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Passover and Pilgrimage  by Larner 53 Review(s)
InzilbethReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/21/2009
A very neat and satisfying way to end this story, Larner. I especially liked the idea that the Dead Marshes too were no longer 'dead' but filled now with birds and living things.

Author Reply: In "The King's Commission" I'd written about the changes to the Dead Marshes as seen by the envoy from Rhun, and how a year after the victory Aragorn and Arwen came to the battlefield to honor those who'd fallen there, and stopped to bless the waters of the Dead Marshes, leading to a change in their nature. It's not for nothing Aragorn took the name of Elessar and wore the stone on his breast, after all!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/20/2009
Light and water in the place of Mount Doom - that's a great ending to Frodo and Sam's labors in Mordor. Nuru Lahta is a great name, too!

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you feel this way, Raksha. And I so thank Fiondil for helping me with the Quenya.

Author's notes will probably be posted on Tuesday.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2009
I've thought of doing something shorter along these lines, a sort of sequel to a ficlet of mine; but this chapter is quite lovely. All the growth where once things were barren and blasted - Frodo's revenge on Sauron if ever there was one. And nice glimpse of Faramir helping with the cooking, and singing.

Author Reply: I'm sorry Faramir doesn't get more exposure here, but feel he would be along on a trip like this.

Oh, I'd love to see what you'd planned.

Perhaps not Frodo's own revenge on Sauron, but certainly revenge on Sauron on behalf of Frodo--and a whole bunch of other folks as well! Heh!

Thanks so, Raksha!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2009
Interesting treatment of the progress of the story of Frodo and Sam, as they pass from real individuals to legends and inspirations, even during Sam's lifetime.

Author Reply: Isn't that how it works so often, Raksha--that the legend and inspiration takes over even before those involved are gone? At least this time it's a positive thing.

Thank you so!

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/20/2009
Just read and enjoyed your story. Nice atmospheric touches and a fitting sense of melancholy mixed with happier thoughts. Always enjoy stories in which the great deeds are remembered and appreciated by others and by ensuing generations. It is fitting albeit amazing that a "scholar and a gardener" were at the crux of achieving peace, although not without violence... humble Sam Gamgee had to become a warrior in addition to the other hats he wore.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Cookiefleck. I always love to have chances to let Sam's personality shine, of course, although Merry was also needing some comfort this time. This is indeed a chance to set up the memorials by which Middle Earth will remember that horrible time that was yet filled with greatness.

No, not without violence. Sam became so many things as a result of this quest--gardener, conspirator, poet, even as you point out a warrior; and later husband, lover, mayor, restorer, apocathery.... I truly love the transformations he makes!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/20/2009
How wonderful that Frodo would know of all this and that he *was* there to see it! I don't blame him at all for being disappointed not to have the sense of Sam and Aragorn's presence but then he had that dream. The chapter beings so nicely, with memories being drawn out and that they are together. I had forgotten that Sam can hear Frodo's thoughts, but being the knitted souls that they are, no surprise and a nice touch here. Hantanyel for this story!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I think that before he passed from this life Frodo needed to learn what it all meant.

I'm not certain why Frodo as I see him loses so much of his ability to speak orally, and why he ends up turning so strongly to osanwe or telepathy; but it is something that just happened as I was writing "Filled with Light as with Water." That Sam would have no difficulty ever recognizing or understanding Frodo just fits, however!

Thanks so much!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/20/2009
There’s light and water now

What a beautiful story. Getting Frodo's perspective on this special pilgrimage really is wonderful. (And I love the detail of Sam only bringing out the things he'd brought with him one by one, drawing out the storytelling and the sharing.)

Author Reply: I'm so glad you like Frodo's ideas on the subject. He needs to appreciate just where this lake has formed, after all, and that the others would wish to do their best to follow him as they can, even so long after the original event.

And don't you think these two would particularly wish to sustain the memories, particularly as the days pass, not glutting themselves too much after the first few heady days of reunion? Thank you so much, Shirebound!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/19/2009
Oh, wow, I only just got the "Passover" reference... *facepalm*

Thank you for your rather spirited defense to my snappish remark in last chapter's review! You're quite justified in how you're approaching this.

And Eressea epilogues are always lovely. I think I was most touched by the idea of Frodo becoming rather irritable as he watched for signs of his former life and wasn't getting any, lol! It seems very in character.

Thank you for this wonderful fic!

Author Reply: Okay--now you understand, and perhaps the last little piece will click in once I put up the author's notes, probably on Monday or Tuesday, depending on when I resurface after this weekend with a little bit of energy--this working a fourteen-hour shift on Saturdays is starting to get to me!

I do believe Frodo needed to feel he wasn't totally alone from time to time, and I do think he would become anxious not to share with folks at a time when he usually does so! And thank YOU for taking the time to read this and letting me know how you experience it! I am honored!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/19/2009
Lovely. A perfect epilogue to a perfect story.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Agape--I am truly honored!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/19/2009's over. I'd have loved to see the rest of their journey.

But this was a lovely Epilogue. I especially liked Frodo's shudder at the thought of Pippin being Thain! It *is* so hard to think of those we knew as children all grown up and undertaking mighty responsibilities.

I also liked the way he described his petulance when he couldn't find his friends under the White Tree! And his amazement when he discovered where the pictured lake was!

Perhaps at some future time, you can tell us a little more about the journey, though!

Author Reply: Maybe I'll look at the return journey at some future time, but I wanted to focus primarily on the lake and the meanings it had already garnered and then went on to garner further.

And it is so difficult to accept that those we've known as children do grow up. I remember the first time I heard the name of a most gifted child I once taught in second grade announced as one of the new announcers on our news talk station for the region. There can't be two such people with that particular name! I wonder if he remembers the teacher he once had while he was in second grade? For Frodo, it must have continued to be a bit of a shock each time he heard or saw the name of a child and heard the experiences of a wife and mother, husband and father, and even at times a grandparent! For him there's been this timelessness, but out there the children have grown to adulthood without him!

And I do think so he'd have often felt anxious and perhaps a bit ignored when he felt he'd gone too long without some reassurance that the others cared. And to realize he'd seen the remains of Orodruin, only now it's seen as a sacred place--that would have to create some special cognitive dissonance!

Thanks so very much, Dreamflower!

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