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The Ranger and the Eagles  by Cairistiona 190 Review(s)
FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/5/2011

Happy to see a new story from you. As always, poor Aragorn, and poor Gandalf! waiting for more. I really like your stories. Thank you

Author Reply: Thank you, Fantasia--so glad you're enjoying this new story! Thanks for letting me know. :)

lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Oh, Lily must be in hog heaven. This is wonderful and I can't wait for more...

Author Reply: Thank you, lovethosehobbits! I do think Lily is enjoying this, yes. *g* I'm glad you are, as well--thanks for the review!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Poor Aragorn, he is in a sad way!You are making me want to go and write some h/c now! I just love your Gandalf and your chapter title!I eagerly await more.

Author Reply: Thank you, Linda! Glad you're enjoying this... and yes, by all means, go write some h/c! There can't be too much of it, after all. :) And I'm tickled that everyone seems to like that chapter title--I think I've gotten more comments on it than I ever have for a chapter title before.

Thanks for the review!

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
A very realistic bit of surgery there, I think.

Author Reply: Ah, thank you! I was hoping I was getting it somewhat reasonable, given that this is Middle-earth and not exactly modern times, nor a skilled healer. :)

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
I really love the title of this chapter! It's so perfectly Gandalf. *g* Poor Gandalf, btw. It's really no use to have a skilled healer with you if it's *you* who has to patch up said skilled healer!

//"You do have a great heart, Aragorn," he said, "even if it is temporarily frozen."//
LOL! I very much enjoyed Gandalf's ongoing monologue - as angsty as this chapter may be, Gandalf's comments kept making me chuckle. I guess I many hvave mentioned once or twice or several times that I like your sense of humour. ;-)

I'm just glad Aragorn was mostly unconscious throughout the procedure of removing that branch (I bet Gandalf agrees with me). It seems the two of them are in for some very rough and difficult days, though. Don't tell him I said that, but I think Gandalf would make a great healer (at least if you don't leave him a choice). *g*

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you liked the humor in this... Gandalf is always so funny in canon (at least, I find him that way) that I tried to instill a bit of that here, even in dire circumstances. And yes, I think it's a very good thing that Aragorn was too exhausted by his ordeal to be very aware of what was happening. And I won't tell Gandalf what you said... I have a feeling if he thought he'd have to do more such healing work, he'd run back to the Blessed Realm so fast he wouldn't need a ship. ;)

Thanks for the review!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Ouch. Poor Aragorn. Accidents in the wild can happen so easily and yet cause so much damage - no Orcs needed. If I'd been Gandalf I probably would have panicked. Good thing he is a wizard and can keep a cool head. He might request more than some first aid lessons once he gets back, though.

I liked the undressing scene. Trousers and hose isn't a combination you see very often - but it certainly would have been warm. I only wonder how Aragorn was able to move his toes - it must have been pretty tight down there. Maybe they were different sizes or knittted ones? ;)

Author Reply: Thank you, Vilwarin! LOL... I wonder now how Aragorn wiggled his toes, too. *g* We'll just imagine they were somewhat stretchy knits. Or oversized. Or something! I figured, clambering through such high mountains, trousers over hose wasn't too far-fetched combination... he'd have to keep himself very warm (and I reeeeally didn't want to add frostbite to his woes). And yes, I do think Gandalf will likely march into Imladris come spring and demand more medical training from Elrond!

Thanks for the review!

MirachReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Aww, great chapter! I love stories about Aragorn and Gandalf, their friendship is much more interesting to me than the one of Aragorn and Legolas that so many authors write about. Gandalf's muttering to himself or to Aragorn was almost comical in places, which created a lively contrast to the dire situation. The examination of injuries was almost like a detective story. Of course the real cause will come last! And it's clear now that Aragorn has indeed been in the avalanche that Gandal saw earlier. And I think the situation will grow worse yet - we have to meet the eagles still!

Author Reply: Thank you, Mirach! I think Gandalf and Aragorn's friendship is definitely fascinating, and too little explored through fanfic (although I intend to make up for that deficit). I'm glad you liked the bits of humor in this. To me, such a dire situation could be too heavy to read if there isn't some sort of lighter elements sprinkled throughout.

And yes, the eagles are still to come--gosh, when *are* those pesky birds ever going to show up?? *g*

Thanks for the review!

Midnight PromiseReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Yes, yes - this chapter DID mollify me a tiny bit. . . JUST a tiny bit. ;-)

"He had wondered, at the time, just how often Aragorn had attacked his own father in just such a way. The droll tilt of Elrond’s smile certainly hinted at painful experience." <--- Dude, it is so mean to tease the readers with possible bunny plots! Haha, 'aw' though! Your Elrond&Estel stories are always warm and fuzzy, and I hope to read something to that affect with the above mentioned. ^o^ *shameless bribe with internet candy*

Lol. Chapter titles always bring a smile, along with the anticipation! :)

Ah, um, OW?! He got nailed with a tree branch? Oh dears. . .I swear, that child has enough bad luck to get him IN those situations, but enough luck to get him OUT. Hmm, contradicting, yet true. ;3

Lol! Is that pot of salve Halbarad's recipe? ;)

Yay for mutual fantastic holidays! Haha, hope that awesomeness has been extended to now. :-)



Author Reply: Thank you, MP! Gosh, you've made me giggle this morning. *g* I'm glad to have mollified you a bit, at least, although I know you'd prefer the every-five-minutes method of story posting!

And ooh, that's a good idea, to write up whatever might have happened to have made Elrond warn against Aragorn attacking. *adds it to my plot bunny list*

And ding-ding-ding!! You win the Sharp-Eyed-Reader Award! That was indeed Halbarad's stinky salve that Gandalf unfortunately sniffed.

Thanks for the review... next chapter comes Thursday!

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/4/2011
Wow, wow, wow... *heart is a-flutter*

This is a veritable FEAST of magnificence for an Aragorn h/c lover like me! I couldn't even begin to tell you what I love most about it---too many things to list! But I'm sure that Aragorn's pitiful cries and Gandalf stroking his hair are at the top of the list. :)

Impaled by a tree branch, eh? Now THAT is something to enjoy---we don't often get to read about Aragorn suffering from such an injury---something that is, as Gandalf puts it, so "unnatural." And it seems he has a whole host of other minor discomforts---too delicious!

I have to say that Gandalf's resourcefulness here is amazing, and just what I'd expect from him. He definitely isn't hasty or rash and he thinks things through, doesn't he? I have a feeling he made the right decision regarding the wound.

The detail in this story is incredibly mesmerizing---this is what all h/c stories should aspire to be! At least in my book. I sit and read this and just want to read it over and over and over again a zillion times to make sure I caught every juicy tidbit---every groan, moan, and cry that Aragorn utters! Oh, how I love Gandalf's comforting here... the talking, the stroking of Aragorn's hair, the patting of his leg... *melts* It's so sweet and fatherly---just what I love in such a story.

And now I'm off to read it again---and I cannot WAIT for chapter three!

Author Reply: Thank you, Lily! I'm soooooo relieved this chapter worked for you--I was sweating those medical details, trust me. LOL (Still sweating them, actually, as I'm sure there's some mistakes despite my research! I just hope any medical professionals who might read this go easy on me...) And I wanted to make sure I had a balance between technical stuff and the comforting--I'm bad for going too far towards the technical. So I'm glad I managed to get enough comfort in it for you. :)

And the tree branch thing... I think I've seen a couple stories out there where he's fallen from a tree and impaled himself, but I've never seen him get injured like that in an avalanche. In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen any snow-avalanche stories out there, but it seems to be a genuine risk in the mountains. From what I researched, snow avalanches are perilously easy to start. *shivers* There's a reason I don't go skiing....

And it's soooo fun to write Fatherly Gandalf, especially in regards to Aragorn. I imagine their friendship had a large father-son component to it, as well as mutual respect. So many facets to explore there. :)

Glad you're enjoying this and thanks for the review!

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
I enjoyed chapter 2 even more now that I've re-read it. As I told you before, you made the description of Gandalf stripping Aragorn and searching for wounds very gripping, and very revealing. I like the way you make us have glimpses of Gandalf's mind and heart through his monologue. You show us his compassion and all his love for Aragorn there.

Such details as Aragorn's unconscious need of having his sword next to him are very telling too. They tell us a lot about the dangerous life he leads. I also like the way you managed to remind us of Aragorn's strength even if he's just lying there unconscious.

Well done.

Author Reply: Thank you, Estelcontar! You know, it was really tricky, making this chapter work, because it *is* basically a long monologue. Keeping it in Gandalf's voice helped but I was afraid it'd come across too much like a medical book. LOL So I'm glad those non-medical details helped balance it out for you. (And I have to giggle at your mention that Gandalf stripping Aragorn was "revealing". *snicker giggle* I know that's not how you meant it, but it was a funny unintentional pun. *g*)

Thanks for the review!

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