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Warriors Proud  by Ellie 160 Review(s)
DJReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/6/2013
Fantastic story line!

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 2/6/2013
I see that their stay in Mandos hasn't killed of the time-traveling ellyn's sense of humour. Though even some of the Kings in Aman seem determined to cause Haldir embarrassment. I rather liked the hints of just how the Telerin ships were properly "blessed". And clearly a good attempt has been made to properly "bless" the palaces, too. :-D
It is logical that Námo would have kept Haldir and his friends in his halls until after Halm's Deep - ir would not have done to have him get reborn before he was actually "officially dead", and particularly before he was born born, after all. But once that had happened, I'm sure he booted them out rather quickly. (I don't know if your view of Námo is similar to Fiondil's but if it is, I'm sure the six of them gave the Vala and his Maiar a lot of grey hairs!)
Lovely to see all the meetings here, and Haldir got to tell his tale, though at this point the wives probably knew about where - and when - he had come from. I', sure they (the wives, that is) had a few words to say about their husbands' secretiveness, too!

Author Reply: The sense of humor did indeed survive intact. I do follow Fiondil's view on Namo and I'm sure that the six did indeed cause much mayhem and gray hairs in Mandos.

The blessing was a fun idea and, hey, why not? Olwe surprised me when he mentioned that they bless the palaces similarly. LOL!

I think the wives were unhappy with having to wait so long to learn the truth and I'm sure that Gilwen probably had a fish or two on hand with which to discipline Haldir *snicker*.

This story was fun to tell. Thank you for enjoying it as well. Thanks so very much for reading and reviewing!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 29 on 2/2/2013
Woa! I didn't see that coming. I was wondering how the whole time travel thing would play out with the elves being immortal. I came to the conclusion that Haldir and his friends had to die or meet themselves in a future time. But I didn't see it coming so soon. Taurion being Beleg is a great idea and the revelation was handled very well. I re-read the prologue and in light of the last chapter some phrases make more sense. Celeborn indeed knew more than anyone else.

Author Reply: The best solution I saw was for them to die and for Haldir to be rewarded with the knowledge that he had sired and trained Beleg. I had planned for Haldir being Beleg's father from the beginning, but getting to that revelation was the real trick! The Sindar were persnickety and difficult and Mablung kept acting up and Taurion had a bad attitude. No one was working together as they should have been!

Poor Celeborn in sending the warriors from Lorien did know all too well what was going to happen to them, but he had to make his past come to pass as well as their future...

Thanks so very much for reading and reviewing and for enjoying this tale! I think you'll like the epilogue - a there are a few loose ends to be tied up there.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/30/2013
Halfway through this chapter I figured Haldir would turn out to be Beleg.

But I wasn't at all expecting an ending so soon!

Author Reply: I had hoped that people would think that Haldir would turn out to be Beleg. But if you go back and read carefully the observations that Haldir makes about his son from say Chapter 15 or so on, then you will see some hints in those of what was to come concerning Beleg.

I know it ended unexpectedly, but I knew from the beginning when I started writing the story way back when what this end result would be and the great revelation about Beleg. I just couldn't have Haldir and those who knew the Noldor and knew Quenya interacting with Finrod and that crowd. I'm pleased that you didn't see either the ending or the revelation about Beleg coming. It was part of my evil plan. LOL!

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing. Be sure to stay tuned for the epilogue!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/30/2013
So Haldir's great hero and idol Beleg Cúthalion turned out to be ... his own son Taurion! And I am sure that he (Beleg/Taurion) was only doing his own poor best to live up to his own ada's shining example. Talk about the snake biting its own tail! :D
Well, Taurion won't be around after the War of Wrath to ensure that his family and those of his gwedyr go over the sea, but I'm sure that Celeborn will do it for him.

Author Reply: Haldir was very very surprised to say the least. No, Taurion won't be around, but you will find out in the epilogue how getting the family to Valinor was handled. I may even make you laugh with what goes on.

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/29/2013
Ah! Now I understand. Well done, Ellie!

Author Reply: Thank you! I feel sorry for Celeborn for what he knows and can't comment on.

Thanks for reading (or in this case rereading:-) ) and reviewing!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/29/2013
Thus begins the past that is now Haldir's future. How bizarre. How horrifying. but it seemed most odd to have Thranduil's name associated with this battle. *g*

I find it also difficult to realize that Gilwen has not a clue as to what the future holds. I know it's best that Haldir keep this knowledge from her, but it is disconcerting.

And now I have read to the end of this chapter and sit with tears in my eyes. Dearest Haldir and his brothers. I had not expected this. I don't know why, but I hadn't.

And for Taurion to be Beleg!!!! WOW... This was an excellent twist.

I loved every moment of this tale. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Author Reply: It is indeed a grand loop of events, isn't it? Thranduil seemed like a good enough messenger to me to send to Haldir to summon his warriors to the battle :-)

Haldir felt he had to keep Gilwen in the dark about certain things and his brothers were the same with their families as well.

I didn't want my readers to expect the ending to come in a battle like this. I intentionally built of the departure before it to seem like just another battle like so many others that had been and would be. I couldn't have them expecting to meet their own ends either. The whole thing with Taurion and Beleg I planned form the very beginning and I do hint at the characteristics of Beleg in descriptions of Taurion from Haldir's perspective - even in the meaning of his name and the ill fates of the sons of Lorien. If you skim back through starting about chapter 15 or so, you will find hints about him that will now make you go "Aha!"

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing! The epilogue is still to come and will tie up a few more loose ends.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/29/2013
Unfortunately, Haldir knows what becomes of his son as well. Lovely that he had the making of the Elf he honored the most! And he has indeed earned his rest.

Author Reply: Haldir does know what becomes of his son, but it is a destiny which will live on in song and legend. If his son has to meet such an end at least it is the end of a life worthy of elves recording it in song - which is about the highest praise an elf to give to another's accomplishments. I don't think that anything could have made Haldir more proud - even training all of those warriors who would pass on his knowledge for generations to come. Yes, he has earned his rest.

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing! Be sure to check out the epilogue when it is posted :-)

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 28 on 1/26/2013
It must have been a relief to Thingol that these two finally work together. I like it that Haldir finally finds some peace. I don't want to think about the implications of time travel to deeply when it involves immortal beings. Makes the mind boggle.

Author Reply: It had to have been difficult for Thingol to have two guys with lots of useful knowledge constantly at odds with each other. Haldir deserves the peace as well and the opportunity to find a new routine in this new land and settle in - again. Haldir and his buddies probably don't want to have to keep thinking about the intricacies of their time travel either, though they do keep stumbling into things they wish they hadn't. Poor guys!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 28 on 1/24/2013
At least there is peace now between the forest Elves and those born in Doriath. Love Melian's interference here--she is as wise as ever! Delightful that they are confused as to who is influencing whom! Heh!

Author Reply: Melian is very wise and is handling the whole situation very well having the guys from the future there in Doriath. The paradox of who is influencing whom is indeed a fun one for the elves to have to sort out or to simply give up on and try not to think about. LOL! They better behave themselves so they don't' end up in history and embarrass themselves.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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