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Tales from Vairë's Loom  by Fiondil 445 Review(s)
Mr.NamoReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/19/2009
Wow. That’s a bit depressing when you think about it. They won’t be together till the fourth age or even longer.

Great story though. I always thought it was a bit heartless when no one came to meet Olwe and the Teleri till years later.

BTW, Is Finwe one of the elves stuck in mandos forever or is that just Feanor and company?

Author Reply: It is said in the discussion of Finwë and Míriel in "Laws and Customs of the Eldar" that when Finwë died, he agreed to remain in Mandos for all the ages of Arda while Míriel was re-embodied, though she retired to the House of Vairë rather than rejoining the Elves in Eldamar (see Morgoth's Ring, HoME X).

Glad you liked the story, even though it really doesn't have a happy ending. And I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel that it was heartless of no one to go and meet Olwë and the Teleri when they arrived. That never really made sense to me.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/19/2009
I came away from this story feeling a bit sad: We know that Elwë and Finwë won’t meet again. And there will be a long time before Ingwë – and Olwë, too - will see him again, and he will die and be reborn first. And here Ingwë and Finwë kept hoping that he would come soon, only to see those hopes dashed.

This is just a quicie comment, there may be more later. Now I am off to thread meat and veggies on skewers, and make a salad for this evening’s party

Author Reply: It is a very poignant moment for them all, I think, realizing that they will not meet any time soon. Finwë, Ingwë and Olwë cannot even imagine that Elwë would actually die first before he is reunited with them. That thought has not entered into their hearts.

Enjoy your party!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/19/2009
Once again another excellant expansion of small snippit of Tolkiens universe.
You're right, I can't see them waiting all that time before meeting kin again, I could see the more adventurous floating across on logs or something though!
Poor Ingwe and Finwe, they will be waiting a long tine for Elwe.
More please,

Author Reply: Thank you, Lynda. I was never really satisfied with how the Silmarillion treated this momentuous event when the Teleri (or at least a fair number of them) finally come to Valinor. The idea that Finwë and Ingwë would just shrug and go on with whatever they were doing when the news arrives that their kinsmen have come never sat well with me, thus, this this story came to light. I'mm glad you enjoyed it.

ThalaneeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/6/2009
A great way to start this new series: statrting at the very beginning of everything (or at least the very beginning of what we call our universe).

"only one Ea that we know of": One cannot help but wonder but wonder if there are things like parallel universes. Why not?

It was really funny to see how confused the Ayanumuz were (with the exception of Manwe: he probably knew from the beginning).

I`m already looking forward to the (hopefully) many stories you´re going to write!

Greetings, Thalanee

Author Reply: Thanks, Thalanee. I'm glad you liked this story. I thought starting at the very Beginning of Everything would be appropriate for the launching of this new series of short stories.

I'm sure Manwë knew or at least suspected the truth but was willing to let the others come to it on their own.

I'm glad you are looking forward to more stories. At least initially, this series will not be weekly, but probably bi-monthly. Eventually, assuming the Muse is kind, it will be updated more frequently.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
The perfect title and story to start this new series :) It's a great idea to start this off with the very beginning of Eä.

Seems the Ayanumuz got a little surprise from Atar for their new place - to create it all by themselves. It's always nice to be able to set up your playground to your liking, after all ;) And they rose to the challenge.

Author Reply: Thanks, Kitty. I thought it appropriate to start off with the very beginning of Eä, since all else flows from that. And the Aynaumuz did rise to the challenge. The end result might not have been the perfect cosmos they envisioned in the Timeless Halls, but it does well enough, I think. *grin*

njomoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
Aaahh, but where better to begin...but at the beginning?!

The Ainulindalë was always my favorite part of the Silm. To be honest, it was years before I could read much further than that. So that makes this story that much more special.

There is something about less than perfect "gods" if you will, even "minor" ones that I find endearing. Or maybe it's just the way you write them and portray them as individual characters.

And yes, the difference between Vision and Reality...but the Reality they create, as you say (or rather as Manwë says), is for "the love [the Ayanamuz and Máyar] bear for the children to come."


Thanks Fiondil.


Author Reply: You're welcome, Joanne. I'm glad you enjoyed this. The Ainulindalë has always been one of my favorite parts of the Silm, too. And, in my mind, since the Ayanumuz and Máyar are created beings just as we are, they can't be perfect, though they may be *more* perfect than we are, but that's not the same thing. Besides, characters without any flaws or idiosincracies to them are boring and no fun to read. I'm glad you find my characterization of the Powers endearing. I never cared for the standoffish, cold and uncaring attitude that some writers give to the Valar. It never made any sense to me.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
Their confusion is extremely funny, yet also understandable. I am amused to see that you started this series of stories at the very beginning of Ea.

Author Reply: Well, it just seemed logical to start this series with a story about Eä's beginning, a sort of prequel to my "Wars of the Valar". I'm glad you found it amusing, Aiwen, especially the confusion felt by the Ayanumuz. It must have been quite the shock to come into Eä expecting to see it all laid out for them and then realize they have to do some of the 'grunt work' instead.

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
Oh, I loved it. A new start with a bang! It was great to see the initial confusion, the philosophical and then the mathematical approach. You had me giggle at the idea of parallel "playgrounds".

Author Reply: Hi, Vilwarin. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thanks for letting me know.

TariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
I am sooooo happy to see the Valar back. I really missed them.

Perhaps Adar wanted to see if they rememnbered what he taught them. There is no reason why there couldn't be more than one Universe. Only Iluvatar knows the answer to that question.

I would be happy just being a minor Maia in service to any of the Valar.

Author Reply: Thanks, Tari. I'm sure you are correct about why the Valar found a wasteland instead of the cosmos they were expecting. Eru does like us to do for ourselves, after all. *grin*

I would be happy just being a minor Maia in service to any of the Valar.

Me, too! Though I think I would like to be in Námo's service more than any of hte others.

AlassanteReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
Great! I'm glad you're inspired by some of our past themes. :) This was a nice look at this part of the Silm. I must admit the whole 'singing into being' was my least favorite part of the book because it was a little bit like reading the bible. (I was okay once the elves woke up though :P) But this helped me look at it from a story perspective and that I like lol Now was this before or after Melkor went and messed things up?

Author Reply: Hi, Alassante. I'm glad you liked this and that it has helped you to see the Ainulindalë in a different and more positive light. That part of the Silm is actually one of my favorites. *grin* And this is before Melkor messes things up, for until the Valar actually bring Eä into existence, there isn't anything for Melkor to mess up. I was happy to find the theme when I did as I felt it was a good prompt with which to start of this new series.

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