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Of Elves, Men and Peredhil  by Rhyselle 109 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/10/2009
And what a sweet image this is, knowing tomorrow he will greet the Sea, but tonight he sleeps!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked this, Larner. So much of THE SILMARILLION is sad and tells of desperate circumstances. It's nice to be given a glimpse of a simpler, happier event from the perspective of one who is young enough to not view the world through experienced, cynical eyes.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/10/2009
The question as to whether she and her beloved should be punished for their temerity in coming here does need to be answered, after all. She does well to wonder, I think.

Author Reply: It must have been very frightening not knowing if Earendil would ever return to her, or if she would be dragged away to face the judgment of the Valar and face an unknown, and therefore even more frightening, punishment.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/8/2009
I wonder at what point they met each other formally, or when they both learned the other was halfelven? If they managed this introduction before something more formal, surely there must be some sort of story here...

Author Reply: Oh, I'm sure that there is a story to be told. It could, probably, be an amusing one, or a touching or romantic one. I'll let the muse munch on the idea awhile and maybe, one day, she'll let me peek into the lead in to the courtship....

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/8/2009
Hee hee! Little does he know...

Author Reply: I admit that I grinned all the way through typing this one up. :) Thanks for reviewing!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/8/2009
Nice bit of extrapolation here! I love how you took the song of Ulmo and the journey and applied it to the way a child like Earendil would see the world.

Author Reply: I do especially like imagining the characters as small children... :) This drabble really just sort of appeared "full grown" in my mind. I wish I could draw the picture of him snuggled up against Tuor's shoulder!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/7/2009
Very well done meldenya! I loved the imagery of the whole chapter, it's beautiful!


(By the way, what happened to Chapter One? It vanished!)

Author Reply: Thanks for the heads up on Chapter One. I fixed it. :)

I'm so glad you are enjoying the drabbles. I hadn't intended to focus so much on Earendil, but I've got to write what the Muse dictates. Hopefully she will give me some stuff on Elrond and Elros, too.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/6/2009
The Teleri of Alqualonde would have an especial interest, I think, in knowing of Elwing's sad story, since their city was the first casualty of the Noldor. But it must have been hard waiting, not knowing what would happen next!

Author Reply: I'm glad that the difficulty of waiting came across so clearly. I have a lot of sympathy for Elwing, really. She was trapped into making a very difficult decision, based upon the pressure of her history and what she had been taught was her primary duty. She lost far more from that choice than she gained, even accounting for the gift of the Life of the Eldar that she was granted in Valinor. And then, Tolkien implies that she lived a life in Aman still isolated from the majority of the population there, in that tower, where she waited for Earendil's return from his stellar voyages. But I like to think that she was always welcome in Alqualonde, even if being at the Havens might have aroused sad memories of the Mouths of Sirion.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/6/2009
It would make sense for the elves to be able to tell how well a tree was suited to a particular task, before it was felled. I especially liked how the whiteness of the tree's bark actually matches with the name Vingilot. It made the tree feel more elvish.

Author Reply: Thanks for the comments! Actually, Tolkien shows that his knowledge of shipbuilding is a bit faulty, because birch is not a good wood for shipbuilding; but I figure I can always excuse it by saying that the species of birch in Nimbrethil was made extinct when Beleriand sank, so maybe it had better properties for it! :)

It must have been interesting for the Elven foresters, since they could communicate with the trees. Someday I want to write something from the tree's POV...

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/6/2009
This somehow seems a fitting use for the Silmaril and also explains how Earendil had sufficient claim to present it to the Valar. When one considers all that that jewel's been through it's both diminished and hallowed by its role as a wedding gift. Well done!

Author Reply: Thank you Celeritas. :) I'm so glad you liked this! (Sorry about the late review reply. RL has been a bit of a bear lately.)

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/6/2009
The last line of this one is truly haunting and really reflects how Tolkien viewed the call of the Sea.

Author Reply: The Sea-longing is a facet of Tolkien's writings that has really fascinated me. Then again, I have a bit of it myself, having been in the Navy for 24 years, and in love with it since my grandparents first took me to Rehobeth Beach, Delaware when I was a child. It figures that I live in the midwest, with no easy way to reach the sea!

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