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Brother, where art thou?  by Laikwalâssê 50 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/15/2010
Definitely they should not give up as long as Elrohir feels his brother's presence somewhere nearby.

Now, to find him!

Hope the youth doesn't suffer for the information given, but have no hope for that, considering the mayor and his son.

Author Reply: Elrohir will definitely not give up, but even he knows that their time is running short. I hope with you for the youth, but the mayor and his son is a bad lot. Thank you so much for reviewing. Lai

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/8/2010 can't stop there. Elrond's last line is hanging in my head "He would come too late to save his son"!

Like how you paint Isiwen's fascination of meeting and speaking to an elf for the first time, like how nice Elladan's personality is that he'll say "Thank you" even though he's in such a horrible state to think and talk. Oh no...I echo Isiwen's thought... truly truly worry for Elladan's life! Please update soon.

Author Reply: Hi Viresse. The next chapter is already with my beta. Very glad you liked Isiwen´s fascination. Think she is acting like I would when meeting an elf...sigh.
Now, Elrond should really hurry! Thank you so much for still reading and reviewing. Lai

Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/7/2010
Even though I know what will happen, I still find myself drawn into the story reading it here. Way to go, my friend.
Hugs Selene

Author Reply: Dear Petra, thank you so much for the review. I´m glad you still like my story. And thank you again for your help for making this readable and your constant encouragement. Iris

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/1/2010
Go Elrond...I doubt Elladan can hang on much longer! I think Elrohir will try to reach his tiwn also. Knowing that his brother is still alive may lift him from his current despair state.

Guess that you'll let us know about the "rope" in next chapter instead. I'm already worried what Elrond's full diagnosis of Elladan's condition... is he in a coma?

Author Reply: Hi Viresse,
uups the rope...I will explain in the next chapter, promise! *g*. I fear Elladan´s state is far worse than a coma; stay with me and find out. Thank you so much for still reading and reviewing. Lai.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/1/2010
yay! there is hope if elrond gets there in time. good chapter1

Author Reply: Hello Ellie, thank you for the praise and I told Elrond to hurry, really! Thank you for the time to review. Lai

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/22/2009
Although not saved by any healer, at least Elladan's life is prolonged for a while. Hope that help is coming soon, best if Elrond can arrive on time to give Elladan the proper care.

I was wondering where were the ropes at first but then I think it was cut off by sharp stones while Elladan was in the river.

Can't wait to read more.

Merry Christmas!

Author Reply: Maren may not be a healer, but Elladan is nonetheless in good hands until Elrond arrives, albeit he should hurry. What happened with the ropes you will see at the next chapter. I´m glad you are anxious to read on. The update is on the way. Thank you so much for the review. A merry Christmas to you too. Thank you for reading. Lai

ellieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/22/2009
yay he's been found! but he's in such a state! i hope help arrives soon...

Author Reply: Elrond is on the way, but you are right, he should hurry. Thank you so much for the review and for reading. The next chapter is already on the way. A merry christmas to you. Lai

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/22/2009
Well, thank goodness Elladan has been found by people who are far more caring than Aduran and Harad! I like that they so desperately tried to do what they could despite their limited knowledge.

Poor Elladan is indeed in a bad way. I suppose the head injury is why Elrohir can't sense him. Keep looking, Elrohir!!

Author Reply: albeit the humans cannot help, Elladan is in good hands until proper help arrives, but Elrond should hurry. The brothers are blocking themselfs in reaching the another. Stay with me and find out. Thank you so much for the review and a very marry christmas to you. Lai

ellieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/19/2009
interesting story! I hope you haven't killed off Elladan! I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Author Reply: Hello ellie. I´m glad you are enjoying the story. Killed Elladan off? Stay with me to the next chapter and you will have a small glimpse of what happened to him. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Lai

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2009
When knowing how Celon suffered, somehow seemed to relive Elladan's horror. Luckily Elrohir can still feel his twin (or is that his own imagination only?).

It's scary to know "Sometimes he had the feeling that the thread connecting them was vanishing entirely." Please let them find Elladan soon, don't let it be too late!

I wonder if Elrond is sensing something darker if he's already accepted Elladan is dead.

Yes, must punish the mayor and Harad!

Author Reply: let us hope that it is not his imagination and that Elrond is not sensing something darker. Stay with me and you will find out. I´m glad you are enjoying the story. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Lai

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