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Eleventy-one Years: Too Short a Time   by Dreamflower 173 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2012
Well, the two of them are adults, are they not? They could bring Gar to Bag End with his parents' permission, I would think!

Author Reply: Exactly. In fact that's what Bungo was *going* to say before Belladonna got in a huff. I'm not sure she would have wanted to hear it yet, LOL! She was in no mood for logic.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/20/2012
I loved Bungo's opinions on the Tooks and Gandalf. He really is surrounded by very out-going, out-landish hobbits when he is in the Tookland, isn't he?

Author Reply: He is. All of them rather confound and confuse him, as he's not used to quite so much going on! He'll get used to them over the years; it's early days yet.

And Gerontius likes him. That's very important!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2012
I love the closing line of the first chapter. It's a very good start to Bilbo's life. Bungo is just lovely. I like his quiet ways and his calm manner. He is the perfect husband for a high-strung Took.

Author Reply: I thought a high-strung Took could use someone quiet and calm; while she keeps him on his toes and keeps him from getting stodgy! I think they are a perfect match!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/20/2012
I like people with nerve. : )

Author Reply: LOL! That's good! *grin*

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/18/2012
Dear Dreamflower,

Okay, first of all, little Bilbo is the most adorable Hobbit baby EVER! *grin*

Secondly, I am SO glad Isengar has returned, even if he did have to be punished for running away (and I am on Bungo's side, by the way, although I do think he should have pointed out that Isengar CAN visit, so long as someone else comes with him, unless I misread that!)

Thirdly, I am on Belladonna's side too, a bit (isn't that contradictory! Heh! But you make me feel empathy for ALL your hobbits, one way or another!) Being cooped up at home is never fun, and I feel for Isengar as she does! I wonder just where she's going with Bilbo - back to Great Smials to tell off the Thain? O.o I wouldn't be brave enough to, but then she is one of his "remarkable" daughters! :)

(By the way, this reminds me. Was Hildigard, who died young, a son or a daughter? I've seen Hildigard noted either way, and for some reason I feel it's a feminine name...she just wasn't counted by Gandalf because she didn't grow up...but I'm asking for your expert opinion. Also, in your 'verse, when was she born and when did she die? Or he, of course, if Hildigard was a son.)


Author Reply: *grin* I'm glad you like baby Bilbo!

In real life history, Hildigard (or Hildegard) was a real name in the Middle-ages, and though it could be used for either a male or female, the most well-known person of that name was an Abbess named Hildegard of Bingen, and her writings and music are well-known. So there's where the idea that the Hildigard on the Took family tree might be female came from.

HOWEVER, my research into Hobbit Naming traditions indicate that "Hildigard" as a Took name seems to fit male naming traditions rather than female ones (Tooks tended towards jewel or flower names for their females, or oddly constructed names, such as those of Belladonna's younger sisters.) All the other "Hildi-"s in the Took Tree are male, and "-ard" is also used as a suffix on other male names like "Flambard" and "Adelard", so I assume Hildigard was a lad as well.

I have only a little bit of an idea of Hildigard's backstory so far, but I've always assumed he was *very* young when he died. Perhaps I will figure him out sooner or later.

Author Reply: Oh, I did do a little bit of Hildigard! In "A Mother's Work: Adamanta" she remembers him: he died of the spotted fever before he even became a faunt (so I'm guessing he was probably only about two at the time). I had completely forgotten about that.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/18/2012
I love that phrase "Tookish turmoil". How perfect.

What a wonderfully detailed family story you're weaving for us.

Author Reply: It sounded to me like the sort of thing snooty Aunt Pansy might say!

I am hoping that it will fill in a lot of details about Bilbo and his early life. And I confess, I am very fond of Bungo/Belladonna!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/14/2012
A very nice beginning!

And there is already something Tookish in the little lad ;-)

"You are wanted. It seems this little Baggins has suddenly decided to be impatient to enter the world."

Author Reply: Yes, he certainly displays some Tookishness there!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/13/2012
Ah, but welcome indeed, our dear Bilbo! At least she only went through that once that we know of.

Author Reply: Of course her MOTHER went through it 12 times!

And yes, Bilbo is welcomed into the world!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/13/2012
Oh, but I do wish you luck with this one, Dreamflower. Considering how many WIPs I've had potboiling on the back burner for so long....

Author Reply: LOL! I do need all the luck I can get! Thanks Larner!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/12/2012

I made sure to read both the Prologue and first chapter before reviewing them, as you know me - I don't *read* stories really, do I? I *devour* them and then get disappointed when there's no more. :P I really am a piece of work for you! *grin*

Anyway, speaking of a piece of work, this is one reason why I do not think I would do well at being pregnant - the fighting with my husband (whenever I acquire one, that is, don't have one of those yet either! *lol*) would be too difficult on me! As it seems to have been on poor Belladonna...and yet, "remarkable" as she is *grin* she seems to have pulled through admirably. Luckily Bilbo did too! And I'm hoping Bungo wasn't *too* upset by Belladonna's arguing! She couldn't help it, I'm sure!

Now, I wonder what the next chapter will be about...*ponders*

Eagerly anticipating more!


Author Reply: I am very glad and honored to have such a devoted reader as you, Kaylee!

Bungo actually understands that Belladonna doesn't mean what she says when she's in a temper, sometimes before she understands it herself.

If you know both my regular and AU universes very well, you might guess the next chapter...

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