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In the High King's Secret Service  by Fiondil 392 Review(s)
KevanaReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/2/2013
“Just one Vala, Ammë”

I'm really glad I was alone when I read this chapter because I laughed like a hyena at this point. And it just kept getting better from there! Alternate title: "Valandur Has A Really Good Day For Once"?

Val's speech went swimmingly it seems! With a rousing conclusion like that, I imagine it'll have people talking for a long while.

Findis! I think her escape was quite daring, even if it was one assisted by her "captor," haha. I can only imagine what she's been doing to make Aulë glad of getting her out of his hair for a bit.

Interesting author's note. I'm glad Alassiel and Ellie brought it up and discussed it because it's really helpful in framing the time period here. I totally think this is sending a message to Finwë about his behavior and beliefs as well. I don't know how high the ceilings are in his palace, but I suspect they could be 100 feet and he'd still knock his head on them when he finds out about this. And her brother's just going to fly straight through the roof and launch into orbit.

Do you like terrible puns? I like terrible puns. If Thranduil was riding a moose and fell off, would he be...unamoosed?

Thanks for a fantastic update. Loved this chapter in particular. Have a day free from rampaging moose and other angry ungulates!

Author Reply: Terrible puns? I didn't know there was any other kind. LOL! Loved this one though.

Glad you found this chapter so amusing, Kevana, and that could certainly have been the subtitle for this chapter. I had a blast having everyone make an appearance the way they did, especially Aulë.

When Alassiel rasied the question, Ellie and I discussed it and we felt that it would be a question that might be on other people's minds, so I decided to circumvent any objections by simply providing the note and the explanation. I think people tend to forget how very new all this is for both Elves and Valar and they are still feeling their way, making mistakes along the way, as can happen with any relationship that is forming. We'll learn of Finwë's reaction to the news in the next chapter.

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it. And, trust me, I'll keep my eye out for any ungulates, angry or otherwise. LOL!

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/2/2013
Wow. It has been so quiet and peaceful for several chapters, and now this. Poor Voronwë and Marilla, they must feel like the world has turned upside down. Valandur has had all this time to slowly adapt and cope with everything he has experienced, and this must be difficult to comprehend for them. To be honest, things happened so fast here that also I felt like everything changed faster than I could take it in. :p

I haven't read the "laws and customs", so please forgive me if this is a stupid question. Is the practice where parents arrange betrothals a royal custom, or a Noldorin one? I have always had the impression that the Elves knew when they had met their life partner, and that they stayed with each other forever. Finwë remarried, and Nerdanel left Fëanor, and all of those were Noldorin. Of course, the Silmarillion focuses so much on the Noldor that it could be coincidence.

I first thought the hooded figure was Olorin! This was full of surprises, and was it maybe meant to go this fast to make us feel some of the shock that the characters felt?

Author Reply: Hi Siiw. You're correct that I kept the pace fast so the reader would feel something of the shock that the characters felt with one thing or another. Arranged marriages are something that was common with royalty, though with Elves, I suspect that it would be more a suggestion than a regular practice since the two people would have to agree. That's why Olwë tells Finwë that he doubted either of his sons would be interested. Certainly such marriages would be considered for dynastic reasons. And you're right that the Silmarillion focuses exclusively on the Noldor so who can really say.

Anyway, it's a good question. Thanks for bringing it up and thanks for reviewing. It's very much appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/2/2013
I see that Val has been rather closemouthed about his recent adventures. I'm sure his family would have wanted him to tell them what he could without having two of the kings and the Valar prod him into it, but then, I guess that Val not telling tales is another good qualification for his new job as spymaster.

So now Findis and Val are betrothed, and that without Val having to exert himself at all, what with his beloved falling into his lap like an overripe fruit. I'm rather disappointed at you slighting this aspect of the story in this way, Fiondil, but then the relationship between Val and Findis has Romance cooties all over it, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Author Reply: Well, I didn't set out to write "Jane Eyre", Sunny, and if you were expecting a "Beren and Lúthien" type story, I'm afraid you're out of luck there too. For me, while the romance is certainly a big part of the story, I always saw this as a coming-of-age type story where we see just how Valandur meets and wins Findis' heart and becomes Ingwë's spymaster. Not every romance has to be of the Gothic variety or full of pitfalls and reversals and such. Sometimes, you get divine interference instead. *grin* Thanks for reviewing.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/2/2013
Fantastic chapter in all aspects: the ovation for Val's speech, the sudden appearance of royalty and a Vala, the lovely meeting between Val and Findis, and the Valar's resolution to the crisis. Val's family has to be emotionally overwhelmed. The royal appearances, the casual mention of a title for Val, the appearance and plans of the Valar and oh yes, a new daughter. I am pleased that Rumil attended as well. Hope the lunch was fun. Thank you for a tremendous chapter.

Author Reply: This was probably my favorite chapter to write with all the people showing up unexpectedly. I know people have been wondering about Findis and hoping to see her again, so this should satisfy them. I'm sure it took Val's family a while to process it all and I have no doubt his parents gave him a lecture about 'leaving out important information'. *grin* Thanks for reviewing, UTfrog. I very much appreciate it.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 42 on 12/2/2013
Hahaha, oh Valandur, I'd have loved him as a lecturer, he knows exactly how to grab your attention. Also ouch,that confrontation between sisters...still, it had to happen...

Author Reply: I would love to have had him as a lecturer as well, bookworm. He obviously knows how to keep your interest in the subject at hand. And yes, the confrontation between the sisters was painful but necessary. Perhaps now they might have a chance. Who can say? Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 42 on 11/30/2013
That will certainly wake up the snoozers! I know his family's so proud of him in this scene. I think this shows how not all people in positions of power among the guilds and educational institutions are closed-minded to change, which makes Lirilissë look all the more unreasonable. I hope Val turns out to be the first of many more junior presenters.

Ha, caught in the middle of a family catfight...well I suppose it's good Lirilissë happened to be visiting anyway, as it seemed to convince her sister to join in with the little minstrel endeavor.

I think all scholars could do with a bit of blue tourmaline!

Finally caught up, whoo! Today I have first one and then another of my favorite fan-drawn Hobbit comics. I particularly like the dwarf intervention.

Thank you as always for the wonderful updates!


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Yes, his family is very proud of him.

As for the sisters, well, we can see that Miri isn't above doing something she knows will annoy her sister even more, joining in on Val's little minstrel intelligence-gathering endeavor.

Love the Hobbit comics. Gandalf does seem to have a Dwarf problem, doesn't he? Must be because there's 13, always an unlucky number. LOL!

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 41 on 11/30/2013
It seems like this plan is going to have a wonderful impact on a lot of people's lives!

The little farming area is so quaint. I loved how you described it. And the hall is simply beautiful! It really reminded me of some of the plantation houses in Louisiana, with the oaks so big and close together they touch and make tunnels over the roads.

Lirimíriel seems entirely different from her sister. I can't help but see them as opposites in a way. It's almost as if Lirilissë had other plans before joining the guild – if she joined it only for Lirimiriel – and has been so angry and prideful because she felt hurt and refused to give up, even if it would mean having a chance of her own happiness beyond the power inherent with leading a guild. Meanwhile Lirimiriel cut her losses and started over and ended up content.

Or maybe I'm looking too deep. Anyway. *grin*

Can't wait to see what happens with the sisters! Great example of how even little family rows can throw a wrench in the workings of a country. Speaking of...Val had better watch out for that too-clever father of his!


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. I enjoyed imagining the farming area. I based the layout of the Southern Fiefdoms on the farming villages in the part of Germany where I lived for a time, but this farming area outside Vanyamar is mostly from my imagination. I sort of sketched it in "In Darkness Bound" but gave no real detail. The meeting hall is based on real-world structures as you will see from the link. They looked so elvish, I just had to include one in this story.

The sisters may be twins and identical twins, but that doesn't mean that they have the same psychological make-up. I think you may be on the right track about Lirilissë perhaps giving up her own dreams to follow her sister into the bards' guild and then finding herself succeeding where her sister didn't. Very complex, but then we're all like that, aren't we?

And I'm sure Val is stepping softly around his dad. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 42 on 11/29/2013
Well that got their attention, hope the rest of the speech goes as well.

Hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.


Author Reply: Oh we'll see what everyone's reaction to his speech is in the next chapter. My Thanksgiving was quite nice, thank you. Hope yours was as well. Thanks for reviewing. Hugs back.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 42 on 11/29/2013
Valandur's speech started strong,and I am sure he had a wild finish ;) I also think that is was about time the two sisters faced each other and learned to love again. Well, ok I know I am jumping to a conclusion, but well I hope it's there. Great job and hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Author Reply: Hi Laer. We'll see the end of the Valandur's speech and the reaction to it in the next chapter. As for the sisters, hopefully they'll come some kind of reconciliaiton. I think they still love each other but the one needs to accept the life choices of the other and not punish others for it. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and I did indeed have a very pleasant and relaxing Thanksgiving, just the way I like it. *grin* Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 42 on 11/29/2013
I suspect that the confrontation between the sisters is long overdue, and am glad that it happened in a place where the guild master sister could not abuse the teacher.

And I am certain that Valandur's speech went brilliantly!

Author Reply: Very long overdue, Larner, and Valandur's study was the best place for the meeting, since he was there to supervise it. At any rate, his speech couldn't have been anything but brilliant! LOL! Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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