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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 24 Review(s)
Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
Fiondil, my apologies for waiting so long to review. I look forward to my notifications that you have posted a new chapter. I really enjoyed this newest chapter. I look forward to see hoe the twins integrate with Fairbanks.

Author Reply: Hi Idril. Not a problem. I'm glad you are enjoying the story and looking forward to more. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

LegolinReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
“Holy lightsabers, Batman. It’s Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi.” LMAO! I would have laughed myself silly had I heard that in the presence of the Miar! I about died in my chair while reading it.

I really liked this chapter! It's great to see that there are yet more Elves in the world who are preparing for the end as well. Nate and his great ideas. I love how he appeared to them while at an event!

Go Serindë!! I shall be cheering her on! She's the first ellith fighter so far. Can't wait to see how that changes things back in Wiseman.


Author Reply: Hey Lin. I knew you'd get a kick out of this chapter and Nate is cool the way he does things. Not sure if Serindë will actually start learning sword and shield, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did just to keep up with hubby. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
So Gwyn is an Elf after all. So is Gareth. I have to so I noticed the later and had some thoughts about him, but there was too little given on him to note him down as an elf as well.

It looks like the fight has done the Twins some good!

Seriously, the Maiar Twins aren't that good at being subtle, now are they? And maybe should really try roadblocks next time.

“Uh, if you’re angels, where are your wings?” Ahh, love that comment.

“I’m driving this time, okay?” Because you can never be too sure with those Maiar around, right?

I was thinking earlier on how it would do Sarah some good not being the youngest anymore, and now some even younger elves show up, which is a good thing. But I think it would do everyone, even Gwyn and Gareth some good when Nimrodel and Amroth's babies are born, so they can be rightfully the youngest.

Seeing how long Gwyn and Gareth have been traveling westwards shows again just how long the Valar must have been planning everything concerning the Dagor Dagorath preparations in advance.

Tristan and Iseult. *snickers* Love their names.

Poor Gwyn and Gareth, a visit by Námo is worse enough already, but if you're even not used to it. No to mention most tales of Elven history might have changed and became less accurate over the years, like you already said in you reply, so I wonder what kind of an idea they had about Námo before he showed up.
And I have the idea there's a bit of a sibling rivalry going on between the brothers? Gareth seems to have a bit the idea everything is happening to his brother and not to him.

About the regular elves mentioned in the comments, I think it's neat we get to see some more of these, they must have made a good deal of the Elven population after all.

Kevana, you mentioned king Arthur, and I started re-reading Mists of Avalon some time ago, so my mindset is pretty arthurian atm and I wondered whether Gareth would have something to do with that last chapter. As for Merlin, I think Olórin would make a great choice. He already knows what it's like to be a wizard, right?

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. When Amroth and Nimrodel's babies are born, they'll all be happy not to be the youngest anymore.

And Gwyn and Gareth being brothers, there's bound to be some sibling rivalry between them. It's only natural, but I suspect that when push comes to shove they watch each other's back.

It only stands to reason that the vast majority of Elves would be regular folk so naturally we are likely to encounter them, and really, most of the Wiseman Elves are regular folk, not heroes or royalty or anything important and that's as it should be.

Obviously, the ap Hywel parents were into the whole Arthurian/Welsh mythology thing with the names they adopted or gave their sons, but I doubt they had anything to do with the real Arthur.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it very much.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
Oh, what a romp that was - a lovely way to start the week. :-) And more Elves - yippee! I'm hoping that when Glorfindel gets there, news of Valar appearances to other elves will help him feel that he's not quite so alone in this "prepare-for-Dagor-Dagorath" thing. Can't wait to see more of Gwyn and his family, and I just had to laugh at Serindë's delight at no longer being the youngest elf. There were so many good lines in this chapter; absolutely a delight to read!

I'd never hear of SCA before, but I had to look it up after reading this and found that there's quite an active group in my area. I might just have to check it out...

*Gives up trying to vacuum around piles of books, socks, teacups and Star Wars Monopoly pieces*

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. The SCA is worldwide so I would be more surprised if there wasn't a group near you than if there were. Check it out. It's loads of fun and you can participate as much or as little as you care to or are able.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter and we'll see more of Gwyn and Gareth and eventually their parents. Gwyn and Gareth, at least, will play pivotal roles in this story.

And hopefully Glorfindel will indeed feel less alone in the "prepare-for-Dagor-Dagorath" situation he finds himself in when he learns about Gwyn and Gareth.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
So, there are some far younger Elves around now! Excellent! And they recognize the names of Elrond and Glorfindel? Their parents, in spite of also being younger Elves, were obviously schooled well by their own parents!

I think that this group of fighters is getting excellent new members, of course.

Author Reply: Yes, they are way younger than Serindë. And we will see just how much of their own history they actually know or how accurate it is. And definitely Gwaith-en-Angbor has just gotten classier. *grin* Thanks for reviewing, Larner. I appreciate it.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
Holy Batman indeed! Loved the references to Star Wars and as someone else mentioned, Star Trek. And more elves, living openly in the mortal world. I had wondered in the reading the last chapter if they were. Now I am wondering where else Nate has found other elves and *commanded* them to start preparing for the Dagor Dagorath. The goth styled dude has to be aware of where every elf left in middle-earth resides so it stands to reason he is on a mission to make himself known to these elves.

Love Gwyn and Garath. It is going to be interesting when they meet Glorfindel and Finrod. I think Alex and Derrick would also be good members of the SCA there.

There is a lot of information to take in here. It will certainly make waiting until Friday a little easier.

Have a good week!

Author Reply: Hi rikki. The references were too good not to use. I imagine Námo is very aware where every Elf in Middle-earth is and is coordinating everything. He is, after all, a master strategist, or at least, he is in my universe (see "Wars of the Valar").

Glad you like Gwyn and Gareth. We'll be seeing more of them throughout the rest of this story, I promise. They are definitely not walk-ons. And you're right that Alex and Derek would fit right in with the SCA. We'll see how they react to the idea once they learn of it.

I'm sure lots of people will be re-reading this chapter over the week, because, as you say, there's a lot of historical information to take in. Have a good week as well and thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
They ARE Elves! Well-spotted, everyone who caught that. :)

I about died at the Batman and Star Wars reference. Yes, swords of light = lightsabers!! Ahaha, yesss. Gwyn, I like you, man. Keep it up. Apparently my Star Wars Fan Detecting Radar(tm) was one person off, it was him and not Dietrich (though maybe Dietrich too, LOL!) And, "Next Generation Elves"? Subtle Star Trek reference as well? Hearing the theme song in my head now. *grin* I love geeky Elves. I love them so very much. (Maybe I'm living in the wrong part of the state, Ellie, if there is a nerd diaspora living in the Triangle! I've been thinking about a move to

Suddenly this idea of Elves living in modern day just felt a lot more casual here, maybe it's because these guys and their parents aren't famous names like Glorfindel and Co. but just "regular" people who're really well integrated. Like, oh yeah, just people who happen to be Elves wandering around and hiding in plain sight. Gotta love it.

I keep wondering if it's ever going to come out that one of them was King Arthur and/or Merlin!

Wow, this chapter was amazing, we have action and Maiar and Star Wars jokes and new Elves and the Twins and Sarah finding a new purpose! And mentions of Mr. Death Himself as well, haha. Apparently he's been a busier beaver than the Wiseman folks suspect.

It is a great idea to have the Twins and Sarah in Fairbanks, for so many reasons. They get some breathing room, they branch out their operations a little, the other healers have to step up their games. But I can't help but wonder, then, why Glorfindel is so desperate to get to them, if they're meant to be there? I guess we will see!

Also - no, no I am pretty sure Vairë does not use a Singer sewing machine, though I am also sure she could whip up her hubby's outfits in far less time than the space of an afternoon. That was too funny!

Such wonderful plot developments all around. This is fabulous. It feels like things are starting to move fast now.

Thanks for the update, Fiondil, and May the Fourth be with you. *cough so what if it was yesterday cough*

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Geeky Elves! LOL! Wait until you meet their dad. Now he's geeky.

And you're right that neither Gwyn nor Gareth nor their parents are famous, but just "regular" Elves and let's face it: only a small percentage of Elves would be considered heroes. The vast majority would just be regular folk. Even the majority of the Wiseman Elves fit that category.

As for Glorfindel, he has no knowledge of what is happening and only knows that the Twins are running away. He's been there before and knows that when the Twins go off the radar it's not a good thing for anyone. He's going to be surprised, as they all will be, when he finally catches up with them.

Anyway, I'm glad you found this chapter so delightful. I certainly had fun writing it. Thanks for reviewing and May the Fourth be with you as well. LOL! And Happy Cinco de Mayo to boot.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
So much to love in this chapter!!

“Holy lightsabers, Batman. It’s Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi.” *cracks up again*

“Glory be, you’re an Elf, how did we miss that?” <3<3<3 More Elves! And the Twins didn't notice, but then I guess they were too wrapped up in the fight to pay much attention to anything.

“I’m driving this time, okay?” *giggles*

Da’s been seriously into physics and quantum mechanics ever since he met Max Planck and ol’ Albert. Gareth and I have no clue what he’s talking about half the time.”
"Da’s nutso,” Gareth said categorically. “You’d think he was a bloomin’ Noldo the way he goes on about things. No offense.” Oh, I SO hope that the parents will visit Wiseman as well! And I'm sure they have quite an interesting story of their own, or perhaps something for a Wiseman-related short story? Also, loved the "Next Generation Elves" concept.

Tee-hee, it seems that a certain Vala known for his Gothy style has been a very busy guy.

I'm SO looking forward to the fireworks when the Older Elves catch up with the Twins and Serindë - and Gwyn and Gareth get to meet Loren and Quinn!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yeah, those are all great lines and we will actually meet Gwyn and Gareth's parents much later in the story, I promise. There are a couple of fun chapters with them. And we'll see how much fireworks are in the air when the Older Elves finally catch up with everyone. Thanks for leaving a comment. I very much appreciate it.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
“Holy lightsabers, Batman. It’s Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi.” I don't think anyone has greeted Maiar like that before!

It is really interesting that even though the brothers are less than a thousand years old, they still have this almost regal feel and Gwyn acts like he is holding court. I wouldn't be surprised if they had been working in some government centuries ago. But at least these young elves know their history, if they recognized names like Glorfindel and Elrond.

Poor young elves, to meet Nate without warning. *grin* I guess he's someone you don't say no to, even when he tells you to dress up in medieval clothes and fight with a foam sword!

Author Reply: Hi someone. I just couldn't resist that line. I was laughing out loud even as I was writing it. *grin*

And Gwyn is an Elf and would automatically have regal feel about him. Also he's probably not as cool seeming as he appears and much of it is an act on his part. I think Elrohir realizes this and Gwyn realizes that he realizes it.

And no, Nate is not someone you say no to no matter what he tells you to do. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

DirewolfyReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/5/2014
Hey! *finishes sweeping dust off the cliff and opens the windows* I'm here early for once.

Ooer... it's probably a good thing that the twins were fighting each other not an unsuspecting mortal. But the twins peredhel finally meeting the twins maia was great.

Gwyn is an elf? And here I had him all pegged for a maia... His story is interesting though and the mention of Molly Malone sent me into the annual binge of the sixties music several weeks early. Usually it starts around the Midsummer...

“Likes to wear black, lots of it.” *snicker* I know I have mentioned it before, but I love your Namo.

So the twins are in SCA now? That's a lot of hats to wear, if they are continuing working in the hospital, as well as with the Elf Academy. Great for Serinde to find a purpose of her own; I got the impression she was feeling a bit insecure for being the only elf who had never known neither Valinor nor Middle-Earth.

Now the question is whether they get around to calling home before Glorfindel comes looking for them, breathing fire and painkillers?


Author Reply: Hi Dire. Well, the Twins aren't in the SCA yet, and they probably won't be too involved with it since they're going to be busy studying to be surgeons soon, but they'll help get the ball rolling.

Serindë knows Middle-earth, since she's lived there all her life. Probably what you mean is that she never knew the earlier ages when Elves still lived here and that is certainly true. Her only contact with the elven culture has been through her parents. In fact, she and the ap Hywel brothers are in the same boat in that respect.

As for whether they get around to calling home before Glorfinel catches up with them, that remains to be seen. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

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