obligated to review--as much as I love reviews, I know sometimes there is just not enough time to leave them. Real Life is busy!)

:-) Legolas and company are going to spend all of this story in deep trouble, I'm afraid. Poor things. I hope you continue to enjoy, and thanks again for the review!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/9/2009
Yikes! They've found a nest of spiders!

Author Reply: Yeap! Poor things. That certainly wasn't what they were hunting for. ;-) The spiders are my favorite villain because they are just so disgusting.

Thanks so much for the review!

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/8/2009
Aw, c’mon! Where’s the warning??!

Apart from that, I’m very excited to see you’ve started the next phase. I absolutely loved the opening. I found myself actually leaning into the screen, willing Legolas to get his shot. And the whole thing was just so elfy. I loved this: The words whispered in Legolas’s ear were barely a breath of wind. Gorgeous! I’m on such a Thranduil kick at the moment. I can’t get enough of him. That he was so excited himself made me laugh!

Wow, Berior and Brethil have really come out of themselves! I’m still grinning at Legolas and Maidhien being constantly shushed. The explanation about the yarrow was quite interesting – mainly because I fully trust that you know what you’re talking about! But what the heck are they doing that far from home when it’s getting dark? Even if it’s an unnatural darkness that they weren’t expecting. I suppose every group of young elves get obsessed with hunting when they’re trying to make their first kill but still, from the moment you mentioned “deepening shadows” I was uneasy. Not to mention Maidhien suddenly studying the trees. I was cringing when Berior, Brethil & co. kept going. If even Galithil says it’s time to go home, it probably is.

Rather than hearing Legolas's voice, Galithil jumped when a scream split the silence around him instead.

Well. That sent my heart crossways.

"Ssss," hissed a dark form. "They look tender."
"Young and sweet," another said, rustling towards them on eight spindly legs.

Ohh...crap. And that’s the watered down version of what I said when I first read it. Where’s the nearest patrol?? And what happens next???

(You might mention if it involves webs, fur or more than two legs :-)

Author Reply: I'll put a suggestion in the suggestion box for a "Dot hates spiders" popup warning. ;-)

Thranduil is great, isn't he? There is a lot of Action!Thranduil in this story. I love it too. :-) I think he would be just so proud seeing his first born on his first successful hunt that he just about wouldn't be able to stand it.

Berior and Brethil are so into getting their first deer that they are even willing to suffer Anastor's company. And they are willing to go way to far, way to late at night because they think they are close to the deer. Mistake.

If even Galithil says it’s time to go home, it probably is.

ROTFL! Too right! No patrols around, sorry. Something else is though.

Ok, Dot, here's your warning: There will be one spider battle and possibly two (depends on what gets cut). I love the disgusting things. I think I'd rather face orcs than great big hairy bugs that can talk (and tell me I look tasty). ;-)

Thanks so much for the review!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/8/2009

If someone called me "tender", I would really, really, really hope that it was meant in a loving, romantic sense. Not in the sense of "easy to chew."

No. Not easy to chew at all.... Tough, stringy old bird here... Nothing worth drooling over! Nothing worth eating! Move along!


Your boys are decidedly being (elven) boys here... longing for the magical rite of passage that would usher them into Adulthood. (Even though the adults can tell them that being one isn't very much fun, the young still want to hurry to reach that state....) And willing to risk skirting the rules for their single-minded pursuits....

And Maidhien is often the Voice of Reason, isn't she? I really like that girl! I'm glad she's fallen in with a good crowd, though I'm a bit sorry she's had to grow up so soon....

Great start, Ellika! Looking forward to where this goes from here....

- Barbara

Author Reply: Hehehe! Yes. The 'they are not for eating' line in the movies still cracks me up--I wouldn't want someone to need to explain that about me. ;-)

They really are being boys. I imagine hunting was to them like getting a hotrod car was to boys when we were kids. It's so important to show you're growing up. But as you say, it can lead to being made to grow up too soon. Poor kids. This story is hard on them.

Thanks so much for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/7/2009
Whoa! You need to warn Dot about the creepy crawlies. LOL

I love the herb lore, and coming from you, I believe it. I also believe the total obsession of these elf boys over bringing down a deer. It must make them feel so grown up and fierce. Let's see how fierce they are with the spiders.

Author Reply: Hehehe! Yeah, Dot isn't going to like that part, is she? :-)

I enjoy the herb lore too, of course. And yes, those plants do exactly what Galithil says they will do. :-) I think they actually still use extracts from yarrow as coagulants today in modern medicines.

I agree that hunting must be the ultimate right of passage for these kids and I love the way you put it: 'grown up and fierce.' That seems exactly right to me. But Legolas doesn't seem to be feeling so good about those spiders, does he? I wouldn't either!

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