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Beyond the Mountain Passes  by Thundera Tiger 18 Review(s)
ziggyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2009
I was so excited to see a new fic from you, Thundera- how wonderful to start the holiday this way. This was nothing less than i expected- a quiet, beautifully written piece, with such a careful focus on the characters and the developing relationship between them. I loved the curt way Legolas beckons to Gimli but it is his pride that would have stopped him had any of the others seen.THe play of light and shadow in their relationship as first one, then the other gives up something of himself, and hte other gives strength is so finely crafted I can only read with my mouth open, admiring the craft.

Oh, a little detail that really struck me was the bemused way Gimli sees the city and Legolas gives him a funny look- what else should a city do if not move and change??!!

Again, that lure the ring offers Legolas, that Thranduil has no ring, that war marches upon thier own lands is something Tolikien skates over as his focus is firmly Frodo and Aragorn, so Legolas and Gimli are ripe for gap filling- I am quite sure that Tolkien would approve. Sorry- gushing as usual but can't help it!

PS@ Just a little hint about Land of Light and Shadow?Are you REALLY going to leave Gimli in that cave? He has been there for an awfully long time...

Author Reply: Regarding the P.S., I figure that Gimli has gnawed himself out of the cave by now. So he's fine. :) Seriously, though, I'm slowly working through it but I don't want to post until I've got a couple of chapters stored up. So my apologies, but I'm going to have to ask for more patience. Sorry!

Anyway, many thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the contrasts in the story as well as the references to Legolas's and Gimli's respective homelands. I always wish a little more information had been given about that portion of the war in the books, but then I suppose we wouldn't have such rich and varied gapfiller material. Anyway, I'm thrilled you both noted and enjoyed the give-and-take relationship between Legolas and Gimli. I tried to keep them on even footing, more or less, so I'm very happy that you caught on to it. Thanks again for the review!

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
I really enjoyed this gapfiller. I've always imagined that there had to be some conflict within Legolas about what was going on at home and you captured it very well here. Thanks for sharing!

Author Reply: Hey Radbooks,

You think like I do. Legolas and Gimli both have major obligations at home, and at some point, they're going to have to justify their presence elsewhere, even if they only justify it to themselves. That was one of the major driving forces behind this story, so I'm glad you felt that it was a necessary force. Thank you so much for the review!

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
How wonderful to see you post yet another amazing story. These intimate pieces you write, especially such moments between Elf and Dwarf, are filled with profound insight. I love to read as you explore the dynamics of their relationship. And I must say, you are the Queen of the Gap Fillers. After reading them I cannot imagine that it happened any other way.

Thank you again for sharing your talent and your stunning knowledge of Tolkien's enchanting world. Cheers to NiRi as well for her own insight.


Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review. I'm glad you feel that it's a realistic gapfiller. I tried to give enough hints about the rest of the Fellowship to tie it back into canon, hopefully giving it a context. And yes, NiRi definitely deserves many kudos for insight, too. Thanks again!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
I cannot tell you what kind of a chill flowed over my body as I read this... "I know not how Boromir resists the whispers," Legolas interrupted, and it seemed as though the air around them grew cold....

I had to giggle at this - "It will be a pleasant day in Mordor ere I let a dwarf assume responsibility for my actions."

I loved this whole piece... I loved the fact that these two had to make a decision and that they 'helped' each other to make it. I had not remembered the vow they made.

As for the whisperings, would that Boromir had confided more in one or the other of the Fellowship.

Nicely done!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad you were chilled by Legolas's temptation. I have this theory that he and Boromir were very similar in many ways due to some of the similarities in their backgrounds. I don't know how accurate that theory is, but it's something I've wanted to work into a story for a while. And I'm thrilled you liked the idea of Gimli and Legolas making this decision together. I figure it was a good foundation for friendship. Thank you again for the review!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
A great story! I really liked how they came to realize that their friendship was such a strength against the trials they faced.

Beautifully done, Thundera!

- Barbara

Author Reply: That realization you mention in your review is something that should be credited to Nieriel Raina, actually. The tone problem I mention in the author's notes came from a lack of realization, and NiRi was astute enough to catch it and then wise enough to insist that it become a part of the story. All hail beta readers everywhere! Many thanks for the review!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
O but this is marvellous. I don't know why I would have expected anything less. Your writing just flows; more, it has grown in power over time. Yes, those flashes of humour, those turns of phrase that delight the imagination, the weaving of relationships, the layers of meaning that first drew me to your early writing, they're all there, but this... this little birthday gem had me holding my breath to the end, to let it out in a satisfied sigh.

Pardon me for waxing over-eloquent, I've not yet had my morning cup of tea.

Still absolutely lovely and too many favourite bits to quote. I hadn't pondered before, the implications of how Thranduil had no ring as Elrond and Galadriel did.

"The dwarves are known for their courage," he murmured. "They should also be known for their wisdom." You write Gimli so believably, you make him (and Legolas) real for me, one who is most comfortable in the company of hobbits.


Author Reply: I was blushing by the end of your review, Lindelea! Wow. You are so sweet! I'm ecstatic that I could make both Gimli and Legolas come alive for you, and thank you so much for "waxing over-eloquent." I love a good waxing. :) Seriously, though, by the end of writing this story, I was a little too close to it to get a good picture of how (or if) it flowed, whether the tone worked, shifted, shifted too suddenly, etc. That's one of the reasons betas are so essential, but it's also nice to hear from others that it worked. So thank you so much for the compliments! I needed them today, and you've really made my afternoon. Huge thanks again!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
Every now and then, a story comes along that fills a gap I had never even considered as existing. And then I read it, and think "Of course! This had to have happened! Of course Legolas and Gimli had to make that decision!"

And now I would have difficulty imagining it taking place in any other way: that the two of them would go apart in Lorien, and come to the decision together.

This was both beautifly and heart-breaking. But I think that now Legolas has made his decision, the Ring will find its whispers falling on unheeding ears.

I love the way you show the growing friendship between these two. Wonderful, thought-provoking and insightful, as well as touching!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review, Dreamflower! I'm glad the gapfiller felt natural to you. That's always a concern when writing gapfillers. And like you, I think Legolas's decision is also going to render him more immune to the Ring. At the very least, he's more aware of it now that Gimli has called him out on it, and that has to help. Plus it's always good to have a dwarf around, but I might be biased. :) Thank you again for the review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/5/2009
"The whispers will indeed grow stronger," Legolas agreed, "but so will I. And I now know that I may call upon your wisdom when the whispers grow too loud."

You've written a very perceptive look at this very difficult decision... and fascinating friendship.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the review. I'm glad I could get across the fact that this was a difficult decision, especially given the backgrounds and the responsibilities of those involved. I wasn't sure that would come across in the story, so thanks again!

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