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Runaway  by Lindelea 78 Review(s)
FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2003
Hi Lindelea, glad to see you back and able to write again. Sorry I missed a few days of reviewing your stories; I had a momster project at work that was keeping me from everything. Fortunately, it's done now and the bonus was, I got to read several chapters at once.

Hally is clearly not fooled by Ferdi's tricks. Rosemary I think pretends not to know who Faramir is. Otherwise, I doubt she'd have bothered to bring up rank when discussing sleeping arrangements. But unlike Hally, she's willing not to quesiton openly. I think she's got an underlying trust in Ferdi's methods and doesn't need to understand all the details.

Quite uncomfortable for Ferdi to have to hear the tale of the Fox told to his sister's children. He's also uncomfortable about his plan it seems. I think Ferdi's flying by the seat of his pants this time. I hope nothing bites him (but then, maybe it would make a better story if somethng did). The weak point seems to me to be the children. Chldren are hard to fool, and don't keep secrets well.

Farry's learning a couple of interesting lessons. He's learning how to wash up and dry dishes. He's maybe learned a few things about Ferdi, though he seemed to respect him even before. Clearly, he's learning to hold his temper and his tongue - a hard lesson for even many adults. He's going to learn what it feels like to sleep on the floor, as a hobbit of no status. Tomorrow's lessons may be harder. Wonder what Pip will learn?

Author Reply: Have I told you how much I appreciate your thoughtful reviews? I always learn something about the plot or characters that was not obvious to me when I was writing, but makes perfect sense to me when you mention it.

There is lots of learning going on in later chapters. My intention is for all the characters to grow through this experience. At the moment, in the chapters currently under construction/revision, that growth process is rather painful. Sure glad the ending is already written and I can look forward to joining the middle up to it eventually.

Thanks for the encouragement.

p.s. I changed "silks" in the race chapter of Flames to say "colours", after much thought. Thanks for bringing that point up in a review!

MirielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2003
Hooray! I missed your updates last week, I guess that you spoil us, updating so quickly. :)

Hmm...I can see where Ferdi is going. (I think.) Must be rather hard for Farry, being treated "normal", when all his life he has had the finest of everything.

I hope the THain doesn't worry too much. (And I hope that he doesn't kill Ferdi when he gets back, either!)

It's great to have you back, and I am eagerly awaiting the next update.

MirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/15/2003
I like the name of the chapter along with chapter 3's.

Hmmm...that probably was the first time in his young life that Farry ever did servants work.

I can't for the life of me figure out how you will get him back to the Smials. Can't wait for the next update! :)

Author Reply: I have his return to the Smials figured out, it's the middle part that's proving difficult. (!) Glad you noticed the word-play on the chapter titles.

MirielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/12/2003
Aah, now we have the aftermath of "The Firstborn." Pimpernel's reaction--I do hope that she kissed him. :)

No, of course Ferdi hardly remembers the incident.

Ah, to his sister's. Life is always happy there, is it not?

Can you picture Faramir and Ferdi in Gondor? Two hobbits, not a penny to their names, runaways...that would be...interesting to say the least.

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/10/2003
Rosemary in the woody end is always Ferdi's ace in the hole, isn't she? I think many times when he wanted to give up or take a chance, like here, the thought that he could always go to Rosemary made things bearable. Is he thinking that will be a safe place for Farry to run away to?

I don't think stopping the post or trying to fool Pip or Diamond will work for long. At some point Pippin will come back, and then there will be no hiding either Faramir's absence or all the untruths told. Now, sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so if all is over and fixed by then, no harm done, yet this is a long-brewing problem and likely will not be fixed easily or quickly.

Ferdi can see through a brick wall in time, as they once said of Farmer Maggot, so I am sure a plan is brewing in his sharp mind. But will he come up with something quick enought to forstall the inevitable explosion? I'm looking forward to finding out what you've planned.

I'm enjoying the characterization of Faramir as a little Pippin. He's just as stubborn as his father, cocky and confident, and not above borrowing a few farmyard goods in need, although he's much more serious than Pip ever was in his youth. Of course, Pippin's father was not Thain when Pip was a lad, nor had his father fought wars or seen the horrors that Pip did. Pip's childhood was much more carefree, and the older cousins that helped mold Pippin were very different than the trouble-batch Farry fell in with. (Merry and Frodo were troublemakers in their own way, but I think Pippin was much closer to them, and much more cared for by them, than Farry ever was with hs cousins.) I like Faramir, for all his irritating manner, I think mostly because I feel sorry for him, and see a very unhappy little lost boy in there. I hope he gets the attention he so obviously is looking for.

MirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/10/2003
A sequel already! I think its a sequel...I can't wait until all of your stories are posted here.

I do hope nothing bad happens to Ferdi for his troubles.

Now, I'm a bit confuesed on the time line. I think this is after "Down and Out" but before "At the End of His Rope." Am I correct?

Anyway, its wonderful and I hope that you update soon!

Author Reply: You are exactly right, this story takes place after "Down and Out" but just before "At the End of His Rope". For readers' convenience, I have a timeline of stories posted at Just do a search on authorname = Lindelea1 and you will see it on the bio page that comes up. The stories are laid out in order with dates attached.

Glad you are enjoying it. It is still in the works, and seems to be writing itself without much help from me. I have already torn up the first outline of the story when a character started doing and saying unexpected things in chapter 6... now working from the second outline, and the characters seem to be more satisfied with the direction we're going, so we are making steady progress. I will try to update every other day, with updates to "Truth" on the days in-between.

Thanks for reviewing!

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2003
You can't know how happy I am to see this story start. I missed you horribly over the weekend. I must have checked a dozen times - no updates, no updates. Then I read that you would be without computer access over the weekend, so I stopped checking, but I still felt lost. Pretty silly, hmmm?

Nice start. I figured out pretty soon that it was Farry who was being tracked, but could only hope that it was Ferdi doing the tracking. It caught me up a bit as he started laying a fire - at first I thought of the scene in 'The Hobbit' where the orcs set fire around fifteen birds in five fir trees - sometimes I see Ruffians everywhere. I wonder just how small a ten-year-old hobbit lad is, and if a full grown fox is big enough to take one down? I guess so - he's probably less than than 2 foot tall - I had never thought of it before, but I tend to forget how small the hobbits are, when there's no big people around to provide a reference (they're just that real to me). It makes the attacks by wolves in the Fell Winter (and those on Bilbo's group or the Fellowship's quest) all that scarier to contemplate.

Ferdi's emotions as he comes to the end of the trail are so well described, without a word of dialog needed to show his thoughts. He'd come too late, all there would be is a piece of bloodied cloth to take back to Pip and Diamond. As a father now himself, his heart must have been breaking. No mention here that it would be worth his job, and possibly much more, to have lost Farry permanently. That doesn't come up until later, when things are more under control.

Faramir's smart, but he's only ten. He figured he wouldn't be missed if he ran while Pippin was in Buckland. But he didn't count on Ferdi's dedication to duty. Are the rest of the escort out looking too, or did they accompany Pippin? Farry's jealous of a new baby. But there's also reference to "events of the past few years": is Faramir hoping that if he's not there, the new baby will have more of a chance for survival than the last, or has the talk of the Tooks punished him since the death of his cousin Adelgrim? (Probably both) And what else has happened in two years?

Clever of Ferdi to give him a chance to save face, and come down himself, though it doesn't work. Ferdi's two steps ahead, as always. He'll help Farry to run away properly - less dangerous for the hobbit lad, he can give a better report to Pippin, and perhaps someone will recognize the chronic problem Ferdi sees. Can't wait to see what comes next.

By the way, did I mention I'm glad you're back?

HaiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2003
Good Ferdi! He is so smart with the younger hobbits. I really like how you have given him character! You write hobbits so wonderfully! I'm looking forward to more!

Don't forget now, I always check there first and not always here (unless they are having a problem over there)

Author Reply: I haven't forgotten, simply have been having problems posting new chapters there. If it is not a "site busy--please try again later" message, it is a "proxy error". Still, even if I don't get a chapter posted there first, I always manage to get it posted later.

The other problem is that I *am* posting over there, but author alerts have not been going out, at least as far as I can tell, for the most recent chapters. This might be related to those same "proxy error" messages I've been getting when updating.

Author Reply: oops, forgot to say Thanks for the review!

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