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The Hunting Trip  by Ithilien 18 Review(s)
tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/9/2003
Okay, I'll review here as well. It's funny, I have recieved 4 seperate alerts to tell me that this story has been upated on SOA. Better than no updates I suppose...

Anyway, I can't wait to see what Kattica and Gordash have planned, nor can I wait to see how loyal and strong they will remain.

Great chapter, as always!


NightwingReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/9/2003
I was very glad to get the description from Aragorn's POV about what happened after Arwen went into the water. I was really curious to discover if he had fallen in, or was dragged in, or went after her.

Yep, sex and guilt go together like... like... well, actually I care not a whit for the combination personally, it's a terrible mix. But yes, Aragorn should be feeling a bit sheepish right about now. Having sex while his bestest friends are being terrorized and tortured. How self-indulgent is that? Oh, but what a tale to tell his son. "The night you were conceived? Yes, we all remember it well. Mummy and Daddy were trapped in a cave, and Uncle Legolas was being tortured by just about every means under the sun, and Uncle Faramir was being psychologically raped, and Auntie Eowyn was having the snot beaten out of her, while she was pregnant, mind you..." Really, sometimes those family stories can get out of hand. Best keep this one in the closet, only to be trotted out during the Christmas dinner gathering. Should impress the in-laws in case they think visiting is such a dreadful bore...

I really liked your description of the silent Gimli. His dear friend is suffering and in mortal danger, and the usual noisy dwarven bravado has been replaced by cold wrath and deadly intent. This is serious business, and I cannot wait to see the fury of the son of Gloin unleashed when he finally gets his chance.

The Curtik/Bala/Bregus thing is really grossing me out. This little family dynamic needs to be terminated ASAP. I nearly lost my breakfast.

All right. Legolas. Let me get this straight. The facts are as follows:

1)horrible physical injury. His back is broken, he is unable to move his lower body, and his pain is unbearable. (This after being held captive, psychologically invaded and tortured, bashed on the head with a rock, and then giddily skipping along through the woods tripping on whatever passed for acid back in those days before falling out of a tree...)
2)mortal danger. People want to kill him by ripping his beating heart from his chest, and he is unable to defend himself.
3)he knows these people want to rip his beating heart from his chest, and he knows he is unable to defend himself.
4)he has been placed under cuivear, and cruelly yanked from it again, and then put back into it again, now Eowyn is trying to pull him out of it again, which results in...
5)a depressed, disoriented, weirded-out state of mind.
6)dying of grief. He believes his life is over and he can fight no more.
7)oh, yes... financial worries back home?

Have I got it all? No wonder he's moaning. Good God. The recovery will be difficult, but yes, as you mentioned, the author gets to play with time. I see two options here:

You could write a new story! "The Incredibly Long and Horrifying Recovery of a Mangled Elf" in 52 chapters;

Or, you could do the the nice fast-forward: Lovely day in the garden. Elf and Dwarf having lunch on the patio. Elf is wrapped in nice warm blankees, but he is smiling as he shows the dwarf how he can wiggle his toes now. Sigh. Much better.

All right, enough from me. But I am having a spectacular amount of fun here, Ithilien. Let the witch-whippin' begin!


Le RouretReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/9/2003
You know, I didn't even catch the "Marius Suenor" joke until I read the reviews of your last chapter! Very clever! And what's this about a "Witch-killing or two"? As far as I'm concerned, only one witch need die, and it better the heck not be Kattica. Being a mom myself, I have special sympathy for anyone about to experience Uterine Liberation Day.

Well, you've done it to me; I've just posted the first chapter of my story. I'm terrified. I'll use your "Doro Lanthiron" near the end of the tale and give you full credit, don't you worry. Thanks for the great entertainment!

IceAngelReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/8/2003
Lovely new chapter!
I think you said somewhere there that it was easier to write than ussual, and I think that really showed. As much as I enjoy your heavy imagry and introspection, it seemed like a better ballance between events and thoughts now that it is rushing to the ending! noo! As much as I want to find out what happends, I also don't want it to end.

I'll be looking forward to the next chapter ssoooo much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/8/2003
I liked Arwen's determination and Aragorn's rising to the occasion and letting her go. And, like Faramir, I am comforted by the idea that Aragorn has a plan. I am still very worried about Legolas though.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/8/2003
Starting out nicely with a great note about the Elven rope--I hadn't thought about how Aragorn and Arwen were caught without being sliced in two, but this is a nice explanation.

And I love the bit about Aragorn's filthy hands! I was watching TTT last night and at the part where he's washed down the river and Brego finds him I said to my roommate, "how can he be soaked in water for hours and still somehow not be clean?" Glad to know it mystifies others as much as it does me. The Numenorean scruff gene at work again!

Arwen found the charm! Oh, I hope it does some good later on. I know she's in a hurry because of the urgency of their situation, but I can't help thinking there's a little bit of mortality rubbing off on her. Time matters to her more now. Nice note of the difference between the Noldor and the Silvan Elves here. Arwen might be a decendent of Earendil himself, but she can't climb trees the way Legolas can. I've always thought those Noldor were too snooty for their own good anyway. ;)

I couldn't give moment by moment reactions during the last part--it was too engrossing. Poor Legolas. As if a crippling injury and the sea longing weren't enough, now he's got grief too. I still wish he'd be able to fight for himself before it's over, but that might be too much to ask. Still, though, if Arwen brings back that charm, he might escape the pain enough to think coherently, and no way can Bregus overpower his spirit when he's clear headed.

Man, and I thought Bregus was scary. Bala/Curtik is seriously twisted. Bregus is deluding herself--even if she defeated Aragorn and Co., she won't live past this night.

Another great chapter, and I'm looking forward to some serious witch-kicking (and a little ghost-kicking too for good measure). Now that I know that there are other good plot bunnies nibbling in the wings, I'm especially impatient for this story to reach the great, mind-blowing conclusion I know is coming. No, I won't beg. I know you're wiped out and need recovery time. I'll wait patiently. (hums to self for thirty seconds). Waiting patiently, yup. (checks watch.) Patience, that's me all over. (hums some more.)


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/8/2003
After giving you pages of critical comments, I realized I didn't get to comment on the plot twists I so enjoyed!

That Bala knew exactly who Faramir was is intriguing. Now one begins to wonder if they have been set up from the start. But I suppose if that were true, then they might have gone after Aragorn and Arwen. But somehow, just the thought that they were not random victims is so much more terrifying.

Bala is far more evil and strong, I think, than anyone can see except perhpas Mattias. He seems free of her influence. I so want to know what Kattica and Gordash do, and am actually quite thrilled that Bregus and Bala's downfall will come at the hands of their own children.

I fear most for Legolas and Arwen right now. Legolas is so gravely injured that I hope the healing hands of the King can aid him. I suppose Kattica's magic might do it as well - but I hope his healing comes from the hands of his friends. I do fear for Arwen trapped with the dogs, but she is a smart she-elf and probably will sing and put them sto sleep or something. She is a crafty she-elf and I think well able to take care of herself and her unborn child. There *is* going to be an unborn child soon...right??

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/8/2003
That was about the worst place to end this chapter! Grrr. But other than that, it was excellent, as always. Though I am biting my nails in worry at what my favourite heroes face: Arwen is surrounded by a pack of growling wolf hounds, and the 'battle' for Henneth-Annûn is about to begin.

Aragorn just cannot jump out of his skin, can he? Poor guy, he struggles so hard to overcome his worry for Arwen and let her go, though it is obviously the appropriate choice in that situation. If only he knew what she's about to face right now ... And leave it to Arwen to gripe about the state of his fingernails as her parting words ... a tatoo ... (*shakes head*) ... and I don't think that Gimli's remarks were of any help for Aragorn's predicament.

But then, leave it to a Dwarf to find a solution to a problem where caves are involved. I just wanted to hug him when he revealed the mithril and his suggestions for its use.

And Bäla is now on the lose. And he did not waste much time to ensure Bregus' compliance. That guy is truely sick!

Gotta go now,


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