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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 21 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
Poor Alex. The stomach flu is no fun. I had a slight touch a few weeks ago, but nothing anyway near that severe. His resistance must really be low.

Author Reply: Some people get it worse than others, and Alex just happens to be one of them.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Tari. It's very much appreciated.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
A horrid thing, the Norovirus. Had it a couple times over the winter, or so the doctors told me. At least they have a good plan in hand, and all are now receiving the help they need. Love seeing the Maiar enjoying keeping an eye on the agents, and seeing Farrell snowed in is delightful. Too bad Amroth and Nimrodel need to come back so precipitously, although there isn't anything Farrell can do at the moment. I still wanna see who's behind his obdurancy.

Author Reply: Yeah, been there, done that, myself, Larner, which is why I gave it to Alex. At least he has people around him to care for him. I was by my lonesome. No fun at all, at all.

Thanks for your comments and all your prayers, emails and words of encouragement. They've been very much appreciated.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
Well, you were not joking about things going bad. I can see Glorfindel overwhelmed with problems, worries about sick people, spies, students, virus, poor guy. I'm glad that Finn is there to help.

Again, poor Alex!!!

I'm glad that you are better Fiondil. Take care and don't over do.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. No, I wasn't joking. *grin* And there's more to come.

Thanks for your review and all your good wishes for my recovery. I appreciate them very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
Poor Alex! Getting a stomach bug isn't fun at the best of times, and Alex has clearly been hit very hard!
Farrell is worrisome. I definitely hope someone is keeping an eye on him, in case he suddenly decides to do something crazy. I definitely hope that bug is going to get him as well.
So the Maiar want to come and "play with the cute Mortals"? I would say that a bit of help with that epidemic would probably be welcome, but getting Manwë to sign up for that kind of "interference" might be tricky.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I have to agree with you about getting Manwë to sign on to that kind of "interference" would be tricky and probably for the best anyway, since these sort of things happen to us Mortals all the time and we've learned to handled them on our own.

Anyway, we'll see how Alex and everyone else gets on with the virus and the storm over the next several chapters. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
A perfect storm - of the winter variety - sickness, snow and ice... Poor Glorfi! Ice storms on top of a blizzard is nasty - hopefully it doesn't last for 6 days like the one in Quebec in 1998; not something anybody wants to go through.

And yes, I guess trained killers can be "cute" if you sing worlds into existence and are incorporeal! LOL! No wonder all the Maiar are begging to be allowed to help in Wiseman - dealing with star cores must be fascinating, but nothing beats humans and Elves for unpredictability. :-)

I'm glad Derek is with the elves. He certainly can use some TLC and questions answered (I'm sure he's got dozens whirring around under that quiet exterior).

BTW - seeing another chapter posted was a very pleasant surprise! Hope your recovery continues to go well.

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. I don't think this storm will last quite that long, but it will last long enough to make everyone's life miserable.

Humans and Elves obviously are more fascinating than starcores, that's for sure. *grin*

Thanks for your good wishes for a speedy recovery. Recovery after my kind of surgery is anything but speedy but it is steady and every day is a little easier. Thanks also for the review. I apprecaite it very much.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
I must have been more tired than I thought from traipsing around London or from too many carbohydrates! What I meant to say in my last sentence was that I have finished all of EI and your collected short pieces. Now to start "In Darkness Bound" and read it properly. Ah - happiness is a chance to sit quietly and read!

Author Reply: I sort of figured out what you were trying to say. Thanks for the clarification, though. I appreciate it.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
Firstly, welcome back! You've been missed, and not just because people are anxious to see the new chapter of Elf Academy 2. :-)

Secondly, your muse seems to have it in for poor Alex! On top of everything else that has happened to him so far, he gets that horrible infection, and at a more severe level than most. The only consolation is that there's no way for Farrell to get to him between the blizzard, and Alex being isolated in the campus clinic. I suppose that I'm of a more than a bit vengeful mind, in that I wish that Farrell would catch the Norovirus, but with him isolated in his hotel room, I doubt that he'll be exposed. The cynical part of me wonders if Farrell might have had something to do with introducing the virus to the school. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

I'm still wondering why it is that Alex has been so concerned and worried about Derek's safety. Somehow, I don't think that the cause of that worry has disappeared. BTW, I loved Fiondil's description of Ercasse plying Derek with herbal tea and motherly love. :-) We all need that, even if it can't come directly from our mothers any more. (I don't think that I told you, but I keep superimposing your features on to the Maia Fiondil, despite your description of his fana having golden-red hair. *grin*)

Again, welcome back, dear friend!

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. Not only do you superimpose my features onto Fionwë but you keep giving the poor Maia my name. LOL! It is confusing when the names are very similar.

Anyway, this part of the story arc could be sybtitled "How many ways can we overwhelm Glorfindel?" and so this is just the start of it.

As for Derek and why Alex is so concerned for him, that will become clearer later on.

Thanks for leaving a comment and thanks for your prayers and good wishes. All are greatly appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/7/2012
Oh, yuck, not good! Poor Alex, that came on fast!

I said Mair were handy people to have around. I do like the way 'Finn' took care of Derek and get him to Edelholland, it sounds like he needs some mothering.

Oh, dear, poor Mr. Farrell, stuck in a motel room with no way to get out and no way to get in contact with anybody, couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Ilmare is having way to much fun, 'cute' is not the word I would have picked to describe trained operatives, snaeky, dangerous, devious yes, but not cute!

Now to hunker down and get through this mess with the least amount of disruption.

Yay! You're back!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. That's the thing with something like Norovirus, it just comes with no real warning. You're right that Ilmarë is having more fun than any Maiar should be allowed to have and 'cute', of course, is a relative term. *grin*

We'll see what else happens with the storm. It will eventually take its toll on everyone, including the Elves, and especially Glorfindel.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/7/2012
We've got our own storm of sorts right now. Thunderstorm variety.

I also have been visiting a certain small room in my house so I feel for Alex. :-)

I swear the virus has an evil origin.

All the chapters of this story have been great, but I'm getting more and more involved.

Thanks for sharing.

Author Reply: Hi Agape. All viruses have an evil orgin as far as I'm concerned, but this one isn't any more evil than others.

Glad you are getting more and more involved with the story. There's still plenty of story to tell with any number of surprises along the way.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it very much.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/7/2012
Oh, good, you're back! Now I'll probably find the inspiration to finish Fionwë's sad love story, too. Loved him as "Finn", BTW - that was very funny.

As Ilmarë is currently very present in "Elvenhome", I had double fun with imagining her as an apparition in the inuit shaman's dreams and keeping the poor agents from escaping. *g* I hope Farrell gets a brainstrom or something like that while snowed in. Frost bites would be nice, too. Big, painful ones that incapacitate him for a long time.

Ugh, but that flu epidemic is really ugly. I wonder why Alex was hit particularly hard. Somehow I can't shake off the suspicion that the virus had some help to get to Wiseman. If so, I hope the perpetrator gets a double dosis. *is feeling vengeful*

Anyway, it's good to have you and the story back, I hope you're getting better steadily.

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. Glad you liked Fionwë as "Finn" and also Ilmarë playing with the 'cute Mortals'. *grin* I'm getting better a little at a time, though I'm not yet up to writing. Just responding to reviews is tiring and I can only do a few at a time. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter of your story. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

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