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You Can Lead a Took to Water  by Lindelea 54 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
Well, of course there would be pocket handkerchiefs on Bilbo's mind--never too many when you are going on an adventure, even if it is merely to Whitfield! Heh! And now, for him to learn which of his Mannish acquaintances this one is.

Author Reply: Yes, a good thing for him to know. He does have that Man-sized bed at Bag End, after all, doesn't he? (Or is that fanon? I'm tired tonight and not thinking quite straight.) I love Shirebound's idea that Aragorn periodically visited him in the Shire... But am trying to stick to canon as much as possible. There were occasional Men in the Shire even before the Troubles, at least.

EverlightReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
And their off! It must be nice to go anywhere at the drop of a hat (or note rather). ;)

Love the referral to 'The Hobbit'. He probably never was without a handkerchief after that.

Author Reply: Must be nice. Not something we can manage, what with pets to feed and bills to pay. But then, Bilbo brought all that treasure back with him from wherever it was he went, or so the neighbours say, and so he doesn't seem to have much trouble with heading off on a whim.

(I imagine he either learned to do without, or he always made sure he had a supply, after that.)

EverlightReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
And their off! It must be nice to go anywhere at the drop of a hat (or note rather). ;)

Love the referal to 'The Hobbit'. He probably never was without a handkerchief after that.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
Oh yay! Bilbo and Frodo will be there soon! *grin* I can just see the two of them young adventurer and old, racing along!

Author Reply: What fun! (You know, if Bilbo hadn't left, and left the Ring to Frodo when he did, eventually they would both have looked 50ish at the same time! The thought boggles the mind.)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
I love the pace at which this story is progressing, speeding towards Bilbo's arrival!

I would love to be a Quick Post messenger in the Shire. :)

Author Reply: You know, I think being a Quick Post messenger would be just about the best job going.


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/20/2014
Poor Frodo. Bilbo needs to remember not to say anything he doesn't want that one to hear.

Hopefully, the older hobbit can be of help to the Tooks of Whitacres.

Looking forward to what you have planned next.

Author Reply: And Merry and Pippin (and Sam) seem to follow in his footsteps, although Sam does get caught in the end.


EverlightReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/17/2014
Well, that was quite the surprise for Mardi! He seems to be a decent fellow, though hopefully, he knows how to keep his mouth shut about certain matters or there could be some 'interesting' problems keeping Tookland out of the kitchen.

Looks like Pip's adventure is going to come out sooner rather than later. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will work out. Poor Pip! He is so worried. I hope it all works out for 'Robin'.

Author Reply: LOL! 'Interesting' problems -- that's a mouthful! I think, however, that his Mistress (Healer Woodruff, who apprenticed him) would have his hide if she found out that he broke patient confidentiality.

(grinning at the mental image of Tookland traipsing through the kitchen...)


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/11/2014
Oh, at last Robin is receiving medical treatment; Mardi will get him fixed up--and hopefully Bilbo will arrive soon!

Author Reply: That's right! Mardi is at least starting to do something, even while he's thinking over treatments and dosages for someone Robin's size.

And yes, Bilbo ought to enter the picture very soon.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/10/2014
Robin, is it? Hope that all goes well for all of them. A friend among Men could prove helpful in the future, of course.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, Robin, later known as Jack, though his real name is something quite different...

(and you know, the opposite is also true: a friend among Hobbits could prove helpful in the future as well!)

galathilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/10/2014
Hi Lindlea
Man in the kitchen. Can you wave your magic make my son go in and either do the dishes or cook? Loving the story don't how I missed it. Can't wait for the next chapter. LOL Galthil

Author Reply: Nice to meet you! If only... if my magic worked that way, I wouldn't have any trouble getting my own dishes or cooking done. Funny how that works.

The next chapter to this one is due out in about a week. I'm adding a chapter from a different story each day, in the attempt to finish up the works in progress that have been languishing all too long. It's one of my new year's resolutions, isn't that funny?


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