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Tales from Vairë's Loom  by Fiondil 445 Review(s)
LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/20/2013
and we all know that Elrond´s heavy foreboding will come true and that the "youth" will follow in his forefather´s shoes. "robbing the cradle" what does that mean? Even if we know this little piece so well you have managed to tell it new, thank you, liked it very much. Lai

Author Reply: "Robbing the cradle" is an expression describing when (usually) the man is so much older than the woman when they marry that it almost seems as if he is marrying someone who is barely a child in comparison. In this case, of course, the roles are reversed with Arwen being very much older. Hope that explains it, Lai, and I'm glad you liked this. Thanks.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/20/2013
“Ada, I promise you, I am not Lúthien. I have no intention of running off with Aragorn or any other Mortal, now or ever.”....Her famous last words

Author Reply: Yes, famous last words, indeed, Fantasia. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/20/2013
It must have been very difficult for Elrond to be both mother and father to his children, even after they were grown.

All the sorrows and agonies and darkness which had haunted his line had to mean something, had to speak of some good that, if not seen, could at least be anticipated.

That's a very interesting thing for him to ponder.

Author Reply: Even in Middle-earth we have single parents. *grin* And yes, a very interesting thing for him to ponder. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Shirebound. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/20/2013
Makes you wonder what would have happened if Elrond had not come down so heavy handed i.e. King of the United Realms and just left it to Arwen, she must have had a lot of practice in turning down admirers!


Author Reply: Yes, it does make you wonder, doesn't it? Luckily, we'll never know, for that's not what happened. Thanks, Lynda.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/20/2013
I strongly suspect that his foresight is niggling at him right now, even though she professes no more interest in Estel than she has felt for any of his forebears. Certainly he has reason to both desire and fear the day Aragorn comes into his own, as we know in Glorfindel's hindsight.

Author Reply: Very true, Larner. And no doubt he is wishing that he had kept Arwen in Lothlórien where Aragorn would never have met her instead of having her return to Imladris when she did. Such is the way of things, unfortunately. Thaks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/1/2013
Ah, how sweet! Lord Namo has to be my favorite Vala! Beneath all that forbidding exterior is a loving heart that cannot resist his beloved.

I love the way you portray him here.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. He's a lot of people's favorite Vala, at least the way I write him. And really, what's not to like? *grin* Thanks for letting me know how much you enjoyed the story. I appreciate it.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 43 on 2/3/2013
This is cute. I can imagine the glee Glorfindel felt at this charade and also the embarrassment of some household members on calling Elrond 'Ada'.

Author Reply: Yikes! I happened to be re-reading some earlier stories for fun and saw that I never responded to your review, obsidianj. My bad. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much and sorry for the delay in responding.

EmmaReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/3/2012
This was a really awesome chapter to read. I like the idea of those two meeting (I wonder if they met again in the afterlife and remembered this?) I wonder why neither Luthien nor Arwen ever made use of the labyrinth? I'd like to see those two meet somehow, in a dream or vision. Maybe something like that could happen in 'Tales from Vaire's Loom? (not that I'm hinting or anything) :)

Author Reply: Hello Emma. I so glad you enjoyed this tale. I'm sure they did meet again in the Afterlife and remembered this first meeting between them. I cannot say why neither Lúthien nor Arwen ever walked the labyrinth. Just one of those things. Anyway, your idea of them meeting in a dream or vision is intriguing. You never know. The Muse may actually show me if such actually happened. *grin* Thanks for leaving a review. I really appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 44 on 11/20/2012
Hi Atto,

I'm really not feeling very well right now, but I wanted to leave a review to this as I've been absolutely horrid with reviews for a while. I'm sorry about that. :( Anyway I liked Aragorn very much here, and how he dealt with Celebrindor. I'd wondered if Celebrimbor had any sons...Celebrindor...have I heard that name before somewhere in your works? It sounded familiar.

(I really wish Aragorn could be here to heal me at the moment, I feel like death warmed over. *grimaces* And we're supposed to go to my sister's tomorrow for Thanksgiving? Erm, I don't know I can make it...)

Well, I just wanted to thank you again for posting EA2 and for this story, and hope that an EA3 will be on the way.

Much love to you, and Eru's blessings. Have a wonderful Eruhantale.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well and hope you feel better real soon. Thank you for letting me know how much you enjoyed this tale. Celebrindor is not a character in any of my other stories; I borrowed the name from Appendix A as I wanted a name that was similar to Celebrimbor's.

Anyway, Eru's blessings to you, too, and have a happy Eurhantalë if you can. Tye-melin.

TariReviewed Chapter: 44 on 11/19/2012
I am so impressed with this beautiful, but sad tale. It was truly a blessing that Aragorn was able to release the poor elf's fea and send him to Mandos for healing.

Author Reply: Thank you, Tari. I appreciate you letting me know how much you enjoyed this tale.

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