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Quest  by cathleen 53 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/4/2010
Thank God for Sam and his feelings that something was amiss! But poor everyone for being trapped in that place and especially Pippin who is doubly trapped. I hope they get out soon!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Well, they have some ups and downs yet to get through, but I'm sure the Fellowship will prevail. Meanwhile, lots of exciting things coming down the pipe!! Thanks so much for continuing to read!!!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/3/2010
At least Merry is aware enough to sort out Pippin's weeping from that of whatever it is that is seeking to control the young Took!

Author Reply: Yes, Merry is indeed hot on Pippin's trail. Thanks so much for continuing to read!! *Hugs*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/3/2010
Oh, the poor hobbits caught up in such a dangerous and confusing situation! Good old Sam, he *knew* what he had to do.

Author Reply: Sam *is* wonderful, isn't he? *grin*

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/9/2010
Between the Ring and the Stones, the Hobbits sure are being daft! But that is what happens when under evil influences.

Great suspense! I'm anxious to know who/what is the cause of all this trouble.


Author Reply: Thanks very much, Pearl! I hope you continue to find this story filled with suspense! *Hugs*

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/8/2010
Heh, very interesting! Definitely a creative plot.

Angry hobbits. Very fascinating. Now the real question is is if they'll solve the problem or cause more problems xD

You know, Aragorn needs to roll down a dark hole and break a leg or something. He's too angry and bossy to, well, everyone XD Maybe making him the problem would humble him. Or at the least give Frodo some sort of dark satisfaction for a moment. Maybe Legolas, too.

... I have a dark sense of humor. Definitely interested in where this is going, though, dark sense of humor aside. I personally always like seeing, in Fellowship stories, if the hobbits end up being the solution at the end (considering they're so often the problem, especially poor Pippin and Frodo xD).

Author Reply: Thank you! Your FB is very helpful to me and I appreciate it. I think the hobbits will definitely come out on top in this one. Hopefully the Stones won't send Aragorn too far over the deep end! *Grin*

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/6/2010
Glad to see another chapter up at last! And a nice little cliffhanger also. :) Now what is to be done? Very interesting explanation about Pippin's stones. Too bad Frodo found out being drugged, but it will make the story more interesting!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Thanks, Antane, for continuing to read and comment! Frodo is in store for some interesting experiences, I think...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/6/2010
Ah, dear--the canny Hobbit is off on his own! And trust him to have been listening while appearing to be asleep! Bless them all.

The theory of the Palantir seeking to restructure itself is very interesting.

Now, to find the Hobbits before whatever else lives in the cave finds and uses them first.

Author Reply: Hi Larner! I think Frodo will have a few surprises and also play an important part in the resolution of this tale. Thanks so much for reading and letting me know what you think!! *Hugs*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/4/2010
What a fascinating conclusion for Gandalf to reach! This is a very unique premise.

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound. I'm so pleased you have been following my tale and I do hope you continue to read and enjoy! *Hugs*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/16/2010
And the two are divided by the very stones they carry in common!

Now, to find the two missing ones before they are lost forever!

Author Reply: And the Quest continues.....

Thanks, Bonnie! Hope you like the next part coming very soon!!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/14/2010
Oh yes! You have really done well with this-- the last minute changes came out perfectly!

This is as far as I've gone! You will have to get more to me soon!!

Author Reply: *Hugs Dreamflower* Thank you so much for everything! Your perceptive eye is awesome, and your ability to turn a phrase into a work of art is something I aspire to. Bless you!

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