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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 21 Review(s)
Lady EdlynReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
That was a great chapter, mellon nin! Super Hero Legolas to the rescue! I was visualizing everything as I read--the director part of me was mentally writing a screenplay complete with camera angles!

Your stories are so satisfying to read and are welcome break from my Federal Taxation textbook.



Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. Federal Taxation, ugh! I'm glad I was able to provide a welcome break from such heavy reading and I sort of wrote it as if I were filming it, so you aren't far off on that. Thanks for letting me know how much you enjoyed the chapter. I appreciate it very much.

TariReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
An elf in a suit is a sight I would love to see. Good for Legolas (my favorite elf).

Author Reply: Me, too, Tari. LOL!

EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
"Aw, Chief, can we keep him?"? That's funny.

Did the Valar set up the carjacking to show off Legolas' skills for the police?

Author Reply: Hi Eruherdiriel. Now, that's a very good question. I wouldn't put it past them, but then again, some humans are just plain stupid. Either way, Legolas did get to show Dave Michaelson what he could do so that's all that matters, right? Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

AngwenReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
Well, it's too bad they don't know anyone in Fairbanks that Liam could stay with while he works up to attending the Academy... someone who needs to learn more about being an Elf while Liam learns about being a Mortal...

Interested to see how he reacts to the firearm training, bulletproof vests, and how he might interact with police K9's - given the Elven rapport with animals. Does Wiseman have a mounted unit?

Looking forward to reading time during Friday's lunch break. '^_^'

Author Reply: Hi Angwen. That would be one viable solution, sending Legolas to Gwyn and Gareth. We'll see what Dave decides in the next chapter. I don't think the Wiseman police have a mounted unit. Given where they're located, I don't think it would be feasible as only one species of horse is capable of surviving above the Arctic Circle. Anyway, I'm glad you're looking forward to Friday. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
Laughing in delight. Great job!

And now I really want a cop show, with an elven prince trying to pass for mortal and resolving situations in his own unique way every week...

Author Reply: Now that would be a fun show to watch. LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, Lindelea. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
"Can we keep him?" Oh please say yes!! LOL! I know they have to go by the book or any work he does for them won't be legal, but they can't ignore what he just did. C'mon, guys. Maybe hire him as a special consultant? It works for Sherlock Holmes. If you can get so-called psychics on board at departments, maybe you can have an Elf consultant.

Although, he will probably need every minute of those six months to acclimate as much as possible. He's spent time among mortals, but pretending to be one? Now this is going to be good!

The Elves as a whole need a "Leadership Wiseman" program. Those are awesome for getting involved/introduced to a community.

Also - wow, stealing a car in front of a police station, that's a monumental show of stupidity. Zero sympathy for those guys, they darn well deserved getting served with a generous helping of Angry Elf.

This is some straight-up Mission Impossible/Die Hard pursuit, gotta love it.

Exciting stuff!


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. We'll find out next chapter if Dave decides to keep Legolas or not. And you're right that it's one thing being around mortals but pretending to be one is harder and 6 months really isn't all that long. And of course I modeled the pursuit on the orc-chase scene from the 2nd Hobbit movie. That's far and away my favorite scene and I just knew I wanted to incorporate it somehow into my story with Legolas.

Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
And no C.G.I. or Stunt Doubles either!

Way to go Liam!


p.s. Can I keep him too?

Author Reply: Yep. It was all done live and in person. LOL! If you can catch him, Lynda, you can surely keep him. Hugs back.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014

Legolas stopping a car-jacking right in front of the entire Wiseman police force! What a perfect ending to his job interview! Congratulations on writing a superb action-sequence, too. I could see each and every move without it slowing me down or having to go back and look at what happened before. That sort of thing is MUCH harder to write than it is to film.

I love the solution Dave came up with: with six months to learn about how the police function, and to practice "becoming Liam", I think his future success is likely. So long as he doesn't give his true nature away in Fairbanks, he's likely to ace the Academy.

And Elladan's help was also great--the Twins, I think, will be a great help to him in learning to integrate into mortal society.

I'm looking forward now to seeing the reactions of the various Valinoreans to his career choice.

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. I'm so glad that you were able to see each and every move. I could see it very clearly myself as I was writing it but I'm never sure if others can do the same as they read. We'll see if Dave sticks to his original plan for Legolas or modifies it now that he's seen the Elf in action, something that he's never really seen from any of the Elves before this. And we'll see how the other Elves react when they learn about all this in the next chapter as well. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
Wow! That sure was an exciting first day at work (of course, technically speaking he wasn't hired at that time...). Reminds me of his time with the oliphants in the movie.

I agree with Conrad and sure hope they will keep him. I suppose he does have a thing or two to learn from the police academy, but on the other hand, there are things he can do that no mortal can ever hope to copy. Legolas in the police force is going to make an interesting read.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Yes, very exciting. I suppose it could be considered a job interview test. LOL! While Legolas does need to learn about modern police procedures, as you point out, there are things he can do that no Mortal can hope to do so he would be a great asset to the force. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 81 on 10/6/2014
That scene was almost exhausting to read! I think my own heart started racing when Legolas went after that car. It seems that there are benefits in spending one's childhood (and most of life) racing in trees. Dave's no fool, he won't let Legolas go find some other job after that! I think police academy really is in his near future.

It was fun to see that chase after the awkward scene within the police station, with Legolas having no clue what to say.

I hope Elladan's nice suit didn't tear or get dirty.

Author Reply: Hi someone. It was fun to write, though. LOL! I'm sure Dave won't let Legolas go after this. We'll see what his solution is in the next chapter. The scene within the police station was awkward, as Legolas really has no clue how to conduct himself among Mortals, but he'll learn eventually. Thanks for the review. I appreciate it very much.

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