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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 24 Review(s)
MikoNoNyteReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Okay, I'm not supposed to be reading this! I'm not! I am by-passing other things to read this (including Elf Academy 1) and I can't say why.

While reading this intriguing chapter I had a very interesting thought that sent me down oh so many familiar and unfamiliar paths.

You mention again the scents of the Maiar: usually floral and herbal.

I know you do your herbal research and as one who has followed that path for decades, even to aromatherapy and making my own perfumes, I had to stop THIS time and think about what you were NOT saying. And wonder if you HAD thought the same thought.

What do the Umaiar smell like?

I thought, given Western Culture, that most folks would think "dark, nasty, death, yadda yadda yadda" but no, not really. We are taught to think that in Western Culture, in Christian Culture. But if you are not immersed in that culture, in that way of thinking, other ideas come to fore. Like remembering that nothing evil need smell evil. Nothing that wants to entice or ensorcel need or even should "smell bad".

After all, The Dark wants to bring you over, to work for it, and no one is born evil, they must be convinced, corrupted, and unless you are insane to begin with, you are NOT following something that smells like death warmed over (unless you have been bewitched by sparkly vampyres and that's a whole 'nother problem! LOL )

So, Master Fiondil, is this something you considered in your writing of Maiar and Umaiar? And why I ask? Well, frankly, it's because there IS a War and the Maiar, and the Elves are not the only pieces on the board.

Yup: caught up in another masterpiece by you. *grins*

Author Reply: Hi MikoNoNyte. Tolkien clearly states that the Maiar in their natural forms exude floral scents, so this is not a trait that I've made up for my stories. I don't remember if he ever mentioned the Umaiar and what their scents would be like. I suspect, given his own cultural background, that he would say that their scents had been corrupted, but you are right that evil would not necessarily "smell bad". It is an interesting philosophical question but not one that I've had to deal with since the only time I've written about the Umaiar in any story has been in "Wars of the Valar" and since the vast majority of the time we see them in space where there is neither sound nor scent, we have no idea what they smell like.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. And now you can go back to Elf Academy 1. *grin*

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
So, that's what the Twins are up to: getting aquatinted with the LARP-scene. I can just see them feeling at home in that scene.
(I always could easily see them going to a LOTR fan convention (dressed up as themselves of course!), but since the books were never written in this universe, that's a scene we will never see.

The Twins remain warriors all the time, in Fairbanks even more. I can image Sarah feeling out of place with it, when they are discussing ways to get out of town even when just staying at an hotel. Let's hope they don't need that knowledge.
There ability to feel Maiar is interesting to say the least. It's nice we hear something a little bit more about the Maia side of the Twins, it's an often overlooked thing.

Oh, and this make a nice place to comment how I envy the Elves for knowing so many languages!

Now, Gwyn is the new interesting character of the day. And what's up with him? Young, looking no more than twenty, long fair hair, fair face...Either this guy actually is another Elf, or someone (something) doing it's very best to look like one!

And his reaction on seeing the Twins makes me think he knows who they are!

So, I actually did a little search on his name to see if that would make me any wiser and among other things, I found this:

"In Welsh mythology, it is the name of the ruler of the underworld (Annwn) where he escorted the souls of the dead."

If you didn't know it yet, I'm sure you'd find it amusing!

someone, about your Dol Guldur comment, it reminded me of something I spend some thoughts on a while ago: in FOTR, when the scouts return to Rivendell, it is said:
"'The sons of Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir, were the last to return; they had made a great journey, passing down the Silverlode into a strange country, but of their errand they would not speak to any save to Elrond.' "
Now when I read that again, last winter, I have this beautiful full-sized map of Middle-Earth hanging on my wall, and I made a check. Now down the Silverlode would have brought them to Lothlorien, but this would not be a strange country for the Twins, nor would this be the right time for them to pay their grandparents a merry visit. But on the other side of the Arduin, there's Dol Guldur...
So I'm having the idea they were send over there to check on things?
As for the Wizards, I always took it it did not take *that* long for Glorfindel to recognize Olórin.

Let me help cleaning the cliff-house up a bit, we've been for a while now and it looks like we'll be staying there for another while.

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. Yes, Sarah is feeling a bit out of her depth here. And I think most people do overlook the fact that the Twins (and therefore Elrond) have Maiarin blood in them and that has to have some effect.

And I am well aware of the origin of Gwyn's name, having studied Welsh mythology many, many years ago.

Your quote from FOTR is very interesting. I'd never bothered to actually look at the map and trace their route, but you're right, the only real destination from that direction would've been Dol Guldur and that makes perfect sense given their blood. They, more than even pure-blooded Elves, would be able to sense things on a spiritual level.

And in my universe, Glorfindel knows full well who Mithrandir really is even if he chooses not to tell anyone else.

Thanks for reviewing and giving us your thoughts. I very much appreciate it.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
I liked that part about Maiarin blood speaking to blood. After all, they're not that far removed from Queen Melian.

The last part actually gives me the shivers! I cant wait for Monday! Please let them be OK.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. You're right that they really are not that far removed from Melian so it makes sense that some aspect of being a Maia would be a part of their makeup.

Shivers, huh? Okay. Well, we'll see on Monday how things go. Thanks for leaving a review. It's much appreciated.

DirewolfyReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Re-enactment! I was sort of expecting something like this, but not at this point of time. The whole buildup to this scene feels a bit uncanny, like something out of a horror story. Creepy Elladan didn't help.

Speaking of creepy, something's iffy about Gwen. I almost hope he's a mortal, because he has a potential to be an interesting character, but it seems unlikely. Whatever else he is, he must be an inspiring leader, to get people out there in the middle of the winter, in the dark no less.

Poor Sarah seems a bit clueless about how the wicked world wags. I suppose her parents have done their best to shelter her, because somehow she's even more innocent than the Valinoran youngsters. Not telling her about the Maiar presence might have been a mistake, for she's (probably) in for a bit of shock.

I note that the thought of emailing the parents was promptly forgotten in favour of more kissing. *sigh* Lovebirds. Attention span of goldfish. :D

Looking forward to the next chapter!


Author Reply: Hi Dire. It is uncanny and that was the mood I was aiming for. As for Gwyn, we'll learn soon enough about him, and he is indeed an inspiring leader, as we will see.

Sarah is a bit sheltered and never having grown up in an elven culture, especially one that is predicated on having warriors on hand, she does not really understand where Dan and Roy are coming from, but she's learning.

Lovebirds. What would the world be like without them? *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Oh this took me back to my SCA days (Barony of Seleone, back when it was still in the Kingdom of Meridies, though it became part of Glenn Abhainn before I left).

Something's not kosher, not only with Elladan, but with the Marshall of that fighter practice; what he's allowing the twins to do is against the rules. No newb would be allowed to fight unarmored at any officially sanctioned practice, for one thing.

I do hope they don't hurt one another--that would be dreadful, not only for the one hurt, but for the one who inflicts it, unimaginable guilt!

However, I think it's cool they've fallen in with an SCA group. I've often thought they'd be logical recruits for Elf Academy.

(You clearly know your way around the SCA. Are you too a current or former member?)

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. I was in the SCA back in the 80s, though I left because of personal real-life reasons. In fact, I was a founding member of what is now the Barony of Delftwood, along with my cousins, who became the first baron and baroness. At the time we were still in the East Kingdom, but now Delftwood is in Aethelmearc. It was while doing research on the Barony of Winter's Gate and the SCA in Alaska that I remembered how much fun I'd had and ended up looking Delftwood up and have since rejoined, though I'm not as fully involved with the group as I was previously. Still, it's fun and I even got one of my coworkers interested so now there's someone at work with whom I can talk SCA. *grin*

Anyway, you're right that something's not kosher and even one of the characters says as much, but Gwyn is apparently a law unto himself and even the Marshall apparently is willing to be overruled by him and we will see why in the next chapter.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
How cool to be able to sense the Maiar but how Not cool be taken on a little ride by someone or something. The bofer fighting looks like fun and I bet the twins would have enjoyed it more in private. Then again, they were itching for a fight to cool them off and calm their nerves. Gwyn the captain was most accommodating and unexpectedly so. He does seem to know something. Next chapter is going to be very interesting indeed, I bet.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. The Twins were really in need of a good fight. I think if they had simply gone into a local bar they would've ended up trashing the place. This is much safer for everyone concerned. LOL! I hope everyone finds the next chapter and indeed the next several chapters interesting. We'll see. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. I appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Maybe it's just me, but I think when you hear a voice in your head asking if you'd like to see something interesting, the proper response is "Who wants to know?!" Guys, you're at war, watch out for that kind of thing! LOL, that was actually pretty nerve-wracking to read. It had to be a disturbing experience for the three of them, though I imagine the Maiar are having a ball with all of this. Apparently not all Maiar are as talented as subtle guidance as Olórin, but to be fair, they got the job done. *grin*

Elves. And. SCA. *cackles* Oh, I love it. SCA always seemed a little silly to me, but the good kind of silly and it must take a lot of time and effort. I bet it's terribly fun, too, and the names are wonderful. Winter's Gate sounds so dramatic. Leave it to you, Fiondil, to do that level of research as to find an actual SCA group in Fairbanks. Ha! And they certainly could help found an SCA in Wiseman, hmm. Or maybe Wiseman will start infiltrating SCA groups.

I wouldn't have thought there'd be a lot of those types of offerings in Alaska, but interestingly enough, I recently saw an infographic that declared Alaska one of the best Nerd Heaven states. Unfortunately I live in Nerd Hell. Just if anybody's interested.

Gwyn's got one heck of a strong personality. Iiiiiiiinteresting. I can only presume he and the others in the group have something to do with what the Alien Overlords have planned. Certainly they're going to realize the Twins aren't quite what they seem once they get to swinging. And of course they could have the most accurate SCA group ever if the Elves decide to give them some pointers. It's a win-win.

Dietrich, are you an Obi-Wan Kenobi fan by any chance? More civilized indeed!

Maybe the looks aren't just seeing twins, but seeing drop-dead gorgeous twins. Ah, to be surrounded by gorgeous Elves. I figure you have two options: be horribly self-conscious and miserable, or enjoy the view. *wicked smirk*

Well, war games of a different type are going on where I live (right next to a huge Army base). The Marines are in town for heavy artillery training. Ground-shaking, window-rattling thunder abounds day and night for the next two weeks. You can tell who's new in town based on who keeps jumping at the booms, LOL.

Thanks for a wonderful update, I'm so glad to finally find out what the trio have been up to, it's been driving me nuts. Can't wait to see the Twins' fight and what the students think of it. Have a great weekend and be well!


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Well, at least you're in good company in Nerd Hell, because I live there too. Although Ellie, who lives in Cary, says she has encountered far more nerds in Cary than anywhere else ever, so there may be exceptions to the rule. Still, perhaps we should all move to Fairbanks, Alaska and nerd out to our hearts' content. LOL!

The SCA may seem silly (even good silly) but the people who are in it do take it seriously, particularly the research into the medieval/renaissance culture. And it's a lot of fun as well. When I first conceived the possibility of the Elves discovering the SCA and recognizing it's potential in training people for the Dagor Dagorath, I naturally checked the SCA website to see if there was a group in existence in Fairbanks before I went and made one up. I was very happy to know that there was, though I made sure that the names of the characters that we meet here have no relation to actual people in the SCA, past or present.

As for Gwyn, we will certainly see what he's all about in the next chapter, which I hope will prove exciting for all.

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it. Hope you have a great weekend as well.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Interesting. Very interesting.

There are many ways to use this information about the twins' ability to "feel" Maiar. I wonder if any thought to send them near Dol Guldur to check Sauron's possible presence? And they must have realized at once what the wizards were in the third age. And they also travelled a lot around the Misty Mountains where a certain balrog lived...

Sarah is a bit like a fish out of water. She doesn't really understand what is going on and it must feel frustating.

I have at least two theories when it comes to Gwyn. Either he is a mortal that the Ainur feel would be useful and are using the twins to bring him and his group into the real war, or he is an elf (either native Middle-Earth elf or one straight out of Valinor). There's really no reason why the Valar wouldn't bring elves to other places than Wiseman. In case of some disaster, it is better not to have everyone in one place. My other theories include the enemy kidnapping the twins and Sarah and the students are not what they seem to be, but that is pretty unlikely.

I've also never heard of a hobby like that (fighting seriously with foam weapons). Sounds fun!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
Oh,Oh, cue Twilight Zone music!

Just who is Gwyn? This is starting to get weird.

Well we now know just where the Twins are and what they are up to, getting into trouble what else?

I think a good fight is just what Dan needs at the moment, an outlet for some of his anger and frustration, the Twins are very like Glorfindel in this.

Actually, fighting with an unfamiliar sword is good practice, I doubt if an enemy would wait while you found one to your liking, in the middle of a battle, if you lost or Eru forfend broke your own!

Nice and cool up here on the cliff, it is a little warm and windy at Casa 6336 at the at the moment.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Dada dada... LOL!

We'll find out who Gwyn is in the next chapter. And you're right, fighting with an unfamiliar sword would be good practice when you sudden lose your own.

And this is probably the best outlet for them right now, which is probably one of the reasons (though not the only one) for the Maiar to lead them to this group.

Anyway, we'll learn more about it on in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Hugs back.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/2/2014
So Elladan and Elrohir are able to detect their Maiarin kinfolk's presence? Interesting and probably useful.
I hope it will soothe the twins' nerves to pound on each other for a while. And the Mortals are surely going to find it an interesting spectacle - and they will surely find a queue of pupils stretching all the way to the South Pole!
Waiting eagerly for Monday and the next chapter!

*puts a new tablecloth on the table in the cliff house, and puts out platters of sandwiches, sliced veggies and sliced fruit, and starts heating the teapot and warming water for tea.*

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yeah, well it makes sense, given who they are. Glad you're looking forward to the next chapter. We'll find out more about this group and Gwyn. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

*And the table looks quite lovely.* ;)

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