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The Ranger and the Eagles  by Cairistiona 190 Review(s)
ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
I have to say you have Gandolf's character down to a tee, I was cringing and feeling the pain too as Gandolf did all his surgery, Ugh! Well at least they have a fire, that is one mercy. Will be waiting for more, storyteller. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Thank you, Imp! I was cringing a bit writing this, so I know how you must be feeling. And yes, thank goodness for a nice big fire at last!

More to come Thursday. Thanks for reading and for the nice review!

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
Mmm, this was a wonderfully written chapter. I loved the shifts of touch and speech that Gandalf shows. At first touch is pragmatic, checking to see if anything's broken, removing wet clothing, ect. Gandalf's words at this time are inconsequential, asking Aragorn things that he would like to know if he was awake. Then when you got to the "splinter" (Where did you dream that up? It gave me the shivers.) touch changes to comfort, Gandalf is stroking Aragorn's hair, rubbing his back, is arm, attempting to give comfort. His words change too, instead of calling him Aragorn it's gone to "boy" or "dear boy". Then it shifts back to pragmatic, with the ensuing surgery to remove the branch. I really hope that Gandalf's done the right thing and Aragorn will be fine with no more mishaps, but somehow I really doubt that.....and there's still the little matter of the title referring to eagles....I can't wait!

Author Reply: Thank you, AzureSkye! I'm so glad you liked this, and all those details (I confess at times I worried I was getting TOO detailed with this, but I had to go with what felt like a proper telling of the scene). Gandalf's mood and touches definitely shift from moment to moment, as Aragorn needs dictated, and also as Gandalf himself needed--I think he found comfort in the touch and the talk as much as Aragorn might have had he been awake and able to say (I think, like Gandalf hoped, Aragorn *was* aware of all Gandalf was doing, on some deep level). Talking to Aragorn and touching him from time to time grounded and calmed Gandalf, I think, and let him get on with a very hard task.

As for the "splinter" wound... hee hee... I have an evil mind, what can I say! And it seemed to fit the circumstances surrounding the injury. Mountains can be very dangerous places!

Thanks for the well-thought-out review!

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
This is great stuff! There are not enough Gandalf/Aragorn stories out there and we know they were great friends and knew each other many years. You write Gandalf very well, too. :) Now let's get our poor dear ranger-king warm and awake, so he knows he's in the company of friends!

Author Reply: Thank you, LisaG! I'm so glad you're enjoying this. I'm with you--there's a severe lack of Gandalf & Aragorn stories out there. It's a friendship well worth exploring. And yes, hopefully after a night of sleep Aragorn will finally open those big grey peepers of his and at least look around a bit!

Thanks for the review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
"Dear, dear boy..."

Awwww, it's lovely to see Gandalf in healer-mode. He's very competent, and ever so compassionate.

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! Gandalf is, I think, more competent than he feels here... healing isn't something he's done a lot of, but fortunately for Aragorn, Gandalf tends to do anything and everything well, despite inexperience. :)

Thanks for the review!

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2011
I'm very much enjoying this so far :)

Author Reply: Thank you, EllyBaggins! So glad to hear it. :)

Midnight PromiseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/3/2011
*Sputters!* No new updates from you in a while, and then you have the AUDACITY to not update every five minutes until everything is posted?! For shame! ;)

"He smoothed his offended whiskers," Haha, he reminds me of a disgruntled feline. :-D Those little tidbits help center the story around the characters; the little quirks of each are always endearing.

Hurt/comfort? *Grabs the chocolate and warm, fuzzy socks* I'm in. ;D

Aragorn's entering plea was perfect, tugged at the heartstrings. :/

Eager for more, and hope the Holidays were happy ones!


Author Reply: LOL!! Thank you, MP... yes, I am a bit audacious in not slapping the entire thing up in one day, I admit. *g* But I hope today's posting of chapter 2 will mollify you for a bit. :)

So glad you enjoyed this first chapter! I do love exploring character quirks... like you say, it's what endears characters to readers, and Gandalf's whiskers and eyebrows to me always seem to have a life of their own.

Keep the socks on and the chocolate at hand; much more is on the way! Thanks for the review and the holiday wishes. Mine were terrific, and I hope your holidays were lovely as well. :)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2011
You made me feel cold reading this! Great descrition and a wonderful beginning!

Author Reply: Thank you, Linda, although I would imagine making you feel cold is the last thing you need right now! LOL But I'm glad you found yourself "there" with Gandalf and Aragorn. *hands you an electric blanket*

Thanks for the review!

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/31/2010
First, Happy New Year! Second, That was really good! Hope I see another chapter soon. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: And a happy New Year to you as well, Imp! So glad you enjoyed this; another is coming on Monday. Thanks for the review!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/31/2010
Yay, the story is being posted at last!

I think you captured Gandalf perfectly - a great combination of old man and wizard. And that dreadful weather they're in! Makes you appreciate a warm home all the more. I somehow suspect that Gandalf will get a bigger fire soon, though.

I'm waiting eagerly for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you, Vilwarin! I'm so glad you enjoyed this first chapter... and I suspect you're right about that bigger fire. :) Thanks for the review, and Happy New Year!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/31/2010
Break out the athelas! Or at least some bandaids! Poor Aragorn needs some TLC, since it would be difficult to do his own healing at this point. It's not always easy to realize, in our comfortable hi-tech lives, how treacherous it can be to get hurt in the wild; when one doesn't have tetanus shots and antibiotics regularly available.

Hurry up with the next chapter!

Author Reply: LOL... next chapter will be up on Monday. :)

And yes, Aragorn's hardly in a position to pull off a "physician, heal thyself" move, is he. Too frozen, for one thing, and who knows what else... Gandalf will have his hands full, I think!

Thanks for the review, Raksha!

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